Chen Qi stopped the boat, took the kerosene lamp, walked out of the houseboat, and looked at the closed 'wormhole door'.

Only the Flower Witch can open this door.

The Flower Witch took off her cloak, revealing her white shoulders and legs, and a layer of light blue spiritual power appeared on her toes.

The spell ‘Walk on Water’!

She easily stepped on the water and arrived at the wormhole door.

"Do you need help?"

The Flower Witch was afraid that Chen Qi would not be able to jump over.

Those who can learn this spell can get high scores in the first-year academic test of their Golden Flower and Bird Kingdom Academy!

It's just walking on water, not difficult at all.

Chen Qi threw the water elf away, stepped on the deep water elf, and walked to the wormhole door at a faster speed.


Two small flowers appeared on the flower witch's head. As a person from the country of beast control, she suddenly felt that she had little experience.

"Ahem, open the door."

The Flower Witch said that her voice and appearance were the key.

Under the command of the Flower Witch, the closed wormhole slowly opened, revealing a narrow crack.

Chen Qi followed the Flower Witch and continued to enter.

It was very narrow at first and only one person could pass.

And towards the back, it becomes wider.

After walking for about two minutes, Chen Qi walked out of the entrance.

The moonlight shone on his face, and a huge green grassland came into view.

"This is……"

Chen Qi was shocked by the vast scene in front of him.

[You have entered the crack ‘Black Land’. 】

crack! Chen Qi was subconsciously alert.

He was already in another world.

The tide of cracks is coming, and no one knows what will happen inside the cracks.

The Flower Witch walked in front:

"Don't worry too much. This crack has undergone high-level harmless containment and the contamination has been removed. It should be fine."

High-level crack harmless technology is an extremely complex technology that requires extraordinary personnel from multiple forces such as the Meteorological Bureau, Hunter Association, Purification Department, and Crack Stabilization Department to achieve it.

Simply put, only national-level forces can do it!

Harmless treatment, is this the essence of the witch... Chen Qi looked around excitedly.

The bright moonlight shines on the vast grassland, coating every green grass tip with a soft glow.

Just like a normal prairie.

The Flower Witch took a deep breath and walked towards her little home.

An open-air pharmaceutical room.

The pharmaceutical room is filled with a faint herbal aroma, intertwined with the dust suspended in the air, forming a unique atmosphere.

The cabinets on the side were filled with various bottles and jars of herbal medicines, and the writing on the labels was blurred.

In the corner, ancient alchemy equipment stands quietly. Its metal parts have rusted, but its former power and magic can still be felt.

"Please wait for me for a while, while I clean up, I will help you make the pale scale fruit potion."

The Flower Witch picked up an old broom, feather duster, and rag and cleaned briefly.

"Can I take a walk?"

Chen Qi looked around curiously.

The Flower Witch enjoys the pleasure of cleaning dust:

"No problem, just treat this place as an ordinary place, no need to pay attention to these etiquettes."

Chen Qi walked forward, lowered his head, and his pupils couldn't help but shrink.

In the low plains in the distance, you can see endless tombstones.

These tombstones are very old and have aged for at least a hundred years.

At a rough glance, the number of tombstones in this place exceeds at least 10,000.

"What are these tombstones?"

he asked curiously.

The Flower Witch turned her head and sighed:

"Hundreds of years ago, in the Witch Sea, when the first whale came, one hundred thousand soldiers who were polluted by the whale's body turned into the whale's black tide march, destroying everything in sight.

Great whales are an ancient species born in the Aluminum Era. Once infected, no medicine or surgery can save them.

Five hundred years ago, the previous Flower Witch dealt with them all here, buried them here, and set up tombstones. "

The reason why the Flower Witch killed so many people was because of the whale, but except for scholars who studied pharmacy, few people knew this.

People only remember the horror of the Flower Witch.

Chen Qi stepped on his feet.

In other words, there are hundreds of thousands of corpses buried under his feet.

This is the power of the whale...

He suddenly felt a little scared in his heart.

No matter in any era, one hundred thousand people is a terrifying number.

Chen Qi took a long breath.

In the face of absolute extraordinary power, people are just a series of numbers.

Many ancient monsters feed on human emotions, on the human spirit.

Weak extraordinary beings will only become fodder for monsters, making them stronger.

This is also the key reason why all countries stipulate that no individual or organization is allowed to go to the border without permission.

After the Flower Witch cleaned the medicine room, she took out the pale scale fruit and started making medicine.

At this time, she suddenly became a little sad, and a few blue sad little blue flowers appeared on her head.

She looked at Chen Qi and murmured:

"Mr. Chef, if you can, after you make money, you'd better go to the inland city of Bei Country and don't stay in the Witch Sea anymore."

She had a good impression of Chen Qi, a brave man who struggled to survive and sailed alone in the sea at the risk of being killed by storms and sea beasts.

I just don’t know if it has anything to do with [the newspaper].


Chen Qi asked pretending to be curious.

The Flower Witch hesitated for a moment and finally said:

“According to my teacher’s prophecy, the whale will eventually cross the border and the entire Witch Sea will be destroyed.

Although it is just a prophecy...but if you can, please stay away from this place.

Even the old monsters inland may not be able to stop the whale from coming.

but me……"

The Flower Witch said as the flowers above her head withered.

Many times, people buried in the sea don't even have a tombstone.

Chen Qi tried his best to show a feeling of shock.

This prediction is not comprehensive enough.

Destruction of the Witch Sea? The whole world must be destroyed.

Other sections may not be much better.

This place is so nice, with wind, sea, and friendly sea beasts, that walking is impossible.

Chen Qi shook his head:

"I will consider it, but the Rift Tide is a once-in-a-lifetime opportunity for ordinary extraordinary people like us with no background, and it is also the only opportunity in this life."

Chen Qi did not hide his strong desire for power.

According to the background of New Day Games, only absolutely powerful power can survive this wave.

As a player who travels through time, he must also become as powerful as possible.

Currently, he is unable to participate in the affairs of the Black Whale Group, nor can he be involved in the main thread of this sea.

The Flower Witch stayed for a while, and she almost forgot that although the person in front of her was only a first-order transcendent, the Dragon's Breath Grass in her hand was obtained with help.

"Sorry, I said too much, but please be careful, especially, don't come into contact with the Black Whale Pirate Group and the Poseidon Pirate Group."

The Flower Witch began to concentrate on making potions.

Chen Qi, who was bored, took the deep sea elf for a walk on the grassland.

Suddenly, he discovered a patch of land growing vegetables.

Chen Qi's eyes suddenly lit up.

This looks like a vegetable garden.

"Flower Witch, can the vegetables here be used?"

"Well... there are still vegetables growing in this vegetable garden, that's okay."

The Flower Witch recalled her time growing vegetables ten years ago.

She didn't expect that after ten years, the food on this land was still in such good condition.

Chen Qi squatted down and pulled up a vegetable.

These ingredients are not ordinary ingredients, but extraordinary ingredients specially cultivated!

Chen Qi pulled out a few casually, and a special prompt popped up in front of his eyes.

【Ten years of extraordinary cabbage

Sexual aspect: cup, flower

Description: Extraordinary vegetables cultivated with spiritual power. After eating, they can promote the body's digestion, increase the growth of the body during the development period, and slightly increase the physical fitness. 】

【Ten years of extraordinary carrots

Sexual aspect: cup, flower

Description: Extraordinary vegetables cultivated with spiritual power can promote the increase of eyesight after consumption. Long-term use can greatly enhance eyesight and slightly increase inspiration. 】

What the hell is the Extraordinary Vegetable of the Ten Years? Will this thing take ten years to grow?

Chen Qi looked at the vegetable garden in front of him, which was nearly the size of a small basketball court.

The food here can feed an average person for a year.

His cooking skills seem to have come into use again.

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