Witcher starts with Get Inspiration Panel

Chapter 230 Poisonous Spring Surge

While Fana was still struggling to hold on within the range of the sonic attack, a man in black robes holding a giant bow appeared on the roof of the villa.

I saw her raising the huge bow in her hand and aiming the arrow at Fana.

"Charge a blow!"

A black light spot suddenly appeared at the top of her arrow, and quickly formed a small vortex, which began to continuously absorb the surrounding dark element energy particles, and rapidly expanded to the size of a human head at a speed visible to the naked eye.

If Richard were at the scene at this time, he would definitely find that this was the secret skill that had attacked him before.

Although Fana was disturbed by the sound waves and felt dizzy and nauseated at the moment, the surging dark elemental energy caused by another enemy's secret bow skill immediately attracted her attention.

Fana just glanced at it from the corner of her eye and secretly said, "Oops!"

The power of the opponent's attack was no less powerful than the defensive witchcraft she used with all her strength.

Moreover, what makes her even more desperate is that the other party's ability to seize the opportunity is too strong.

In other words, the other party cooperated too well.

Just when he was troubled by sonic attacks, he was completely unable to perform defensive witchcraft.

A faint smile suddenly appeared on the charming face of the black-robed archer under the hood, and the thumb holding the arrow suddenly loosened, as if he wanted to kill Fana directly when she was disturbed by the sonic attack and unable to effectively resist.


A sharp sound broke through the air!

With the help of arrows, the black energy ball was like a "comet", blasting towards the area where Fana and the guards were.

Just when Fana looked desperate, suddenly, a rusty iron chain wrapped around her petite waist.


A huge force came from the other end of the chain. Suddenly, the chain tightened tightly. The next second, Fana was pulled to the corridor.

As soon as Fana was pulled away by the iron chain, the black energy ball hit the spot where Fana was standing.


A violent explosion sounded!

The guards who were already in a state of ecstasy due to the sonic attack were completely destroyed by this blast, which was like a meteorite falling. They were immediately knocked to the ground by the shock wave.

Under the double superimposed attacks, only a few of Fana's carefully selected guards may not survive.

After Fana escaped from the sonic attack area, she realized that the person who saved her was a huge abomination.

Here, no one but Richard would think twice about such a summoned undead creature.

This immediately made Fana feel relieved!

With Richard and Stepina, who was newly promoted to an official wizard, the battle is still going on.


Fana glanced at Abomination suspiciously again.

This is not the first time Fana has seen Richard's hatred. She always feels that the current figure of hatred seems to be taller and stronger than before.

The size of Abomination seems to have grown at least twice. If it was originally a monkey, it is now a chimpanzee. There are even several more small hands growing on Abomination's back and shoulders, holding different weapons.

It is said to be a small hand because compared to the extremely thick main arm on Hatred's body, in fact, its small hands are about the same thickness as a normal human arm.

Fana shook her dizzy head and took another closer look. This time, she was basically sure it was correct.

Richard's abomination must have become stronger, because originally there was only one small hand holding the chain, but now there are three small hands holding the chain, and they are all waving chains with iron hooks.


The black-robed woman who had just been using sonic attacks on the garden lawn stopped using sonic attacks when she saw that her key prey, Fana, had been rescued by chains.

Obviously, a sonic attack with a huge fan-shaped attack range is extremely powerful and has a very wide range, but it consumes absolutely not a tiny bit of mental energy.

The woman in black robe quickly took out a glass bottle filled with blue liquid from her arms. With a "pop" sound, she pulled out the stopper, raised her neck, and started pouring it into her mouth.

The moment she raised her neck.


A transparent wave suddenly hit the black-robed woman.

Suddenly, she felt severe pain in her spirit, and her whole body froze in place, unable to move.

The timing of this sneak attack can be said to be superb.

It happened to be the moment when the black-robed woman's mental power was severely depleted and she planned to take a mental recovery potion.

This kind of moment is often when people feel a little relaxed.

Although this abnormal state of stiffness only lasted for less than a second on the black-robed woman, Richard gave a good explanation of what it means to seize the opportunity.

I saw the door of the room closest to the black-robed woman on the side of the corridor shattered!

While pieces of wood were flying all over the sky, a ferocious figure with bone spurs suddenly sprang out from the room, like a black lightning, quickly passing in front of the black-robed woman. It was Richard, the mimic that was originally located on his right wrist guard. The metal had already turned into half sharp and sharp hand and half sword.

A silver arc of light flashed past!

Suddenly, a stream of blood shot out from the white neck of the black-robed woman!

She kept her head raised to drink the medicine, her beautiful eyes widened, and her body stiffened and stood motionless for several seconds.

Finally, he collapsed to the ground with an expression of disbelief.

Until she fell to the ground, the cracks on both sides of the black-robed woman's mouth had no time to close, and her beautiful body still twitched a few times from time to time. After a while, she completely died and stopped moving.

"How is this possible?"

"It's not like I haven't fought against this young human necromancer before. The last time we fought, the opponent also used a transparent wave attack, but it only caused me dizziness for less than half a second."

"But this time, I was almost dizzy for two seconds! How is this possible!"

The woman in black robe didn't stop thinking about this issue until her consciousness dissipated, but she still didn't understand why this happened until her death.

Obviously, they were just a little bit close last time, and the three of them were able to successfully kill the human necromancer and complete the mission.

So, this time, they planned carefully and specially strengthened one person.

As a result, he was killed instantly.

So unwilling!

This sudden counterattack instantly caused a reversal of the fighting situation on the field.

"(Night Elf) Go to hell!!"

The tall man in black robes with two swords seemed to be unable to accept it for a moment when he saw his companion being suddenly killed. He lost control of his emotions and rushed toward Richard while yelling.

When the man in black robe with double swords cursed, the night elf language he blurted out suddenly revealed his origin.

This also allowed Richard to immediately confirm his guess. The opponent was definitely an assassin from the night elves.

The black-robed archer on the roof was currently being entangled by Stephana.

Stephana, who is in the shadow state for a while and returns to the real world for a while, can be said to be one of the best candidates to pester her opponent. She can make the opponent confused without any direct confrontation.

When Stephana is alone, she consumes much less mental energy when using shadow transformation.

For a time, the black-robed archers on the roof were interfered by Stephana and were unable to support their double-sword companions on the field.

The long sword in Richard's hand and the black-robed man's double swords clashed heavily.


The strength of the two was about the same. The man in black robe was hit by the shock force, but Richard used this force to spin his body. The long sword in his hand drew a semicircle and hit the man in black robe directly again.

The other party hurriedly parried!

Suddenly, a transparent ripple appeared on Richard's chest, and instantly struck the man in black robes with two swords.

It's Richard's innate witchcraft "spiritual shock"!

This blow was too fast!

In the astonished eyes of the man in black robe with double swords!

In an instant, the transparent ripples broke through the black defensive film on the man in black robes with double swords, and made the opponent sluggish for a while.

The next second, the mimic metal sword in Richard's hand suddenly split into three. The man in black robe with two swords only had time to parry two swords. The third sword flashed and disappeared between the eyebrows of the man in black robe.


The figure of the man in black robe suddenly stagnated!

I saw that Richard's long sword had easily pierced the forehead of the man in black robe at this moment, and the tip of the sword was still exposed from the back of the head.


Richard pulled out the long sword smoothly, and saw a stream of blood spurting out from the wound on the opponent's forehead, pouring on the ground, forming a small pool of blood.

The opponent didn't even have time to scream. He just widened his eyes and took two steps back. With an expression of disbelief on his face, he fell to the ground with "Bang!" and remained motionless.

Just when Richard was controlling the long sword in his hand to extend and lengthen, he was about to lift the hood of the man in black robe to see his true appearance.

Suddenly there was a sound of glass breaking.


Richard immediately turned around to check.

I saw a man in black robe whom I had never seen before standing not far behind. It was obvious that the glass bottle was thrown by the other party.

The glass bottle shattered instantly, and the light blue liquid contained in it splashed out instantly.

But the strange thing is that these light blue liquids began to slowly gather together as if they were conscious, and finally formed a light blue puddle of about two square meters.

The surface of the puddle is extremely smooth, like a mirror, reflecting the gray sky of the Underdark, as well as the surrounding flowers and green plants.

Suddenly, a large, light blue, wet hand stretched out from the mirror and grasped the ground at the edge of the puddle.

It feels as if the puddle is a passage to another world, and a monster is crawling out of it.


There was a loud sound of water, and two huge hands made of light blue water pushed hard, and a strange-looking creature squeezed out of the puddle.

Richard took a closer look.

This strange-looking creature was more than three meters tall, and its whole body was composed of light blue water that was constantly flowing. It is like a giant man, but it has no lower body. The lower body is cylindrical and filled with surging water.

The arms formed by the two streams of water are extremely thick, especially the forearms.

There are no facial features, and it can even be said that there is no head. It is just a ball of water protruding from the top of the body, which is supposed to be the head.

Judging from the opponent's aura, Richard knew that this weird elemental creature was probably extremely powerful and not at all inferior to a first-level high-level wizard.

"Poisonous Fountain Surger?"

Fana is currently helping Stephana to besiege the black-robed archer.

But she was always paying attention to the situation in the center of the garden. When she saw other creatures emerging, her expression immediately changed and she reminded Richard loudly:

"At this time, the top mutant of the first-level water element is between the first-level high-level or the first-level top wizard."

"Richard, you have to be careful of the opponent's poisonous spring attack!"

Richard nodded slightly, indicating that Fana had heard it, but his eyes were fixed on this strange man in black robes.

Mattia, the man in black robe, was also a little confused at this moment, as if there were ten thousand grass and mud horses running through his heart!

He is a foreign aid invited by the "Dark Bow Group".

According to what the Dark Bow team said before, they were just a hair away from killing the human necromancer in the last ambush on the street. Calling him here this time was just to make sure nothing went wrong.

According to what they said during the meeting at that time:

"Mattia, your main job is to hold the line. Generally speaking, our team can handle it by ourselves!"

"The opponent is just a new wizard who is in the early stages of the first level, so there is nothing to worry about!"

But now?

The words from the meeting were still in my ears, but it was obvious that it was not the other party that was about to be dealt with, but the Dark Bow team. Except for Claudia, nicknamed "Dark Bow", the other two team members were already lying dead.


The other party is some kind of new wizard who is in the early stages of the first level!

A first-level high-level wizard who is clearly pretending to be a pig and eating a tiger!

These idiots from the Dark Bow Group didn't even know they had been tricked by others.

As a result, I had to fight with the other party.

Because in this case, if you escape without taking action, you will be severely punished according to the organization's regulations.

The poisonous spring surgers rushed all the way towards Richard. The lawn they passed was wet and turned yellow in the next second.

Obviously, the light blue liquid on the other party's body is highly toxic.

Richard immediately ordered the resentful spirit Abomination, whose strength had greatly increased, to take a big step forward and block him.

Suddenly, the Poisonous Spring Surge stopped more than ten meters away from Abomination, and a hole suddenly opened in the bulge of its body.

A rapidly rotating vortex was generated in the mouth, and in the next second, a light blue water column as thick as the mouth of a bowl blasted towards the abomination not far away at high speed.

"This must be the poisonous spring gushing out!"

Thanks to Fana's reminder, Richard was already prepared.

The mimetic metal on the wrist guards on his left and right hands had already gathered together, and a big umbrella was immediately opened right in front of the resentful body.


The surging light blue water column immediately collided with the metal umbrella.

However, it is a pity that the water column did not achieve the expected purpose at all. Under the cover of the large mimic metal umbrella, the water column formed a large splash of water and poured water all around.

In an instant, the water splashed on the survivors lying on the lawn.

"Pah la pah!!"

"Ah!! My eyes!!"

"Ah!! My hand!"

"Ah! My face!!"

The few survivors seemed to have been doused by high-concentration sulfuric acid rain. They immediately held their heads in pain and rolled on the lawn.

There was also a little splash of water on the body of the resentful spirit.

But after the water spray corroded a little of the skin, it turned into a light blue smoke and dissipated in the air.

For the huge body of the Wraith Abomination, this injury is only minor.

Richard took one look at the miserable state of the guards and said to himself:

"What a vicious attack method! If I had been prepared, wouldn't it be disfigured if I got splashed on my face by this water splash?"

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