The patient was very happy.

"Congratulations, the patient has a strong desire to survive, so the operation was very successful. He will be sent to the ICU for observation for two days."

"Thank you, doctor, thank you, doctor."

Uncle Jiang kept bowing to the doctor when he heard the doctor's words.

Aunt Jiang burst into tears when she heard the doctor say that the operation was very successful, venting the emotions that had been suppressed for the past two days.

Uncle Jiang couldn't hold it anymore, and tears flowed down.

Jiang Nanzhou originally planned to stay in the hospital for another night today, but the doctor said that only one family member could stay, and no more people were allowed to stay. In the end, only Uncle Jiang stayed in the hospital, and everyone else went back.

Jiang Nanzhou went home without eating and went straight back to his room to sleep peacefully. When he woke up, it was already past nine o'clock in the evening. Jiang Nanzhou got up and went to the bathroom. Jiang's mother and father were still asleep. Seeing that Jiang Nanzhou had woken up, Jiang's mother quickly heated up the food for Jiang Nanzhou.

Jiang's father didn't speak until Jiang Nanzhou finished his meal.

"Why didn't you discuss the purchase of the boat with your family? How much did it cost? Such a big boat must be very expensive. Where did you get so much money?"

Jiang Nanzhou smiled and said:

"I just want to give you a surprise."

Jiang's mother patted Jiang Nanzhou's arm.

"Don't be so frivolous. Tell me how much you spent in total."

"It's not much. A total of two million. I borrowed one million."

Jiang's father's blood pressure rose a little when he heard this.

"It's not much money yet? You just made some money, and it's not even warm yet, but you spent it and even paid off the loan. You are so bold."

Mother Jiang was also very stingy with money. In the countryside, families that could take out one million were considered wealthy, but her son spent it without saying a word.

"You too, your second uncle's boat only sold for more than 200,000 yuan, and you bought a second-hand one for two million yuan. You want to get rich overnight."

Jiang Nanzhou saw that his parents were a little anxious, and immediately comforted them: "My boat is twice as big as my second uncle's. It's normal to be more expensive. Besides, this boat can go fishing on the high seas. Just think about how much more money you can make when you go out to sea."

Mother Jiang had heard others chatting before, saying that fishing on the high seas can make more money, which is much better than here, but she was also worried.

"Look at you, you have never been to the high seas to fish, you have no experience at all, how can you be so brave, I heard that the high seas are very dangerous, there are pirates."

Jiang Nanzhou did not fail to consider the problem of his lack of experience, but such a large ship certainly can't go alone, he must recruit a few crew members, but as for pirates, anyway, he has never seen them, and he is not afraid.

"How can pirates be so easy to meet? They go to rob cargo ships and the like. Why do they rob me and fishing boats? They haven't eaten enough fish yet. If they want it, I will give it to them."

Jiang's father laughed out loud when he heard Jiang Nanzhou's words.

"That's right, I have lived for so many years, and I have never heard of pirates robbing fishing boats. They are on the sea all year round. I guess they will vomit after eating fish."

Jiang's mother rolled her eyes at Jiang's father. This heartless man, let her worry about the young ones, and the old ones don't let her worry about them either.

"Dad, Mom, don't worry. I originally planned to recruit crew members from other villages, but my second uncle sold his boat. It's just right for my second uncle to be the captain of my Bay. Brother Tianfu, Uncle Da Mao and Uncle Er Mao can also come together."

Mother Jiang was still a little worried.

"Then you go to each family tomorrow to see if they are willing to come. You have to hurry up. Normally, all the fishing boats will start working tomorrow."

"Mom, just put your heart at ease. When I was in the hospital today, I sent a WeChat message to Brother Tianfu and asked him to go over and ask for me. Uncle Da Mao and Uncle Er Mao both said that there was no problem, but it was not in time to start working tomorrow. Let's set the date to worship Mazu and start the boat on the eighth day of the first lunar month."

Mother Jiang was relieved when she heard her son's words. Looking at her son, she couldn't help but sigh that time passed so quickly. In a blink of an eye, Jiang Nanzhou has reached the age to start a family and career, and is no longer the naughty boy who will play tricks all day long.

Father Jiang took the initiative to take on the task of buying offerings.

"Then I'll go to town tomorrow to buy a pig's head and a roast chicken. Leave the offerings and the firecrackers for sailing to me. Although your father and I have a conflict with the sea, I'll make everything on the shore clear for you."

"Okay, that task is left to your father. I'll go to your boat tomorrow to clean it up for you and see if you need any daily necessities. I'll prepare them for you. I'm also going to visit the ginseng


This family meeting ended here.

Jiang Nanzhou may have slept too much when he came back today, and he couldn't fall asleep even if he lay down. He was watching Douyin and videos on his mobile phone. He saw that the comments section of the video he posted was full of people urging him to broadcast live. Jiang Nanzhou hadn't broadcast live since he went to receive the bonus. Jiang Nanzhou randomly found a person urging him to broadcast live in the comment section and replied, "Live broadcast on the eighth day of the first lunar month."

Just after replying to the netizens, Jiang Nanzhou suddenly remembered something.

That is, his boat didn't have fishing nets, shrimp cages, and crab cages, and he didn't even think about buying fishing nets!!!

Jiang Nanzhou silently checked his mobile phone The lock screen was charged. It seemed that he had to go to bed early today. There were many things to do tomorrow. He didn't know if he could buy a suitable trawl net in the town. If there was no trawl net in the town, he would have to go to the city.

How could he forget such a big thing?

Jiang Nanzhou also got up early the next morning. After eating, his father planned to drive the electric tricycle to the town.

Jiang Nanzhou saw his father holding the tricycle key and going out, so he immediately picked up the bowl and drank the remaining porridge in the bowl.

"Dad, wait for me, I'm going to the town too. I just remembered yesterday that I haven't bought the net yet."

"You kid, what's the difference between you and taking a shit without toilet paper, so careless, hurry up and get in the car. "

While scolding Jiang Nanzhou, Jiang's father took a small stool for him and put it in the truck bed.

When Jiang's father was about to drive out of the door, Jiang's mother called him to stop.

Jiang's mother came over and handed Jiang Nanzhou a bank card.

"There is still some money in this card. You have to spend a lot of money to buy a net. You can use this money."

Jiang Nanzhou did not take the card.

"Mom, I have enough money. I won't use your money for now. I will tell you when I need money."

Jiang's mother did not argue with her son and put the card directly into her pocket.

"Okay, tell me if you have no money."

The father and son went their separate ways when they arrived in the town.

Jiang Nanzhou went straight to the largest fishing tackle store in the town. As soon as he entered the fishing tackle store, the owner warmly welcomed him.

"Look around, young man. There are discounts on everything during the Chinese New Year. "

Jiang Nanzhou looked around the store and found that the goods were quite complete.

"Boss, do you have a trawl suitable for fishing boats over 40 meters long?"

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