With ten trillion disciples, my demon sect is invincible!

Chapter 4 The Demon Cult’s Chief Steward

Looking at the debris all over the ground and the increasingly quiet shouts of killing, Jing Kong felt as if he had died. He knew it was over. The Yulong Sword Sect was completely finished.

The demon ape in the sky stepped on Jing Kong again. Jing Kong was no longer able to resist, and even looking up seemed very difficult. Just when the demon ape's foot was half a meter away from Jing Kong's head, a flying sword larger than the demon ape appeared out of thin air and instantly slapped the demon ape away.

A straight figure appeared in the sky. He was handsome, with a pair of sword-like eyebrows, and the sword light kept flashing in his pupils. He was the younger brother of the master of the Wanjian Sect, Ximen Di.

Looking at the broken walls below, Ximen Di frowned tightly. He didn't expect things to develop so quickly. He rushed all the way but still arrived late.

The Demon Tiger King and the Demon Monkey King also gathered together, looking very solemn. Both of them knew each other. Ximen Di is very famous on the mainland. He practiced swordplay at the age of eight, reached the martial arts master level at the age of nine, the martial marquis level at the age of twelve, the martial king level at the age of eighteen, and the martial emperor level at the age of twenty-five. Now he has reached the peak of the martial emperor level and is known as one of the most likely candidates to become the martial emperor.

Unfortunately, he has a brother Ximen Tian who is a little more powerful than him. He is also at the martial emperor level at the age of twenty-five. When he was running for the head of the sect, he was defeated by Ximen Tian and did not become the head of the sect. However, in order to comfort his brother, Ximen Tian specially set up the position of deputy head in the sect and let Ximen Di take the position.

"We can only give it a try." The Demon Tiger King and the Demon Monkey King exchanged glances and attacked instantly.

"Demon Ape Hammers the Sky,"

"Tiger Sealing Heaven Claw"

Ximen Di looked at the two men, without drawing his sword, and gently waved the scabbard, and all the attacks in front of him disappeared without a trace. With another wave, the Demon Tiger King and the Demon Monkey King were immediately knocked away hundreds of meters, spitting blood.

"Two peak Martial Kings can actually unleash the attacks of Martial Emperors. The Demon Cult is getting more and more troublesome. It seems that we need to kill them."

"Monkey, it seems that we are in danger this time."

"What are you afraid of? If you die, you die. It's a pity that you didn't complete the task assigned by the leader."

Simon Di looked at the two people, "You two are members of the Demon Cult and have done many evil things. Today I will kill you two at Yulong Mountain. Do you have any last words?"

"Bah, no need to be serious. If you want to kill, then kill. Sooner or later, the leader will destroy your Wanjian Sect."

Simon Di looked at the two people coldly, "Sooner or later, I will meet your leader. Let's see how powerful he is." He picked up the scabbard and swung it at the two people.

At this moment, Ximen Di's eyes condensed, and he instantly retracted the scabbard, drew out the long sword and slashed backwards. An irresistible force came from the blade. Ximen Di retreated five steps in the air before he stood firm.

Looking at the thing that the sword just hit, it turned out to be a silver needle. Ximendi's eyes flashed with an incredible expression. A silver needle could force him back five meters, so this person must be extraordinary.

Ximendi suddenly broke out in a cold sweat. He suddenly found that a thin man in a red robe appeared ten meters to his left. His hands were as slender as a woman's, holding an embroidery needle in his hand.

He had been scanning the surroundings with his spiritual sense just now, but he didn't notice when the other party appeared next to him. Either the other party's cultivation was much stronger than his, or the other party's speed was very fast, so fast that he didn't react. No matter which one, it proved that the other party was a figure not inferior to him.

"I don't know who you are, why did you attack me,"

"I am the chief steward of the Demon Cult"

The Demon Tiger King and the Demon Monkey King suddenly became excited, and instantly arched their bodies to the red-robed man and shouted "Meet the chief steward."

Ximendi was startled, and he remembered a legend. It is said that Zhou Shentong, the last leader of the Demon Cult, picked up a child on a lotus while traveling around the world and named him Liansheng. Later, Liansheng grew up with Zhou Qiong, but there was no news about him. People always thought he was just Zhou Qiong's follower.

Until the past two years, the Demon Cult was in chaos, and Zhou Qiong turned the tide and became the leader. Liansheng was directly appointed as the chief steward of the Demon Cult. Although he had no real power, he had become a figure above ten thousand people in the Demon Cult.

"You are Liansheng," Ximendi looked at the red-robed man in surprise.

"I heard that you want to meet our leader, so I will give you this opportunity and let you go to the Demon Cult headquarters with me."

I saw Liansheng waved his hand, and countless silver needles shot towards Ximendi in an instant. There was a faint thread behind the silver needles. Ximendi drew his long sword and quickly cut off all the silver needles. The silver needles shot towards the surrounding peaks and stabbed in.

Liansheng gently pulled with his hand, and several peaks instantly rose from the ground and hit Ximendi.

"Sword cuts the world" Ximendi roared loudly, and a huge sword swept towards the surrounding mountains, and several mountains shattered. Ximendi was also shocked by the recoil and vomited blood. But he didn't care about healing and left the place just now in an instant.

The moment Ximendi left, several silver needles drilled out from the ground. Chasing Ximendi.

"How is it possible? Have you broken through to the Martial Emperor realm?" Ximendi said tremblingly.

Even the Demon Tiger King and the Demon Monkey King looked at the general manager in disbelief. They all knew something. They had always thought that the general manager was in the late stage of the Martial Emperor, at most the peak of the Martial Emperor. Seeing the general manager coming, they thought he would definitely be able to contain Ximendi, and the two of them could complete the leader's order.

But looking at the situation in front of him, Ximendi didn't even have the ability to resist in the hands of the general manager. This is probably really a breakthrough to the Martial Emperor realm.

"The dead don't need to know so much, you can go to the King of Hell to ask."

Countless silver needles pierced Ximen Di again, with even more amazing momentum. The silver needles filled the sky and field, leaving Ximen Di with no way to escape.

"Ah—Ten Thousand Swords Return to the Sect" Ximen Di shouted again, and the long sword in his hand turned into ten thousand long swords, forming a sword formation to surround Ximen Di. Resisting the sneak attack of the silver needles.

Ximen Di kept spitting blood in the sword formation, his eyes became fierce, and he quickly pressed several major acupoints around his body. His whole body began to bleed, and even his skin was bleeding. A burst of sword light wrapped Ximen Di and disappeared in the sky in an instant.

The Demon Tiger King and the Demon Monkey King immediately wanted to chase, but were stopped by the chief steward. "No need to chase him. You two should clean up the tail and then report back to the headquarters."


"Burning blood essence and escaping with sword light, the speed is amazing, but unfortunately the disadvantages are too great. It seems that I need to study the treasure book given by the leader carefully when I go back."

He was born a eunuch. No matter what secret book he practiced, he could not master it. But fortunately, he was gifted and always innovated, so he could practice to the late martial arts stage in his twenties.

The other day, the leader suddenly came to him and gave him a secret book of practice, the Sunflower Magic Book. This secret book opened a new door for him. It turned out that there was a secret book specially for eunuchs to practice. These days, he has been practicing every day. The more he practiced, the more he felt the power of the secret book.

Until the leader sent him to Yulong Mountain, he could also feel the trust of the leader in him. Such a precious thing would rather be destroyed than let others learn it. I can only sigh that the leader's mind is really broad.

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