Witch for All 1994

Chapter 81 The Ultimate Female Model Team

Just as her sister guessed, Jiang Han heard Lin Zhaojun and her teammates talking about the lottery. It is true that only the lottery dinner requires the entire Juecheng team to appear, right?

At the same time, the female companions of Juecheng team members also walked into the lounge one after another, casting their eyes over from time to time, making Jiang Han feel a little uncomfortable.

The female companions were all familiar with each other. They started chatting when they got together, and from time to time they would say a few words to the team members who came over. Jiang Han was not familiar with them, and was too embarrassed to go over and force a chat. He could only keep a sweet smile, sit on the sofa, and endure the glances that glanced at them from time to time.

Qin Shunying was right. All she had to do was sit here, keep smiling and act like a puppet... Jiang Han was grateful to Qin Shunying, who not only introduced such a job with generous rewards He gave it to her and imparted his own experience to her - even though this experience seemed useless.

Jiang Han, who was bored, had no choice but to focus on the Juecheng team members who were discussing.

She was given an emergency tutoring class by her younger sister. When it came to the JueCheng team, she was no longer clueless. Although she didn't know who the coach was or who the team members were, she generally knew how the JueCheng team performed in 1994. Generally speaking, the basic fight is to be penetrated by one person, four by one, and five by one.

But that’s based on the fact that ‘the absolute main force went home to take the A3 test’, ‘the two main players took a year off to relax’ and ‘there is also a main force who went to learn Chinese...’.

Now that I think about it, aren't the four main characters talking about the four sisters Lin Zhaojun, Jia Yu, Li Lian, and Agnes?

It’s no wonder that the Juecheng team suffered a collapse in 1994. They lost four of their main players at once, and they would jump to any other team.

Jiang Han observed carefully and discovered——

Among the coaches and female companions of the Juecheng team, only Jiang Han and Lin Zhaojun are the dwarfs!

It was okay for Jiang Han to be nestled on the sofa. Lin Zhaojun had to keep his head raised and his back straight when chatting with several team members who were on average one head taller than him. No wonder this guy stood so tall and straight. He usually trained like this. …

As for the other Juecheng team members, Jiang Han only has one comment: female models.

The female models per capita are all very good-looking, tall, and wearing various evening dresses. They don’t look like they make a living by fighting, but like they make a living by selling wine... They just look good-looking and neat. When standing together, it gives people a sense of visual impact.

It was Lin Zhaojun who lowered their average height... Jiang Han saw their coach Su Suwei walking over. The elegant witch bent her knees slightly and lifted up her skirt, and said gently:

"Let me introduce them to you. They are also substitutes for the Juecheng team, or the youth training team."

Now the youth training is still responsible for being the female companion. Well, I heard that at the year-end banquet of the Witch House, if we go, we will also be the female companion assigned to the big witch who has no companion... Jiang Han smiled and nodded, extending his hand to Su Su Wei, let the other party help her up.

This is also part of the social etiquette of witches.

The first person Su Suwei introduced to Jiang Han was Jia Yu's female companion Dong Shuhan, the captain (city owner) of the Jue Cheng.

"I welcome you to the city very much. You are smaller and cuter than I thought! You are more beautiful than I thought." The captain made a short, very fast voice. Her voice was very soft, but her articulation was surprisingly good. Very clear, yet extremely fast.

I felt that while her last word was still floating in the air, the next word had already been spoken... Jiang Han was a little surprised that the accent was so clear and soft and fast at the same time, even more refined than Wu Nong's soft words.

"I am honored to be able to board your city. You are much kinder than I thought." She complimented her like this, while holding up her skirt with her left hand and bending her knees slightly.

After chatting with the captain or the city owner, Su Suwei introduced several witches to Jiang Han. Most of them were witches who held positions or players on the ship (city). Jiang Han finally understood Why is Team Juecheng called the Female Model Team?

The average height of this group of witches is about 1.8 meters, and even Li Lian, who looks the smallest, is estimated to be about 1.76 meters tall.

Most of them wear midi skirts, which just expose their slender calves wrapped in various socks, and their figures are tall and straight.

After admiring it for a while, Jiang Han followed Su Suwei to the lounge where the tea was made.

There were neat tea sets there, including a tea knife made of a whole piece of Haida ruby, and expensive tea cakes placed on the ice that was constantly emitting freezing air. This kind of ice would not melt. Unless it is roasted at high temperature and has magic power to protect the tea leaves, it is also expensive.

Jiang Han couldn't help but marveled. Juecheng team's team benefits are really good. From here, we can also see Su Suwei's ability - of course, this is also related to the fact that all four main players of Juecheng team are 'cheap and good' , only a player like Lin Zhaojun can get a full middle-class salary, which does not exceed 4 million after playing all the games in a year. This is not to say that 4 million is not much, but compared to other superstars who can win the World Witch League Masters Tournament, she It's really too cheap.

So strictly speaking, Juecheng's current salary space ranks at the lower level among the 256 teams eligible to play in the World Witch League, Lin Zhaojun's salary ranks at the lower level among the 2,048 top witches, and Li Lian is at the bottom …

Therefore, it is so simple for Su Suwei to need funds.

"All the Juecheng team members like the tea set that I bought myself. They come here to drink tea every day when they have free time and share their hand-ground tofu." Su Suwei said proudly.

"Very exquisite, beautiful, and of very good taste." Jiang Han praised sincerely. Witches all like gems more or less, among which rubies and sapphires are the most popular. Ruby has rich mineral deposits in the abyss of hell, while sapphire is in heaven. White Mountain is everywhere - so demons and angels generally do not respond to the witch's call.

In 1760, the Hell Abyss was invaded by witches from all over the world. The witches from 83 countries went to hell. They almost slaughtered all the demons in the first layer of the abyss and the devils in the first layer of hell. They created the largest murder case in the 9,000 years of the Abyss Hell, and even made people The devil and the devil briefly put aside their hundreds of thousands of years of blood feud to briefly unite.

Finally, with the sacrifice of the memorable Lord of Purgatory, Thorak Dickon, the demons and devils drove the witches out of hell.

To this day, the United Council of Witches still offers a large number of rewards for finding ways to go to hell.

Kaida Ruby is a gem that is nourished with a lot of demon blood. It is expensive. After all, demons are really hard to find now... In the same way, angels are not easy to find either. Witches can only do to demons and devils. It can be considered as 'doing bad things', but what you do to angels who are beautiful or weird, well... that can be called inhumane, which made Jiang Han feel trembling when he read this period of history.

——Fortunately, I didn’t reincarnate as an angel or something like that in this world.

While Su Suwei was making tea, Jiang Han was full of thoughts, recalling the numerous murders the witch had committed against various different worlds, various planes, and even alien species. The scary thing is that the witches even recorded this kind of thing as an important historical record. According to what they said:

“History can teach our descendants where to go when they need something.”

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