With Love and Time

Chapter 463: Jokes don’t necessarily make people laugh

On Friday afternoon, I led a group to shop in Yintai. While a group of foreign women were shopping in the store, I took a break and called Luo Xiangdong.

Luo Xiangdong quickly picked it up. I said, "Why?"

Luo Xiangdong said: "What about work. You are a bit noisy over there, where is it?"

I said: "I'm shopping."

Luo Xiangdong said: "Is there any good thing?"

I looked back and saw no one needed my help. Then he smiled and replied: "Go shopping with people. Why not buy it."

Luo Xiangdong also smiled. He said, "Buy. Buy whatever you like. My main card isn't with you."

I said, "Yes. You can buy your main card even in the mall, but I have to keep a low profile in front of tourists. I can't be too showy."

Luo Xiangdong smiled and said, "Otherwise, your tourists would think you came out for a private visit on a microservice."

I smiled and joked with him. Hearing someone in the store calling guide Liang, he hurriedly said to Luo Xiangdong: "You are busy with you, I withdraw."

"Go. Go home early in the evening."


hang up the phone. I stepped into the women's clothing store behind me. This time I brought a Japanese tour group. The Japanese pronunciation of English is really not flattering, even if the shopping guide in the mall speaks English. But the two sides still can't communicate normally, and the donkey's lips are always wrong.

I went to follow the translator. Going out with a bunch of women shopping.

This is their last day in the night city. When they leave the mall, a company bus will pick them up to the airport. I just take them out of the mall.

There are 20 or 30 people in our party, and we can’t take the elevator, we can only take the escalator. It was also a destined arrangement. When I took the escalator downstairs, I accidentally glanced at it and saw a familiar figure standing on the escalator on the right side.

Obviously, at a distance of no less than ten or twenty meters, my eyes were good, and I saw Luo Xiangdong at a glance. He was wearing a short **** coat, which I helped him get from the closet in the morning.

I was thinking of such a coincidence in my heart... But after another look, Luo Xiangdong spoke to the person on his left. Because he is tall, I haven't seen him at first, and there is a man standing on his left. From my perspective, I only see the corner of the red handbag, but not the face.

Is a woman.

This is my first reaction.

The escalator on my side goes down, and the escalator on his side goes up. Luo Xiangdong didn't look at my side at all, but I kept looking back and saw Luo Xiangdong standing side by side with a woman from the back. The woman is wearing a white windbreaker, with long curly hair hanging under the butterfly bone.

Seeing this scene, I didn't think that Luo Xiangdong was cheating, but was just surprised. It felt a bit strange, but that's what I thought.

The female tourist next to me spoke to me, forcing my attention back.

She said that I am fine, and next time I come to Night City, she will call me a tour guide. I naturally responded with a smile.

After sending a group of people out of the mall, there was a bus outside to pick them up. After saying goodbye to everyone, I turned back to the mall.

I took the escalator to the second floor. I don't know if Luo Xiangdong and the woman are on this floor. I just want to find them. But this search really asked me to find it.

In the jolee store, except for the clerk, only Luo Xiangdong and the woman in a white trench coat, so I saw it at a glance. They were standing in front of the main cabinet in the middle of the shop. The woman pointed her finger at the contents, and the clerk immediately took out a box of jewels wearing white gloves.

She turned to look at Luo Xiangdong, seeming to be asking about jewelry. I glanced intently, my eyes staring slightly. This face... why is it so familiar?

I stood not far away from the store, and I really thought for a while before I was suddenly shocked. It's Rongxin!

That's right, the woman next to Luo Xiangdong is Rong Xin.

Previously, Luo Xiangdong said that Rong Xin and his family had immigrated to Canada for many years and they were not in the country. Therefore, the matter between them was completely chaotic, and they could not get together.

I believe it.

Luo Xiangdong said that he was working. I naturally thought he was working in Luo's family, so I believed it.

The two of them appeared in the jewelry store, and I instinctively thought of the words marriage and fiancee. The bottom of my heart can’t be described with anger. It’s a sigh of relief. I seem to be back in my senior year. When I opened my house with a scholarship full of joy, I found that Chen Wenhang and Zhang Xinwei were involved.

I haven't felt this way for too long, so that I seem to have forgotten the pain after the scar is healed, and now when the wound is opened again, I know how painful the old wound recurred.

Confused, the first reaction is to be confused.

I could not hear what Rong Xin said to Luo Xiangdong. From my perspective, I could only see Luo Xiangdong's back and Rong Xin's small side face. She watched him smile, and said something while laughing.

With my violent temper, I immediately took two steps forward. I wanted to rush in and grab Luo Xiangdong by the collar, asking him where he worked and who did he work with?

But the sudden halt in the footsteps and the flash of thought in my mind made me stop this thought.

I prefer the temptation to ask knowingly rather than ‘catching the rape.’

I don't know what kind of perverted masochistic mood this is. Knowing the results I get is likely to make myself more sad, but I want to lie to myself and say that I played a good game of cat and mouse.


After stepping back a few steps, I was invisible from an invisible angle in the store. He took out his cell phone and made a call to Luo Xiangdong.

Luo Xiangdong picked it up soon, I thought he didn't shy away from Rongxin?

"Hello." Luo Xiangdong said.

"I'm finished, are you finished?"

"You finished work so soon?" He asked not to answer.

I took a sigh of relief in my heart, but I had to try to pretend to be okay, and replied aloud: "It's already over six o'clock, and I won't be paid for overtime." After finishing speaking, I did not wait for him to respond. Added a sentence: "When will you finish?"

Luo Xiangdong said: "Half an hour, where are you? Do I need to pick you up?"

I said: "Are you in the company? I happen to be near your company, I'll go find you."

Luo Xiangdong said: "I'm not in the company, I'm outside."

I asked: "What are you doing outside?"

Luo Xiangdong said: "I'm shopping with other women."

My heart felt sore, almost tears fell.

Luo Xiangdong, is this going to show off with me?

I pressed my lips tightly, my voice seemed to be pinched, and I couldn't make a sound.

A few seconds later, Luo Xiangdong asked tentatively: "What's the matter? I made a joke with you, and I was still angry?"

If he knew that I was only a few dozen steps away from him, he would not think this ‘joke’ was so funny.

Adjusting my breathing secretly, I replied: "Then you go shopping, I will hang up first."

"Hey..." Luo Xiangdong has something to say, I have hung up, and then walked to the other side in the opposite direction.

Luo Xiangdong called right away, but I didn't answer it when I saw it, letting him keep calling.

There were so many people in the mall. Although I was sad and wronged, I did not cry. Until I went home, opened the + door, and saw kingb and queenb coming forward, I choked out with a choked voice.

The home is full of Luo Xiangdong's breath, his dog, his clothes, his watch on the coffee table, and his toiletries in the bathroom.

Although he bought the house next door, he lives more on my side. He said he feels at home here.

I sat on the sofa from tears of sadness and grievance to calming down silently. During this time, the phone didn't ring because I turned it off.

After preparing dinner for kingb and queenb, I sat cross-legged on the sofa by myself. I'm not used to being too quiet at home, so I turned on the TV to create a lively atmosphere.

Less than forty minutes after I came back, I heard someone standing outside the door opening the door with the key. The door was locked by me, and Luo Xiangdong couldn't open it.

Kingb and queenb ran to the door to greet him. Not long after, Luo Xiangdong's voice came from outside. He said, "Zijin, open the door."

I sat motionless on the sofa, as if I hadn't heard.

Luo Xiangdong patted the door a few times and said loudly, "Isn't it just a joke, what happened to you today?"

Yes, it is not the first time that Luo Xiangdong made such a joke with me, but if I didn't see it with my own eyes, I would not laugh when I saw it.

Luo Xiangdong couldn't get in, and slapped the door in a hurry. Queenb couldn't help but yelled twice. It had a ‘behind the door’ atmosphere.

Luo Xiangdong said loudly: "If something is wrong, please tell me clearly. If it is so unclear, I don't know what I did wrong."

I responded to him in my heart, don't you know what you did wrong? Didn't it mean that Rong Xin was in Canada, how could she suddenly appear in Night City? How could you stand beside him? How can they go shopping in a jewelry store?

Could it be that you are about to get engaged and choose a wedding ring?

The more I think about it, the more I get angry, the more I think about it, the more I feel wronged. My feelings are already rooted in the grave, and Luo Xiangdong said from the outside: "You can't kill people, you have to let me die. Open the door quickly, or don't Said I called the unlocker here."

I stood up suddenly, stepped on my slippers and walked to the door.

Luo Xiangdong was still knocking on the door, and I suddenly opened the + door, he took a step back, and we looked at each other. Because there is anger in our eyes, we are more like two people facing each other.

Looking at each other for five seconds, it was Luo Xiangdong who softened first. He stretched his hand to open the door, looked at me and said, "What's the matter? What kind of temper?"

I clenched my fists, just to be able to speak a little better, so as not to tear down my eyes.

The nail stuck in my palm, and the pain made me awake. I glared at Luo Xiangdong and asked him, "Aren't you shopping with a woman? Why are you here?"

Luo Xiangdong frowned subconsciously and said, "Are you all right? I'm joking with you..."

Before he finished speaking, I really couldn't help but interrupted loudly, "Are you picking a wedding ring with your fiancee? Why don't you tell me in advance about such a big thing? I'm also ready to prepare a generous gift. , Outsiders in the province say that I have taken advantage of you for so long, and I don’t understand anything!"

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