With Love and Time

Chapter 545: There is no switch in their hearts

When Liang Zijin left the tiffany main store, she was just in time for Zhou Mengyi to come in with some of her friends, and they passed by. Liang Zijin reacted quickly. Wait until Zhou Mengyi recovers. She has been hiding across the street.

Can't avoid Zhou Mengyi's solemn expression, Liang Zijin received a call from Ji Guanxin on the way back. There is no Luo Xiangdong around this time. Liang Zijin can accept it openly.

she does not know. Ji Guanxin was on her way here at this time, so she was upset and teased. Tell Ji Guanxin that she will not come to see her in the future, and she won't know how she died when she is killed by Zhou Mengyi's hired killer.

Wait for her to hang up. When he was about to cross the intersection, Ji Guanxin sat in the car. I saw her at the end of the crowd at a glance. So he stepped on the accelerator. The front of the car stopped less than 20 centimeters from her leg, and Liang Zijin was so frightened that she stood still and did not dare to move.

Through the front window glass, Ji Guanxin saw Liang Zijin's face turned pale from shock. He couldn't tell from the bottom of his heart whether it was bad taste or faint distress. In short, he still looked like a fool. After getting out of the car, I asked her: "Miss. It's a red light, so you dare to run through? Are you afraid of being killed?

Liang Zijin was indeed in the last few seconds when the green light turned red. I plan to rush over. There are at least five cars side by side with Ji Guanxin, but none is as wicked as Ji Guanxin. Forcing her to the middle of the intersection, the fright is not enough, the key is embarrassment.

Following Ji Guanxin's provocation, more people all looked like Liang Zijin.

Liang Zijin's heart was angry and aggrieved, and tears burst out of his throat.

Not wanting to talk to Ji Guanxin, Liang Zijin intends to move forward. But Ji Guanxin would not give her a chance to leave. He said in a louder voice, "Hey, running a red light almost caused a traffic accident. I didn't even apologize, so I just left?"

He pulled her arm, Liang Zijin glared at him, but couldn't get it back.

Ji Guanxin was happy to see her wanting to get angry but resisting it, so he deliberately asked her for trouble in front of everyone, so that Liang Zijin could not come to the stage. He secretly said to her again: "If you ask me, I won't embarrass you."

Ji Guanxin just wanted to take a look at her submissive look, even if she listened to her soft words.

But he didn't understand Liang Zijin's character too much, he made her anxious when he forced her. She was so angry that she immediately shed tears. This time, Ji Guanxin was terrified. He didn't care about face, so he had to put down his body to coax her immediately, causing the traffic police to come and persuade her.

Ji Guanxin's acting skills are top-notch. He repeats the old tricks and tells the traffic police that Liang Zijin is his girlfriend. This play is just a play of his girlfriend who is not willing to go home.

Liang Zijin was lured into the car by Ji Guanxin's threats. He drove her away from the scene. He wanted to coax Liang Zijin and he would be better, but Liang Zijin calmly said to him, "Ji Guanxin, we won't meet again in the future. ."

He has always said this to other women. Is it time for another woman to order him?

Ji Guanxin immediately felt that he couldn't hold back his face, but he thought that he was wrong after all. It might be a big joke to make Liang Zijin make a fool of himself in the street.

So he patiently squeezed out a smile, pretending to be disapproving: "Are you serious or angry?"

Anyone familiar with Ji Guanxin knows that this is already his maximum tolerance for another person.

Liang Zijin was getting angry, she didn't even look at Ji Guanxin's forbearance, she just said to herself: "I didn't joke with you."

As soon as this sentence came out, Ji Guanxin felt that her face was cracked by her.

An evil spirit rushed directly from the bottom of my heart to the top of my head. Ji Guanxin almost subconsciously turned the steering wheel and braked to the side of the road.

Liang Zijin didn't expect it, because of inertia, his body rushed forward.

Ji Guanxin suppressed his temper and said in a deep voice: "I said Liang Zijin, you have nothing to do with it, can you not always talk about not seeing each other, I just won't let you see you?!"

In fact, Ji Guanxin felt that Liang Zijin had been avoiding him, treating him as a scourge, for fear of avoiding it.

Because of this, his heart became more and more imbalanced. Luckily he still thinks of her, but she always doesn't want to see him.

This is the first time Ji Guanxin has slapped Liang Zijing since the two have known each other for so long. He was obviously unhappy, just wanting Liang Zijin to coax him, he could even forgive her for her ‘nothing’, as long as she was willing to take back what she had just said, he was still willing to put down his face.

But what Ji Guanxin didn't expect was that he kept putting down again and again, and what he got was not Liang Zijin's soft words, but she couldn't wait to express her attitude.

She said: "Yes, I just don't want to see you, I don't want to meet you, all right?!"

Ji Guanxin looked sideways at Liang Zijin. At first it seemed unbelievable, but then what came up was monstrous anger.

She actually... don't want her face?


Thousands of words poured into his heart, Ji Guanxin couldn't tell whether the inexplicable restlessness in his heart was anger or distress.

When the words came to his lips, he only said one word: "Get out."

Just as Ji Guanxin didn't expect Liang Zijin's mouth to be so sullen, Liang Zijin didn't expect Ji Guanxin to tell her to go.

For a time, the two looked at each other, one cold and the other startled.

Liang Zijin is not the women around Ji Guanxin who are eager to flatter him, so her self-esteem does not allow her to subdue; and Liang Zijin doesn’t understand Ji Guanxin, not knowing his evil taste is just a manifestation of his wanting to get close to her, and his anger It was just because of the enthusiasm that she didn't get a corresponding response from her.

They are clearly in the same car, so close, but their hearts are not connected to each other, so they don't know what each other is thinking.

Seeing the unbearable surprise in Liang Zijin's eyes, Ji Guanxin also deliberately asked: "Aren't you waiting to see me? I let you go, why don't you go?"

He obviously wants her to stay, as long as she says a soft word, he will be able to take back the current cruel word immediately.

But Liang Zijin... he just failed to agree.

The brain is blank, Liang Zijin knows that she should not say anything, and just turn around and leave, but don't know why, before she left, she replied in anger, "I'm gone, I hope you don't come to me again."

It is said that women are natural to be ironic. Ji Guanxin prides himself on knowing women, but at this moment, looking at Liang Zijin without turning his head back, he did not know whether she was telling the truth or not, so he was so angry that he laughed at himself. Smile.

When did Ji Guanxin feel this kind of anger? Still like a woman.

Fortunately, he called Luo Xiangdong's other assistants in order to see her. Now, thinking about it, he was either so passionate about himself or acting too much, even he himself believed it.

Sitting alone in the car, there was a faint pain in his heart, Ji Guanxin thought, maybe it was a heart attack.

For a while after this, Ji Guanxin and Liang Zijin did not meet. Once Ji Guanxin suffocated his heart, he wanted to let Liang Zijin get colder. By the way, he asked himself to divert his eyes. He wanted to prove to himself that he was not interested in Liang Zijin, but that he put too much energy on her during this time and missed her. Has become a kind of inertia. As long as he doesn't see her for a while, he will soon forget her.

On the other hand, Liang Zijin would not take the initiative to contact Ji Guanxin. After all, she said if she didn't meet, and she couldn't find other reasons to take the initiative to find him.

Furthermore, Luo Xiangdongsheng was afraid that Liang Zijin would go to see Ji Guanxin behind her back, so he adopted the tactic of'man-to-man'. He looked at Liang Zijin at the company during the day. He took Liang Zijin wherever he went during lunch break and evening get off work. It is precisely because of this that Liang Zijin’s heart that tried to control not falling in love with him was still alive. Up.

She is a human being, not a machine. She can't put a switch on her heart. If you want to love, you will love, and if you don't want to love, you won't love.

And how can Luo Xiangdong turn a blind eye? He was just deceiving himself and others, under the guise of helping Kuang Yiyang supervise Liang Zijin, in fact, he was not at all selfish in his heart. After all, he still wants to spend more time with her.

If he didn’t treat her as his own, he would not bring her to his friends; if he didn’t have her in his heart, he wouldn’t have an upset look on his face when he heard her calling him'Dongge'. In fact, my heart is warm; if he didn't care about her, he would not rush over a piece of clothing and put it on because of a phone call from her late in the night, and ran over to look for her without even finishing her hair; if he didn't pet her, he Will not agree to her request and help Xu Lu be personal.

Before they knew it, they all lost their original heart. Once feelings need to be controlled by reason, it is actually too late.


Liang Zijin met Ji Guanxin again, not on other occasions, but at Ningshan Cemetery.

Ji Guanxin came to attend the funeral of a friend, and Liang Zijin came to attend the funeral of Gu Yansheng. When she got off Luo Xiangdong's car, Ji Guanxin was smoking a cigarette under an evergreen pine. He saw her at a glance when she was far away.

Thinking that she kept saying that she didn't want to see him again, but was following Luo Xiangdong every day, Ji Guanxin felt frustrated and couldn't help smoking a cigarette.

He kept staring at Liang Zijin's back, watching her walk up to a group of acquaintances, chatting with them. She was not stingy with that group of people, but to him...

"What are you looking at?"

Ji Guanxin could see Liang Zijin clearly, and he didn't even notice when Zhang Danqing walked to him.

Zhang Danqing raised his hand and snatched the cigarette between Ji Guanxin's fingers, threw it on the ground and stamped it out, then said, "Smoker less."

Ji Guanxin looked at Liang Zijin's direction and said, "You said if she knew I was dead, how would she react?"

"Huh?" Zhang Danqing frowned instinctively, and then looked in Ji Guanxin's direction. Seeing that it was Liang Zijin, he instantly understood most of it.

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