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“Almost done! Shido, today must let you taste the dark cuisine of this Hurricane Demon King! Yamai

Yajuya shouted confidently, but did not realize that he had spoken the dark dish.

“Agree, today must be divided into winners and losers, and let Shido recognize Yuxin’s level of cooking.”

Hachi Mai Yajuya said indifferently, and while speaking, he poured a bunch of sauces, sweet sauce, sesame sauce, hot sauce, and seemed to have everything.

“That…” Gokawa

Shido still wanted to struggle, although he would not die, but it would still be uncomfortable, the dark hot pot last time could eat, that was luck, he didn’t think that this time there was such good luck.

But before he could say anything, the eight dance sisters shouted in unison:

“It’s done!”

The two sisters glanced at each other, sparked in the air, and then placed the finished product they had made in front of Gokawa Shido.

Gokawa Shido smiled bitterly, knowing that he couldn’t avoid it, and glanced at the two plates in front of him that seemed to be food, and he had to frown and ask curiously:

“What are you cooking?”

“Hmph! This is the pitch black red devil fruit hurricane dinosaur egg! Yamai

Yajuya smiled confidently and introduced his dishes in the way of middle two.

“Uh… That’s scrambled eggs with tomatoes, right? ”

Gokawa Shido helped translate, don’t ask how he understands, who doesn’t have the age of middle two?


Yamai Yajuya nodded.

“Mock, the scrambled eggs with tomatoes are actually black.”

Yawu Xixian said expressionlessly and commented.

“What’s the problem, the pitch-black red devil fruit hurricane dinosaur egg should be black!”

Hachi Mai Ye said firmly, and then did not pay attention to Hachi Yuxun, but looked at Wuhe Shidao expectantly.

Gokawa Shido showed a reluctant smile, he knew that if it was a man, he should not back down in this situation, this mouthful of tomato scrambled eggs, he must eat it!

So, what exactly did Yamai Yajuya add, and why is it black?!

Wuhe Shido slowly raised his hand, took the spoon, took a sip, hesitated for a while, and suddenly put it in his mouth, and the strange taste suddenly filled his mouth, sweet and sour, feeling…

Accidents are ok!

In addition to eating something that seemed to be flowers, it was still a food that could be eaten, and Gokawa Shido turned over, and those flowers seemed to be butterfly pea flowers.

The mystery is solved, the butterfly pea flower is dark blue, plus red tomatoes and yellow eggs, it turns black, so this thing is black.

Because the taste was okay, Gokawa Shido ate two more bites, nodded, and commented:

“Not bad!”


Hachimai Yajuya jumped up excitedly, and then looked at Hachimai Yuxin with a mocking face, which was appreciated by Gokawa Shido, and she felt that she had won.

Last time she came to this world to drink a cup of butterfly pea flower tea, she felt very delicious, so she asked Wuhe Shidao to buy some butterfly pea flower back, but she didn’t expect to use it so quickly, although it was not used to make tea.


Today, I also want Gokawa Shido to buy some dishes and come back, and next time I will make her dark dishes!

Yamai Yajuya thought with determination…

Sixty-seven, the couple’s package

eight dances Xixian was a little unconvinced, she looked at Wuhe Shidao a little angrily and said:

“Eccentric, how can such a black thing be delicious!”

Gokawa Shido smiled a little awkwardly, it was indeed not very delicious, but because the expectations were relatively low, he ate it with the idea that as long as he could not eat the dead, he could eat it, and found that he could still eat it, so he would give such an evaluation that it was not bad.

But he didn’t explain much, but ~ asked curiously:

“Xixian, you are … -.. again”

I saw that the eight dances made it out, vaguely saw that it was a fish, but I don’t know how long it was cooked, the whole fish was half rotten, and the top of the fish was a strangely colored liquid, which seemed to be the sauce-juice she just added….

“Secret, white fish soup!”

Hachi Dance Xixian smiled slightly, and then motioned for Wuhe Shido to taste it.


Gokawa Shido was taken aback, he hesitated, and instead of drinking the liquid that was said to be soup, he took a bite of fish….

“Curious, how does it taste?”

Yawu Yuxian asked softly.

“Generally, next time you cook, let me help too!”

Gokawa Shido did not answer positively, but this really can’t be considered food, but in order not to make the other party sad, he said it more tactfully, and by the way, he also prevented the other party from cooking alone again.

“So, this time the winner is that I won, right?”

Yamai looked at Gokawa Shido expectantly, the evaluation of the two was already obvious, but she still wanted to hear his answer.

Gokawa Shido nodded slightly, it was indeed the eight dances that Yajuya had won, barely able to eat and completely unable to eat, of course, the former was better.

“Win, hahaha!”

Hachimai Yajuya excitedly hugged Gokawa Shido, in this way, it was fifty-one wins, fifty losses, ninety-nine draws, and she was once again ahead of Hachimau Yuxin.

“Disappointment, Shido doesn’t know how to appreciate the cuisine of

Yuxin…” Hachimai

Yuxin seemed a little lost, but after looking at the cuisine that she didn’t dare to try, she was a little speechless.

Just said in her heart, if it is a game of Raiders Shido, she has reached the end by taking a big step ahead of the other party, so their total victory and defeat relationship should actually be a tie!

“Almost, get ready, let’s go out…” Gokawa

Shido changed the topic a little suddenly, not wanting to waste time on these dark dishes, or looking forward to today’s date at the game park.

Dating two girls once is not his first time, but the eyes of passers-by will always make him feel a little embarrassed, after all, he holds a beautiful girl in his left and right hands, and it is easy to see that it is a pair of sisters from his appearance, such a blessing, naturally envious of others.

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