Wizard Bloodline

Chapter 79 Activated Metal, Thirty Years of Dilemma

Since he couldn't choose a staff for the time being, he thought about buying a first-level magic tool for close combat - strong enough, sharp enough, and long sword-shaped.

The combination of [Unsullied Body] + [Power to Break the Law] + Master-level [Basic Swordsmanship] is now Ronan's biggest trump card.

And these three abilities all require a high-quality close combat weapon to be fully utilized.

Just like the previous battle with Laura, if Ronan had a handy close combat weapon at that time, it would have ended more easily.

"Melee weapons."

The middle-aged wizard shop owner's eyes flickered when he heard Ronan's request. After a little thought, he replied: "Are you going to go the metal melee wizard route? This school is not very popular, but it is not unsatisfactory.

Some time ago, our workshop just received a piece of chrome-Lu alloy. Although the performance of chrome-Lu alloy in energy conduction is not outstanding, its solid and sharp characteristics meet your requirements."

After listening to the introduction of the middle-aged wizard shop owner, Ronan was immediately moved and said: "Take it out and have a look."


The middle-aged wizard shop owner nodded with a smile and turned to leave.

Half an hour later, Ronan walked out of the magic tool shop with a calm face.

"The [Activate Metal] in the first-level metal spell can make hard metal 'activate'. When used as a defense, it can be absorbed or attached to the surface of the body, and can resist most physical attacks and a few spell attacks.

When attacking, it can make the metal condense into any form according to one's own will, and cooperate with other metal spells to produce a large-scale explosion and killing through the principle of violent collision between metal and energy particles!"

".. Adsorbing metal and freely changing the metal form, these two characteristics are simply a natural match with my melee ability, and the key is that the power of other attack spells is not weak."

"From this point of view, so far, the metal spells of the Silver Ring are the most suitable for my first-level spell inheritance."

Ronan exhaled, and suddenly had a goal in his mind.

The reason why the Silver Ring is called the Silver Ring is mainly because it contains a complete set of core inheritances that match their unique soul seals - [Silverization]

The effect of [Silverization] is to temporarily strengthen the real metal into an energy metal material they call "Rune Mithril". The power of metal spells cast through this material will be greatly enhanced, and the metal spells that were not outstanding originally will be brought to the level of the best in the same level.

These are what the middle-aged wizard owner of the magic tool shop told Ronan.

The reason why the introduction is so detailed is not because the other party thinks Ronan is good-looking, but because of the robe Ronan is wearing now.

A brand new first-level robe with beautiful patterns and exquisite silver edges.

It is made of the belly skin of the first-level monster, with a high-end and beautiful style, and has more than ten functions including wear resistance, self-cleaning, constant temperature air suction, lighting effect, shield activation, etc.

The robe was bought in their store, and the price was fifteen high-level magic stones, which was reduced to twelve by Ronan, and it came with a bunch of information about the inheritance of metal spells of the silver magic ring.

As for the chrome alloy that the middle-aged wizard shop owner introduced at the beginning, the price of that thing was so outrageous that Ronan didn't want to mention it. Anyway, he couldn't buy a few grams even if he emptied his family's savings. This robe was already the cheapest and most practical thing in the store.

"These twelve high-level magic stones are not for robes, but for knowledge."

Ronan touched the smooth and delicate hem of the silver-gray robe, and couldn't help sighing in his heart: "Sure enough, the most expensive thing in the wizard world is the inheritance of knowledge."

A robe is only worthy of letting Ronan know the above. He wanted to know more, and the middle-aged wizard shop owner immediately shut up and smiled and said that he could continue to solve his doubts after he bought the next magic equipment.

"Magic Ring. Let's go directly to the Magic Ring."

Ronan thought, and took out the map given by Alida.

Finding the real entrance to the Silver Magic Ring in the Silver Magic Ring sounds like a very awkward thing, but it is indeed the case.

Just like Hoddam, a powerful force like the Silver Circle naturally has many people who are not members of the Circle but are dependent on it.

Ronan is now in the outer area of ​​the Circle. The real Silver Circle is the seven silver-white towers he can see when he looks up, as well as a small area around the towers.

Ronan followed the instructions of the map and kept approaching the seventh ring tower in the center.

When the silver-white tower completely covered the outline of the sun in the sky, the second rune array appeared in front of him.

This rune array is obviously much more advanced than the one he saw when he first came in. The dense stream of light weaves into the shape of a water curtain, covering everything, and it is completely impossible to see any scene in the array.

There is only a metal building standing outside the light curtain, with a huge silver ring logo outside the building.

Ronan walked in, stated his purpose, and soon someone received him.


"Ronan Damien."



When Ronan reported his age, the green-eyed middle-aged man who was in charge of registering him looked up at him.

Then the other party asked about his current address and asked him to show his proof of residence. Finally.

"Who is the guarantor? Didn't he come with you?

A letter of recommendation will also do."

The green-eyed man looked at Ronan and asked, and Ronan was stunned.

"Guarantor? Letter of recommendation?!"

"You don't even know this, and you're applying to join the Circle of Law?"

The green-eyed man couldn't help but laugh, and tapped the quill on the table gently, "If you want to apply to join the Magic Circle, you must first have the strength of a first-level wizard, and secondly, you must have lived in any Magic Circle city for at least thirty years. ..Of course, this can be waived if there is an official member of the Circle willing to vouch for you.

If so, please inform him to come over now, I can wait."

Ronan didn't speak, he just stood there with his eyes flashing.

Seemingly sensing his embarrassment, the green-eyed man said nothing more, but simply raised his hand to invite him out.

“Residence for thirty years cumulatively or sponsored by a formal member of the legal circle”

In the room, Ronan sat on the sofa, thinking quietly alone.

He can understand why the Silver Law Ring established this regulation. The purpose should be to prevent the infiltration of other forces.

It may not be completely effective, but it can at least isolate a large part of it, or make it less easy for hostile forces to infiltrate.

But such a small decision made by the top management of the Law Circle, but falling on a low-level person like Ronan, seemed heavier than a mountain.

It directly disrupted all his previous plans.

"Am I going to survive thirty years with an empty soul and not condense the talisman?"

"Or should I condense the [Bloodthirsty] talisman, temporarily switch to the plant system, wait thirty years later to join the magic circle, and obtain the metal magic spell inheritance of the magic circle, and then switch back?"

Ronan couldn't help but shake his head, "In thirty years, I'm afraid the spell system and fighting style have been finalized, and such a huge span of changes is no less than starting from scratch, which is equivalent to wasting thirty years, and I The soul qualifications are not good in the first place. If you lose thirty years, it will be more difficult to be promoted in the future."

Ronan sighed softly, stood up from the sofa, and strolled to the window.

Looking at the mysterious and majestic seventh ring tower in the distance, his eyes gradually became far-reaching.

"Then we can only find someone to guarantee it."

"The question is, where can I find such a formal member of the Circle who is willing to vouch for me?"

In the days that followed, Ronan changed from his previous habit of living in seclusion. He would go out every free time and wander around aimlessly.

Maybe he was also longing for an "adventure" in his heart.

Just like the Sean who worked in a pharmacy and was spotted by the official wizard-level pharmacy master.

It’s like Alida who fantasizes every day about a powerful wizard who takes a fancy to Jacob’s talent, helps Jacob become a first-level wizard, and then marries her as soon as possible.

Ronan sometimes thought that when he was wandering around the outer city of the Ring of Law, he turned a certain street corner and suddenly got the favor of the goddess of fate, which would turn the huge problem before him into a turn.

Unfortunately, in this world, luck often only comes to a very small number of people. Ronan, like most people, only gets the sourness and envy when he occasionally sees "luck".

"It's only increased by this little?!"

In the small training room, exquisite potion bottles were scattered all over the floor, and they were all empty.

Ronan's face looked a little ugly, and he stared at his character panel——

[Strength: Level 1 official wizard (5%)]

A few days ago, he tried to take the same path he had taken during his apprenticeship, taking drugs to level up.

You can buy a potion in the best pharmacy in the Seven Rings City that is said to be the most suitable for first-level wizards to take and the most effective spiritual power-increasing potion.

Five bottles.

After drinking it all, the drug resistance is full.

The feedback I got was only an increase of less than 30% in mental strength, and the strength progress on the panel only climbed forward by 3%!

"Five high-grade magic stones in one bottle, a total of twenty-five high-grade magic stones, in exchange for such a mere 3%?"

The corners of Ronan's mouth twitched slightly, and his heart was trembling with pain.

Most of his wealth comes from Laura's storage pocket, from which he got a total of fifty-two high-level magic stones, two and fifty-four yuan for cleaning up useless equipment, and spent twelve yuan to buy a first-level robe. , with only forty-two high-level magic stones left on his body.

Now he has gone to more than half of it, and the improvement he has received is minimal. How can Ronan not feel distressed.

When [The Realm of Empty Brightness] is turned on, blue appears in the eyes, and a bit of white light in the mind emits ripples like a small sun.

With each ripple spread, Ronan seemed to be able to hear the sound of running water washing away the gravel-like "sand" - that was the master-level basic meditation technique washing away the vast impurities in his mental power.

Even though Ronan is now more determined than before, he still feels depressed when he encounters one bad thing after another.

He had expected that the road to a first-level wizard would be particularly difficult, but he did not expect it to be so difficult. Even the road to leveling up by taking drugs was almost blocked.

"If you drink too much of one potion and you become resistant to it, then you can change to another one and continue drinking. I also started to learn potion knowledge by myself. Anyway, you don't have to worry about the impurities in your mental power. I don't believe that I can't fight against it."

Ronan took a deep breath and walked out of the training room, all the way out of the Blueberry Hotel and onto the street outside.

He still had no clue about finding someone to vouch for, and he might not be able to come up with a solution if he went out for a walk, but it would at least make him feel a little more relaxed and not so bad.

More than a month has passed since Ronan moved into the magic circle. Under the full rune magic circle, he could not feel the four seasons, and even the rising and setting of the sun were quite blurry.

During this time, Ronan had almost walked around the entire Seven Rings City. He knew all the shops and places, and no longer needed a guide to lead the way.

Walking along the cold and hard metal street, Ronan came to a hemispherical silver building before he knew it.

This strange building, which looked like an upside-down iron bowl, had wizards walking in and out from time to time.

Waves of obvious energy fluctuations continued to be heard from inside.

"Spell Training Room"

Ronan looked at it for a long time, and finally couldn't help but walk over.

After spending a mid-level magic stone, Ronan obtained the right to use a first-level spell training room for one hour.

In the empty room, apart from a small compartment for people's convenience, there was only a huge crystal plate completely embedded in the wall.

This was Ronan's first time to come to a proper spell training room. In the past, he would just find a deserted place in the wild and practice spells randomly.

Approaching the crystal wall at the other end of the room, Ronan looked carefully.

This is the spell test wall in the training room, which is composed of countless thumb-sized fine crystals.

Crystals are a special crystal produced by alchemy technology, with excellent energy absorption properties, which can temporarily absorb most of the energy particles contained in a spell.

The number of energy-absorbing crystals that are lit after the spell bombardment is used by the spellcasting wizard to judge the power and progress of the current spell being practiced.

Not every wizard has a character panel like Ronan, which can display the mastery of spells in a digital way. In fact, although Ronan can clearly see the progress of his proficiency in a certain skill, he still relies purely on experience to judge the power of the spell at this proficiency.

This kind of spell test wall is very intuitive, and there is a spell power comparison table on the wall next to it.

How many energy-absorbing crystals are lit up to reach the normal level of a wizard at the early stage of level one, how many are lit up to reach the normal level of a wizard at the middle stage of level one, and how many are lit up to reach the late stage of level one.

It is clear and clear at a glance.

To be honest, Ronan was also very curious about what level the cards in his hand could reach within the scope of a first-level wizard. This was very important and related to Ronan's decision-making in many things in the future.

"Let's start with the [Energy Missile-Particle Flood] test."

The usage time was only one hour, so Ronan did not delay and directly activated the [Empty and Clear Realm].

Under the azure blue, a steady stream of mental power continued to flow out of his mind.

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