Witch for All 1994

Chapter 72 Female Companion Entrustment

In the evening we had traditional dumplings.

Wrapped in dough, stuffed with fresh shrimps and meat, mushroom patties - normal dumplings that couldn't be more normal.

After enjoying the dumplings made by his sister, Jiang Han yawned and lay leisurely on the sofa, swinging his legs. Occasionally, his feet would bump together, and sometimes his legs would be in a pigeon-toed position with his toes touching. Together and apart.

For a witch, dinner equals lunch.

They only needed to wave their staffs to clean up the dishes, and the two mages quickly finished it.

At this time, Miss Jiang Zhenling released six octopus tentacles in the kitchen, using three bottles of detergent, two dishcloths, and a special dragon oil soap to scrub the dishes, pots, and kitchen utensils, while she held them in both hands. "The Mad Witch of the Tenius Mountains" was read with no difficulty at all.

The relaxed, convenient, and extremely twisted and mutated life of a witch... Jiang Han looked at the octopus tentacles with a hint of fear.

Any creature with a female appearance must not be careless when facing tentacles.

Jiang Han shivered again, and a frozen scene appeared in her mind. She put her legs on the sofa, shrank in, and stared at her sister.

The sight was obvious and fearful, which made Jiang Zhenling put down the book, glanced at her, pursed her lips, and picked up the book again.

"..." Jiang Han stared silently, grabbed the pillow next to him and hugged it in his arms.

"...Okay, Sister Han." Jiang Zhenling became impatient as she was stared at. She closed the book, sighed and asked, "Do you have anything to say?"

Jiang Han nodded:

"Tentacle, this spell of yours is a tentacle?"

"Tentacles..." Jiang Zhenling was silent for a moment and said sincerely: "No matter what you say, Sister Han, I will not let you taint my lovely tentacles."

Jiang Han was stunned for a moment, looking at his sister's "why are you so weird" look in his eyes, and was surprisingly silent.

"..." She was no match for her younger sister when it came to talking nonsense. Even though the other party seemed to be in poor condition today, she was still forced into an absolute disadvantage by one word.

When it was time to go to work in the evening, Jiang Han put on the original witch costume and hung the exquisite and cute casual skirt outfit back in the closet - she planned to save this outfit for going out with Miss Cen Jing. It was a going out outfit.

Carrying the garment bag, she teleported to the witch's house.

As soon as Jiang Han arrived, he saw Chu Yujun, who was serving as a battery today, sitting on the sofa in the utility room with a book in his hands. Her face was pale. She looked up at Jiang Han and moved her mouth slightly. Before she could say anything, Jiang Han saw that her face suddenly turned pale——

A figure was teleported out, it was Tang Wen.

The slightly lively lady said hello to Jiang Han, thanked the battery lady, and walked out happily.

"..." Jiang Han and Chu Yujun were silent for a few seconds at the same time, and Jiang Han hurriedly walked out.

After walking out of the door, she couldn't help but look back at Chu Yujun's pale face.

He really looks like a young man with kidney deficiency...

I hope I won’t be like this when I make batteries in the future.

She came to the lounge, and her mood became more and more beautiful when she thought that this small room would be remodeled on Saturday. Of course, as the time for remodeling approached, the house finally began to transform into a normal witch's room.

Scattered around are scrolls written in strange languages.

Women's underwear and disposable pantyhose thrown to the ground.

Littered pieces of cloth.

A note with magical effects but no effect.

Store manager Qin Shunying was floating in mid-air, taking down two stacks of magazines.

Jiang Han glanced at the top book, "She fell in love with her and her".

……ha? It’s a bit messy, it’s a bit messy! Let me take a look at the subject, predicate and object... Jiang Han suppressed his curiosity, coughed, and asked the store manager who was busy to look over.

After catching Qin Shunying's attention, Jiang Han pointed to the dressing room that had been mostly demolished.

"Don't worry." Qin Shunying fell to the ground, picked up the feather fan on the table very carefully and flicked the ashes on her body, and said very gently: "You can use my room to change clothes. Miss Tang Wen passed by just now, so you Knock on the door before entering."

Jiang Han smiled and thanked her, then turned around. She remembered that Qin Shunying's room was at the entrance on the other side of the bar. But after she turned around, Qin Shunying suddenly called her:

"……Hold on."

"What's the matter?" Jiang Han turned around. Since the store manager was over 1.7 meters tall, she had to raise her head to see Qin Shunying's face.

Qin Shunying covered the lower half of her face with a feather fan, looked at her intently with wine-red eyes, and said after a moment:

"Why don't you change it here? I just have something I want to ask for your advice on."

"Change here..." Jiang Han paused for a moment and looked at the store manager with wary eyes.

Qin Shunying didn't see the wary look in the clerk's eyes because she lowered her head and took out a black-covered, patterned manual from her pocket.

After she opened the manual and reached a certain page, she read out a word casually, very softly, as faintly as a whisper.

An exquisite, wooden door that could accommodate two people walking side by side appeared in front of her, exuding a mysterious and dazzling aura.

Qin Shunying closed the manual and introduced:

"Bai Baolin's locker room is a level 4 convenient conjuration school spell. It can lock a small space for transformation, and finally become a locker room that can be carried around and summoned. It can only be used as a locker room. It’s quite difficult to summon a 7-square-meter room with a level 4 spell.”

It's so convenient, but it's just another rare spell... Jiang Han felt envious and said, "I want it too." However, after considering the price of the rare spell, he kept calm and walked through the door.

The space behind the door is a tasteful dressing room, with four colors of beige, bright yellow, sky blue and sea blue, as well as bamboo and wooden wardrobes, making this small space look very vast, like a beach dressing room with high-priced tickets. feel.

Jiang Han took off his clothes with some satisfaction, took out his work clothes and put them on. While changing her clothes, he asked:

"What does the store manager want to consult with me?"

"It's actually a commission."

Qin Shunying's voice came from outside the door, "There is a great witch who forgot to invite a female companion because she was focused on several studies, so she entrusted me to help her find a cute and beautiful great witch as her female companion. At the Witch's Dinner on Sunday night. I think you can do the job and make her very happy."

Are you going to eat, drink, and play with me... Jiang Han shook his head slightly. No matter what, this job felt a bit too... strange.

"This guest is willing to give her female companion a formal dress, a rare level 5 spell, and a rare level 4 spell."

"Sunday night, right?" Jiang Han asked without hesitation.

"..." Qin Shunying was silent for half a second, then laughed and said: "Sunday night, but you need to meet her on Saturday. She will buy you a dress and pay you in advance."

Advance payment, these four words are really attractive... Jiang Han swallowed secretly. It was rare for a big client to give away rare spells at will. The more advanced the witch's knowledge, the more expensive it was. Usually a 6 Spells around level 1 require them to work for a long time to obtain.

It's not that Jiang Han is weak in will, it's just that the reward provided by the other party is too generous.

If given a few thousand yuan, Jiang Han might be reserved for a few minutes and think about it for an hour or two. But if you are given a spell worth tens of thousands, you can accept it without hesitation!

However, she was still a little worried: "Well, the store manager..."


"It's really just a female companion, not including other services, right?" Jiang Han asked anxiously.

"..." Qin Shunying fell into silence again and said funny again: "We are a serious business, and it is a personal relationship business. It is similar to being forced to get married by your elders when you go home during the New Year and hiring a beautiful girl to pretend to be your girlfriend. understand?"

"Da, I probably understand." Jiang Han replied with a blush.

"Just eat, drink, smile and listen to what others say. When others say something you don't understand, just blush and pull their sleeves. Don't even say a few words..." Qin Shunying shared her own experience, At the end, she added: "If she hadn't thought I wasn't pretty enough, I would have done it myself."

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