Witch for All 1994

Chapter 98 Skip work

After catching up on some sleep in the afternoon, the sisters in pajamas ran downstairs with their cups and used the ice bear that had slipped into the room as a sofa. They curled up on it, wrapped in their cups, and watched TV.

Twisting around, Jiang Han touched the tip of the ice bear's nose with his nose, and instinctively shrank into Jiang Zhenling's arms, complaining:

"Change the channel, change the channel! I want to watch the squash match!"

After his stomach was rubbed hard, little comrade Jiang Zhenling bit her sister's neck from behind, like a wolf biting its prey, and said slightly vaguely: "I want to watch Texas Hold'em. For today's Masters, I will give it to you tonight." All classes are skipped."

The body size difference is a bit big, they are obviously the same kind of eggs, born by the same mother... Jiang Han shook his body, smiled and patted his sister's thigh to let her go, then turned around with a gasp, and used a super-normal... With several levels of explosive power, the witch ejected and rode on her sister - but it took half a second before she was lifted off.

Ice Bear looked at the two of them doubtfully, as if he was studying what the two sisters were jumping up and down on him.

"I surrender, you barbarian!" Jiang Han was being ridden by Jiang Zhenling, and her right hand was twisted to her back. With her remaining hand, she weakly patted her sister's waist, signaling the other party to let go of her.

Jiang Zhenling let go of Jiang Han with the margin of a winner.

As two sisters, if neither of them used magic power, Jiang Zhenling could probably knock Jiang Han down with one hand. This size difference is worrying. Jiang Han might accidentally have his hands and legs broken by his sisters while playing around.


Jiang Zhenling repeated the word in a low voice and looked over with surprised eyes.

She was like a guest sitting in the Sydney Opera House, applauding elegantly, encouragingly and calmly and saying:

"My lovely sister can finally use other adjectives. What a surprise. Congratulations on raising your vocabulary from kindergarten level to elementary school."

"I'll beat you to death!" Jiang Han wrapped the sheet tightly around him, huddled up, bumped into his sister like a rogue, and shouted.

She bounces around and uses her thrusts to cause trouble for her sister.

"Stop! Stop!" This time it was Jiang Zhenling's turn to shout.

Do you regret it? It makes you angry, makes you call me short, makes you usually call your sister Hanmei, but my sister is a big-headed ghost... The more Jiang Han ejects, the more angry she feels. Not only does she use her body, she also rides on her sister and twists and turns. , prepare to give the opponent a heavy blow - well, with the witch's physical fitness and her sister's height and weight, she can recover in about ten minutes...

Then, she was held tightly, her petite body was pushed down, and she could only make a weak resistance.

"Hoo, ho, you, this crazy bitch..." Comrade Jiang Zhenling lifted her sweat-stained hair and said breathlessly. He made a dangerous look, pressed his hand on the side of his sister's face, and said arrogantly: "But there is only one winner, and that's me... Ouch!"

Seeing his sister's snow-white hand resting beside him, Jiang Han opened his mouth and bit into it.

In the past few days, her teeth had become extremely sharp due to the training of a lot of meat. Comrade Jiang Zhenling let out a scream at first, but she did not dare to move away for fear of taking away Jiang Han's teeth. She could only suck in the air and stretch out. The bitten hand scratched Jiang Han slightly from his chin to his throat.

"Shh, shh, let go, let go..." After Jiang Zhenling rubbed it twice like a massage, she suddenly pinched hard, making Jiang Han unprepared and let out a slight whimper. During this period, her sister Finally he took his hand out.

She covered her hands, gasped, and blew on the back of her hands:

"Mei Han! Are you a dog?"

There was a neat ring of teeth marks on her snow-white hand. Although Jiang Han bit it, he didn't bite it too hard. It only made the other person's hand swollen badly, but there was no bleeding.

That’s expert biting skills…the beef isn’t free…and the dragon chop isn’t free either! After all, the tooth mouth is a skill that can be practiced by witches... Jiang Han put a smile on his face, put his hand on his mouth, opened it, and said with a smile:

"You bit my neck first."

"Yes, remember to remind me not to do this next time, or remind me to buy you a teething stick before I do this to you again!" Jiang Zhenling said, waving her hands.

"Humph." Jiang Han rolled her eyes and threw away the quilt. She was already a little hot from the exercise just now and was about to sweat.

If I skip work today, Miss Qin Shunying will remember that I took a day off... Well, she spoils me a bit, but now I want to use this pampering to skip work... Hiss, I am really a bad girl... Jiang While Han stretched out his hand to fan his face, he felt guilty, but after feeling guilty, he decided to skip work today.

"Probably this is 'Those who are favored have no fear'..." She murmured softly, feeling that she was covered. She raised her head and saw the curious expression of the ice bear. This bear just saw the two sisters biting each other, and the bear directly Silly.

Maybe this bear is smart enough to take the exam, but it has a hard time understanding why human sisters do this kind of thing... She straightened her back and touched the bear's chin with the tip of her nose, and the furry ice bear let out a satisfied sound. Roar.

"What is your job? Why do you have to go there at 12 o'clock at night?" My sister jumped off the bear's belly, took a box of tissues and climbed up again, wiping her hands with the tissues and asked curiously.

"..." Jiang Han pouted and stopped talking.

The relationship between sisters is often closer than that between mother and daughter. Sometimes things that are difficult to say to parents are easier to say to siblings.

In her previous life, Jiang Han remembered that when she had just learned to smoke and no one in her family knew about it, she only told her younger sister. She probably subconsciously felt that she could trust the person in front of her who was related to her by blood and had an indelible impression of being close to her friend.

So after thirty seconds of silence, she grabbed the corner of her sister's nightgown, got into his arms, grabbed the TV remote control, played with it in her hand, and then said slowly: "...at the bar."

Her voice was low, but her sister could obviously hear her.

Jiang Zhenling raised her eyebrows:

"You didn't do anything you shouldn't have done, right? Like...that kind of thing."

"No, I just sell wine!" Jiang Han said seriously. Although working in a bar is a bit weird for a girl, it is really a serious job - of course, since there are serious ones, there must be some that are not. of.

Jiang Zhenling nodded and said with a smile:

"Then let me guess, your work clothes must be very nice or cute?"

"...Just so-so." Jiang Han said guiltily.

This kind of guilty conscience was noticed by her sister. If it was normal, Jiang Zhenling would probably choose to stab her in this regard, but she probably felt that it was not good to make up for it at this time, so her sister just consoled her:

"It's okay. As long as you resolutely refuse to accept rude requests, your personal safety is guaranteed by the Witches Association - the premise is that you can't have any ideas, not even a little bit."

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