Wizard Bloodline

Chapter 64: All for you, including death! (Thanks to the leader of Shanna Chenai)

After the man said these words to Reni, he threw him back to the ground.

Reni sat on the ground in a daze for a while. After a while, as if a force suddenly came from somewhere, he quickly got up from the ground, roared and waved the scimitar in his hand, and drove away those who gathered around him. Ghost Face Flower, and then desperately chased the figure in front.

The two of them ran out of the Ghost Face Flower Field and ran along the uncultivated mud. They crossed a high slope and suddenly saw a bright light before their eyes.

Under the clear blue sky, there is a green lawn, a lake in the lawn, a few poplar trees planted beside the lake, and a beautiful little white house.

With the beautiful and quiet scenery like an oil painting, Ronan felt as if he had finally escaped from a nightmare into reality.

The ubiquitous sense of crisis that lingered in my mind before quickly receded like the tide.

"Are you at the entrance to the Corpse Garden?"

Ronan's eyes flashed, he slowed down on the lawn, then took out a bottle of medicine from his storage bag, uncorked the bottle and drank it slowly.

After successive battles, although he never used the power of the law, his mental power was about to bottom out, so he took this opportunity to replenish it.

Now Ronan was more and more convinced of his previous guess that they were constantly walking out from the deepest part of the "Corpse Garden".

The small white house in front of you may be the residence of the garden owner or "gardener".

A group of them broke in, and even after making so much noise, no one in black robe came out to stop them. Either the owner of the corpse garden was not at home; or, as the wizard Fao said, the power on the surface They were all blocked by him.

Ronan personally prefers the former guess.

"Huchi - Huchi -"

Someone was catching up from behind, breathing heavily.

It's the young wizard Rennie.

Ronan's speed just now was not slow. It was a miracle that this guy could keep up despite being injured.

After catching up with Ronan, Reni stood there gasping for air. This high-intensity escape movement was indeed not easy for ordinary wizards.

Fortunately, this guy was strong and his potential was stimulated by Ronan's words.

Reni gasped for a long time and finally calmed down his breathing. The first thing he did after that was to walk up to Ronan with a sincere face and said: "Thank you."

Ronan waved his hand, indicating that it was nothing.

Reni's expression was very complicated. His eyes when looking at Ronan were full of closeness, gratitude and deep awe, and he felt like he truly regarded him as a partner.

"Can we meet formally? My name is."

Reni gathered up his courage and went on to talk to Ronan, but was interrupted by Ronan before he finished his sentence.

"Your name is Renee, I know."

Ronan put the empty potion bottle back into his waist bag and answered casually.

Reni was stunned for a moment, his face showed surprise and surprise for the first time, but it turned ugly the next second.

"You know me. So what I said about Iris before is also true?"


Ronan was silent, and after thinking about it, he briefly told Reni what he saw at the Drunken Deer Bar, adding a special word of comfort at the end.

"As your good friend, it is very reasonable to help you comfort your sad and frustrated girlfriend, right?

Don't take it seriously. "

"Matthew that bastard!"

Obviously, Ronan's comfort had no effect.

"When I go back, I swear I will break his hand!"

Reni's face turned red, he clenched his fists and said through gritted teeth.

Ronan patted him on the shoulder sympathetically and started walking toward the little white house below.

Reni, who had just learned the truth, started chattering in his ear.

"You don't know, I actually have very good qualifications. It's entirely because of him that I didn't join the academy."

"He is my best friend. We later met Iris together..."

"Am I joining this mission adventure just for myself?

I want to earn some resources for him and Iris!

I hope the three of us can be promoted to official wizards together."

"I treated him like this, and he actually did this kind of thing behind his back. This shameless bastard, he failed me!..."

"Oh, by the way, I don't know yet, what is your name?"

Ronan was speechless secretly, and was just about to say his name casually, when suddenly, several black shadows flashed across the sky.

A few crows suddenly appeared and landed on the tops of the poplar trees ahead, preening their feathers quietly.

Ronan paused, and the relief on his face gradually faded.

For some reason, seeing the appearance of these crows, an inexplicable uneasiness welled up in his heart.

"never mind."

Ronan stared at the small white house that was about to approach, his eyes flashing, and he suddenly made up his mind, "Don't get closer, let's go that way."

He originally wanted to go into the house to explore, but now he changed his mind and planned to go around the house and continue looking for an exit.

Reni naturally had no objection and kept nodding.

Just as the two of them were about to go around the lakeside hut to the front of the grassland, there was sudden movement from the white hut in front of them.


It was the sound of the door opening.


Ronan raised his staff and whispered to Reni that the mental power in his mind was ready to go into battle at any time.

Reni held the scimitar, a magic tool, with both hands tightly, as if facing a formidable enemy.

Finally, the door of the white cabin opened from the inside, and a figure strolled out.

"Lord Fafao!"

Reni's surprised voice completely broke the tense atmosphere on the court.

Ronan was also startled, and slowly lowered the staff in his hand.

Unexpectedly, the person walking out of the house turned out to be Faao, and Faiao obviously did not expect to see the two of them when he went out, with a look of surprise on his face.

"That's great, it's Master Faao!"

Reni couldn't suppress the surprise and relief in his voice. He put down his machete and ran towards Fao quickly.

Ronan also relaxed a little. Although he felt that there was something wrong with Fao and did not like or trust him, in this strange territory belonging to the Black Robe of the Forest of Deathrattles, he could see "one of his own", and He is also the most powerful "leader" on his side, which can still make people feel at ease.

Reni ran towards Faao as if he was lost and finally found the "organization".

Ronan followed Reni, looked up at the crow on the poplar tree, and found that the crow had stopped preening its feathers and turned to look coldly at everything below.

The uneasiness grew stronger.

Ronan frowned, considering whether to tell Fao about this feeling.

He subconsciously glanced at Fao, only to see that he was looking at them quietly with an inexplicable and strange smile, and his slightly pursed lips seemed to be moving slightly.

Rennie on the run.

Faao with a weird smile.

The two scenes kept switching between Ronan's eyes, and a strong sense of crisis grew like a vine from the bottom of his heart.

"Stop! Thunder."

Ronan could no longer hold back and shouted loudly to stop talking.

At the same time, a low spell syllable came out of Faao's mouth.


Like a bubble floating under the water suddenly bursting.

Along with this sound, there was a slight muffled sound.


Reni, who was running in front of Ronan, was hit by an inexplicable force, and his whole body exploded without warning.


Ronan froze in place while still shouting and shouting, his eyes wide open, a moist and sweet hot wind hit his face, and warm liquid slowly slid down his face.


Fao walked towards him step by step along the wooden steps in front of the small white house, smiling and elegant.

The shock and astonishment in Ronan's eyes faded away little by little, and he put his hands down, leaving only numbness and calmness on his face.


Ronan looked at Faao in front of him and gently wiped the blood on his face with the back of his hand.

"He probably didn't do anything wrong."

Ronan said softly, remembering that he hadn't had time to tell Renee his name yet.

How could this idiot, who was of average strength but still wanted to fight for a share of the Burning God Potion for his friend, die so easily?


Fao shook his head, "But it really surprises me that he is alive. It is obvious that the path I arranged for you is the most dangerous one.

Oh, in fact, the quota of burning potion that the academy can give to you wandering wizards in this mission is not very large. As the leader of this operation, I also have the responsibility to control the number of people who survive in the end.

Do you get me? "

Fao's eyes were full of false sincerity, and when it came out of his mouth, it seemed that it was a matter of course to kill Reni.

Ronan was silent.

After a few breaths, he spoke again: "Then why not me too?"

Faao suddenly laughed, and while laughing, he turned around and greeted in the direction behind him.

"Then there must be better and more exciting arrangements for you."

While talking, another person walked out of the beautiful little white house.

Wearing the academy's standard robe and looking cold, it was Linus.

Ronan understood in an instant.

"So, I'm still going to die, right?"

Ronan looked at Fao and asked seriously.

Fao smiled happily and said nothing. He just naturally put his arm around the shoulders of Linus who came to him.

Ronan lowered his head, as if thinking.

Fao looked at him with interest, as if expecting his next reaction.

A few seconds later, Ronan looked up again, this time looking at Linus.

"Linus, actually we don't have anything bad to do, right?"

Ronan's tone was sincere, "In total, I even saved you once."

Linus looked at Ronan expressionlessly, and when he heard the second half of his sentence, he sneered disdainfully.

Ronan didn't give up yet, and continued to say: "...We were partners before. If I have offended you unintentionally, I apologize.

I can also give up the reward for this mission.

I'll give you the Burning God Potion, Linus, you need it too, right?

As long as I can survive. Just let me survive."

Ronan's words were extremely sincere, almost pleading, as if he was asking for some kind of charity.

However, what he got in exchange was an increasingly amused smile on Fao's face, and an increasingly cold and contemptuous look from Linus.

Seeing that he was still unable to impress the two of them, Ronan, who was gradually showing anxiety and despair, seemed to have finally made up his mind.

Ronan gritted his teeth and gently peeled off the "coverup" on his body.


When the mental power fluctuations that only ninth-level apprentices can possess under the seventh-level apprentices came out, Faao couldn't help but let out a slight "Eh".

Linus also showed a bit of shock and emotion on his face.


Ronan took a deep breath and looked directly into Linus' eyes, "Don't you want to know why I was promoted to the ninth level apprentice so quickly?

Why can I instantly cast a spell as powerful as a zero-level advanced apprentice when I am an intermediate apprentice?

Don't you want to know? "

Ronan's voice rang out on the quiet grass. The smile on Fao's face gradually faded, and Linus's eyes also became visibly loose.


Ronan's eyes passed over the faces of the two of them one by one, he planted the staff on the ground with force, then raised his right hand under the robe, held a bone ring on the ring finger of his right hand with his left hand, and spoke word by word: "In exchange for my right to live."

Faced with the conditions proposed by Ronan, Linus took a deep look at Ronan and said nothing, but his lips were moving rapidly, as if he was talking quickly to Fao next to him.

There was no expression on Faao's face, but there was light flashing in his eyes.

After a moment, Faao said calmly: "What do you want to express? The weak ghost in the inferior magic ring in your hand made everything you are now?"

"Not an ordinary ghost."

Ronan shook his head, "It's the remnant soul of a dead wizard. He claimed that he was extremely powerful during his lifetime, possessing an incomparable wealth of knowledge and an unparalleled ancient inheritance.

I don't know if what he said is true, but some of the things he has taught me so far have really given me a lot of help. "

Fao narrowed his eyes, and his sharp gaze seemed to want to penetrate Ronan's heart through his eyes.

Ronan gritted his teeth and looked at him, with just the right amount of nervousness and concern in his eyes.

"Give me the ring."

Fa'ao said coldly and pointed in the direction, "Then you go."


Ronan shook his head, "I'm not worried. I have to wait until I leave here safely before I can hand over the things to you."

"Do you think you are qualified to bargain with me?"

Fao's tone turned cold.

Ronan seemed to be frightened by the sudden burst of power from Faao, and was speechless for a moment.

After thinking about it, he spoke again with a struggling expression: "

"Then you promise! You must let me get out alive and get the rewards as promised, otherwise I will destroy the ring now!

I think that even if an adult kills me as easily as squeezing an ant to death, it will still take time. "

Fa'ao looked at Ronan indifferently, with a cold glow in his eyes.

After a moment, his expression softened and he nodded: "Yes, I promise."

He stretched out his hand towards Ronan and said in a gentle tone:

"Now... you can always hand over your things."

Ronan hesitated for a few seconds, nodded, and started walking towards Faao step by step.

He did not take the staff stuck on the ground, but took off the ring. His expression was nervous and vigilant, but also a little cautious to please.

"I believe Lord Faao will keep his promise."


Faol smiled and nodded, while Linus beside him looked at Ronan with disdain and pity in his eyes, as if he was watching an ignorant and stupid prey actively walking into a death trap step by step.

"Give it to me, leave it to me... whatever you want, I promise to achieve it."

Fao kept talking, and in the process, Ronan's emotions seemed to be calmed down. The hand that had been holding the ring tightly gradually relaxed, and the expression on Fao's face became more gentle and friendly.

"Give it to me."

With Fao's last call, Ronan walked completely in front of him, completely let down his guard, and stretched out the hand holding the ring towards Fao.

However, just when the bone ring appeared completely and clearly in front of Faao's eyes, a blurry white shadow suddenly jumped out of the ring and went straight towards Faao's face.

"Valenzuna! You bitch!"

The woman's extremely sharp and harsh voice suddenly exploded, forming circles of sound ripples in the air that were visible to the naked eye.

The sudden change caught Faao, who was close at hand, off guard, and he staggered back two steps.

At the same time, the mental energy belonging to the ninth-level apprentice in Ronan's mind suddenly turned from calm to boiling, and then was drained away in an instant.

A total of thirty-one dark light spots that resembled ultra-miniature black holes quietly emerged, swallowing and distorting the light.

The hem of his robe was lifted up by the violent air current, and the long hair on the back of his head also broke free from the shackles of the silver rope.

Countless mysterious qi emerged, intertwined and flowed around his body, and finally turned into a majestic and terrifying force field as he pointed it out, like a mighty torrent of force fields that rumbled forward.

At this moment, Ronan's face didn't have any trace of the previous anxiety, humility, and restraint.


It is wanton and flamboyant ferocity, violence...and burning like a flame, unabashedly blazing murderous intention!


"All for you!"

"With death!"

Master level, [Energy Missile—Particle Torrent]!

Thank you to the leader of the good brothers of Instant Dust, thank you~~

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