The reason why the wizards in Wengsha put so much effort into helping ordinary people eliminate the effects of radiation must have their own purposes.

You must know that there are a lot of ordinary people in Wengsha, and they can provide many wizard apprentices to various wizarding forces every year. After all, the ordinary people here are an important source for many forces to recruit wizard apprentices, and they naturally need to be protected.

In addition, the density of wizards in Wengsha is too high, and the number of wizard apprentices is extremely large. As wizards, it is naturally impossible for wizard apprentices to do small things such as planting. Such things still need to be left to ordinary people. That's why wizards protect ordinary people so much.

Victor continued: "By the way, I would like to remind the adults that Wengsha is no different from other places. No matter which city in Wengsha, private fights are not allowed. Violators will be severely punished!"

Victor's face became serious, it was obvious that he wasn't just talking casually.

Seaman nodded. Wengsha is located on the east side of the Wizarding Continent. It is considered the largest gathering place for wizards in the east of the Wizarding Continent. There are often many foreign wizards and apprentices who come to Wengsha for various reasons. The area around Wengsha... A large amount of resources are continuously transported to Wengsha, so it is not an exaggeration to say that Wengsha is the center of the eastern part of the Wizarding Continent.

Most of the wizards in Wengsha are white wizards, and only a few are black wizards. This is why the city of Wengsha prohibits private fights, just to maintain peace in the entire Wengsha.

The so-called white wizards refer to wizards who are good at conducting various studies and advocate peace. Such wizards are called white wizards. The dark wizard refers to a wizard who is good at fighting, ruthless, and likes to use robbing methods to seize resources.

In fact, not all white wizards are white wizards, and some of them also have the characteristics of black wizards. For example, He-Man or Qina, although they appear to be white wizards, they can also be classified as black wizards.

However, in Wengsha, there are only a small number of nominal black wizards. Compared to black wizards, it is easier for peace-loving white wizards to survive in Wengsha.

Three days later, Seaman and his party stopped in front of a huge city. Looking from a distance, the city in front of them seemed like a sleeping beast. Even if they were not close, they could feel it from its solid city walls that were hundreds of meters high. The sense of oppression that comes with arriving in this majestic city.

Even though Ximan and the others traveled for three days, they still looked clean and tidy.

As He-Man approached Edge City, the concentration of elemental particles around him began to increase, and faintly, the frequency of elemental particle flow gradually became faster.

At this time, Karen and Eve looked at Heman and Victor, smiled and said: "Now that we have arrived at Edge City, it is time for us to say goodbye. I wish you all the best!"

After saying that, without waiting for the two of them to reply, Seaman turned around and walked towards the city.

Seeing this, Heyman was relieved. In his opinion, Karen and Eve were not simple, and their departure made Heyman feel relieved, otherwise he would really worry that they would bring trouble to Heyman.

"In that case, let's say goodbye!" Seaman glanced at the disappearing figures of Karen and Eve and said to Victor.

Victor smiled lightly and said to Seaman: "Then... I wish you good luck!"

Now Heman has the memory of Carles and knows more about the Unsha area than Victor, so naturally he no longer needs Victor to lead the way.

At this time, there was already a dense queue in front of the city gate of Edge City. Many people were divided into different columns according to their status and entered through different gates.

Among them, one team had the smallest number of people, and almost no one passed through it. It was a passage specially reserved for official wizards, and it was considered a VIP passage.

Even in Wengsha, official wizards are out-and-out big shots and enjoy special rights. As for apprentices and ordinary people, they can only queue up in front of their respective passages.

Seaman walked directly towards the VIP passage belonging to the official wizard.

In front of the VIP passage, there were three guards standing. Their bodies exuded the mental power fluctuations of third-class wizard apprentices, and they also had the fluctuations of demonized items emitting from them.

As soon as they saw He-Man approaching, they immediately came up to him. When they felt the fluctuations of mental power belonging to a formal wizard emanating from He-Man, they immediately showed respectful expressions.

"My lord, are you a local wizard or a foreign wizard? Are you coming to Edge City to settle down or temporarily?" After seeing Seaman, one of the third-class wizard apprentices immediately bowed and asked.

Behind the speaking apprentice, an apprentice held a silver-white disk in his hand, and the disk was emitting a faint light. Looking at the runes on the surface of the disk, the disk should be a witch array that detects mana fluctuations. , to detect whether the passer is an official wizard.

"I'm a foreign wizard. It's my first time coming to Edge City. What should I do?" Heman asked the apprentice.

The apprentice said: "Sir, for wizards who come to Edge City for the first time, we have a simple procedure. You can pay three hundred magic stones to obtain the right to live in Edge City forever, or you can spend twelve Magic Stone, stay in Edge City for a month!”

"Then apply for a permanent residence permit for me!" Heman didn't need a few magic stones, so he might as well just apply for a permanent residence permit.

"Okay, please wait a moment!" The apprentice took the magic stone, tapped the number of magic stones, and after confirming that there was no problem, quickly took out a scroll made of the skin of a demonized creature, and wrote on it stand up.

While writing, the apprentice asked: "What is your name?"

"Heaman Noahs!" Heaman directly used his real name.

"Please input a ray of your magic power into the ring!" After the apprentice registered, he took out a silver-white ring and handed it to Seaman, indicating that he would put his hand in and input a ray of magic power.

Without hesitation, Seaman pointed the index finger of his left hand on the silver-white ring handed over by his apprentice.


A clear chime sounded, and Seaman saw the silver-white ring in front of him flicker for a moment, and then return to its original state, as if the abnormality just now was just an illusion.

"This is your token, please keep it!" The apprentice handed the ring to Seaman and said, "I wish you a happy life in Edge City!"

Seaman brought the ring to his left middle finger and said, "Thank you."

After saying that, he was ready to leave.

"Sir, private fights are strictly prohibited in Edge City. Please do not take action in the city, otherwise, you will be arrested by the law enforcement team!" Knowing that Seaman was a foreign wizard, the apprentice specifically reminded him.

"Yeah, I got it! Thank you for the reminder!" Seaman paused.

"This is what I should do!" The apprentice smiled and waved his hand.

Seaman smiled, then turned and left.

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