Witch for All 1994

Chapter 732 The Great Office

Witch Agency Nancheng Branch.

When Jiang Han came here before, he saw a luxurious branch, a good place that could show the spirit of the Nancheng Witch.

Coming here today can be said to have scared the cat so much that its ears almost flew up.

From a huge canyon island facing the sea, it has become a collection of seven empty islands that lead directly to the sea. It can almost be described as a "city". There is a warehouse made of gold bricks at the gate. A large number of gems are stuffed inside, and a large number of ghost specialties are stuffed inside! The witches worked hard pushing the carts and carrying boxes of gold to the association.

I'm afraid that people in other areas don't know that the Witch Association in Nancheng has made a fortune!

Jiang Han feels that this earthy way of showing off wealth is full of the taste of the Nancheng witch...

If it wasn't to find Erin and the others, I wouldn't have come here... She thought a little irritably.

Jiang Han quickly walked into the witch mechanism.


A loud noise made her ears stand up in surprise, and she turned her head to look.

It was a huge empty boat parked at the chicken pad next to the entrance. Why do you say overwhelmed? Because it actually took six giant dragons and a tug-of-war with the giant cat lantern to stop this airship with its own flying ability.

The sides of the airship opened, and more than hundreds of tons of Witch Gold Bricks poured out, hitting the ground with a clang.

It's a cat's! It's from a cat... Jiang Han felt the blood of the cat lamp boiling in his body! If you keep reading, something is sure to happen... So she reluctantly turned her head away, took a deep breath, and walked quickly inside, looking at the landmarks along the way, relying on her cute appearance to ask for directions, and finally came to the last of the seven empty islands. A luxurious one.

The one with a world tree.

Walking all the way up the huge corridor of the World Tree where six gryphon vehicles can run side by side, under the influence of the acceleration channel, the high speed of several hundred meters was reached in an instant, which was a bit scary. That passage will form a bubble to surround the visitor, ask which floor they want to go to, and then launch the bubble out like a cannonball!

Boom! Bang!

The bubble bounced softly twice, and Jiang Han turned upside down, waving her feet and claws like a cat trapped in a bubble in an animation. In this 3D dizziness, she could barely see the front clearly.

There are still blisters waiting in line ahead!

In the bubble in front is a witch with an old man's temperament. She brings her own bench and holds a newspaper in both hands. Even though she fell over after being hit, she ignored the bench and read the newspaper leisurely.

The short skirt, which is not an anti-gravity skirt, hangs down, revealing the white safety pants that look like an old cadre. The sister glanced at Jiang Han very calmly and calmly, snapped her fingers, and a thermos flask in the water floated up, ejecting the straw. She took two slow sips of tea.

...too calm?

Jiang Han was thinking this, and after regaining his balance, he slowly slid his limbs and tail, and his body came over.

Before I could say hello, the bubble in the queue in front moved forward one space. The veteran cadre's bubble flicked forward, and the witch inside turned around again, with her head facing east, but still calm. Reading the newspaper.

Jiang Han turned over several times, as if he had entered a hamster ball.

After taking pictures for a while, Bubbles finally sent Jiang Han to the office on the top floor.

A huge living room with only a few sofas is full of luxury. It has a small kitchen and bar with a group of cat lamp chefs, which is an option when you are hungry. Although the Festival of the Underworld has not yet come, ghost cat lanterns have already been used as decorations. These cat lanterns have a light that suits the dark atmosphere lazily and whisper in cat lantern language:

"Meow, let's go have a drink after get off work?"

"Meow, the cat wants sparkling water and whiskey!"

...Making decorations is just work for Cat Lantern.

Jiang Han didn't wait too long here, and went in after a while.

Inside the room is a collective office, a very large and luxurious library-type office. The ceiling is a virtual starry sky, filled with all kinds of cat lights, and in the middle of the room is a large world ball. It’s the panels and the windows that infuse magic.

It is a 'game' played by great witches. By affecting the rise and fall of a very low-magic world, they wantonly speed up time and slow down time to observe human beings.

*Witches with more than 100 magic power can be regarded as "Shattered Void Level" in this kind of world, because even witches with 100 magic power can sense the control of great witches!

It is their favorite cruel game.

Incidentally, some of Anjie’s best-selling poetry collections were created in this way.

Create a world, accelerate evolution, and introduce culture.

Just wait and see!

Thousands of years have passed in this world, so there must be some poems that will last forever, right? Since the world ball is Anjie's wealth, the copyright of the poems created by the aboriginal people in it naturally belongs to her. This is why the witch is not very interested in this kind of "artwork with non-magic resources".

The witch only recognizes products and works of art produced by magical civilization or high-tech civilization.

Precisely because there are as many ordinary works of art as there are.

For example, there will always be great writers, great songwriters, singers, etc., if they just need to adjust the whole world with low or even no magic, speed up the adjustment for an hour or two, and then search carefully for ten minutes!

This is also the reason why witch movies never feature crotches.

On the contrary, variety shows have been unable to keep up. After all, in addition to creativity, the performance of variety shows is also very important.

Next to the world ball is Li Lisi, frowning and drawing cards.

Her opponent is Kraken.

The two appear to be affecting an empire's civil war.

Kraken raised his chin and said:

"The third prince's enthronement ceremony is about to begin, and you can't make a comeback."

As soon as she finished speaking, in the enthronement ceremony played in the world ball, the king who had just ascended the throne was shot dead.

"Report, the princess is crazy, shoot the emperor."

Kraken's eyes widened, and so did Lilith's.

Eileen, who was the referee next to her, shook her head:

"In 1344, in the script of the great empire, Li Lisi won. Kraken, please take out your ghost cat lantern."

Miss Siren was furious and threw two precious high-end ghost cat lanterns to Li Lisi as a bargaining chip for losing.

She is still struggling:

"I don't understand!"

"Why is this princess so crazy? How could she think... then, hide a gun and kill her brother?"

Erin shook her head again:

"This is the complexity of human nature. You will always encounter a few psychopaths...ah, Han Bao is here."

She walked up quickly and said happily:

"You said you were... uh huh..."

Angelette, who was sitting in the office and already playing with her mobile phone, raised her head:

"You got a batch of Ancer elves' artwork? That's amazing. Take it out and show it to everyone."


Oops, just think of this as the first chapter of the new volume.

Second version update

Added more ghost furries

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