Witch for All 1994

Chapter 709 Identification

Following the witch expert who called herself Olivia, Chen Ligu pulled Jiang Han and whispered:

"...Is this witch reliable? I always think she is the kind of evil witch who deceives people."

Hey, that's right...Jiang Han Yile was about to speak when he suddenly found two cat lanterns with big cat eyes floating next to him. The cat's mouth was pursed, staring at the two of them.

Jiang Han made a prompt decision, sang a hymn, and lectured:

"Cat witches are all reliable witches. In the history of witches, there are not many records of cat witches deceiving people. Besides, her magic power is so strong, she is a very powerful witch no matter what, right?"

Little sister, where is NZSNM? If witches with high magic power were all good people, there wouldn't be so many accusations against Angelette in the world... Chen Ligu moved the corner of her mouth slightly, turned her head, and said, 'The cat is watching you! ’ The cat lantern met his eyes, and he couldn’t help but laugh and stretched out his hand to pinch the cat lantern with its big cat eyes.

Olivia took them to the booth area of ​​the tavern and sat down with the witches who looked like her two younger sisters. Their cat tails overlapped each other casually.

Jiang Han sat down and glanced at them.

Not to mention, after Changmian Miaoao put on makeup, it was basically unrecognizable as Ovelia. She is delicate and good-looking. She wears makeup that looks a bit like goth makeup. The black and purple eye shadow looks very mysterious. The black nail polish also contrasts sharply with her fair skin. She also wears a lace bow tie around her neck. , mysterious and modern, it looks like a bad cat at first glance.

Shar Deng, on the other hand, was compressed to at least three years old and looked only a little over fifteen in appearance.

Vera Deng also wore gothic makeup, which is the makeup of the White Queen in Alice in Wonderland. She is elegant and sinister, and she also looks like a bad cat.

"A wonderful day starts with a delicious drink. Ladies, what do you want to drink? I'm treating you." Ovelia made a gesture, and the witch outside the booth came in and distributed menus to them.

Usually when I’m with you, it’s like, ‘Give me a cup of freshly squeezed pineapple juice! ’, now you actually treat people to drinks? Jiang Han raised his eyebrows, took the menu and looked at it:

"Lava milk tea, thank you."

Go more expensive!

Anyway, this guy is a rich cat... Jiang Han looked up and saw Ovelia taking a deep breath, feeling... it felt quite painful?

Chen Ligu only ordered a cup of charcoal black tea and asked politely:

"Ms. Olivia, we are looking for someone who can help us with appraisals. Can you provide relevant documents and information? After all, as you know in this industry, in order to value an item, you must have a professional certificate. Please register and register. And ensure a valid contact address and contact information to facilitate subsequent contact.”

The identification of witches is a very troublesome act, and it is not just a matter of a mage rubbing the identification scroll.

First is the valuation, then is the registration price, and finally is the registration value and harvest, and is graded by the appraisal union affiliated to the Witch Agency.

It is a very guaranteed processing method. Basically, the precious materials of witches are registered through this method, and finally put on the market.

But can Chang Mian Miao Ao get these certificates? Jiang Han was deeply suspicious.

Ovelia rolled her eyes, leaned back, and gracefully traced the corners of her mouth with her fingertips:

"Of course, Vera."

Probably because Vera and Shar's names didn't match 'Ovelia', they didn't use pseudonyms.

When her name was called, Vera expressionlessly took out a stack of documents and certificates from her tail and placed them on the table, giving Jiang Han a strong sense of déjà vu.

Ovelia said proudly:

"These are my three certificates of A2 rare object identification, material identification, and occult valuation! Here is my A3 certificate! And this is my legal business...the legal business called 'Meow Meow Ao Mao' The license plate of the appraisal and notary office! And this, the certificate of the rare artifact craftsman that even the Final Witch certified."

"Oh, this is so amazing. This is my first time seeing an A3 certificate. Can you let me take a good look at it?" Chen Ligu complimented, showing admiration in her eyes.

Ovelia wagged her tail proudly, pushed the certificate to Jiang Han, and said in a brisk tone:


Chen Ligu took the certificate and kept uttering compliments, but Jiang Han saw that she was checking Olivia's A3 certificate carefully and in detail. At the same time, she silently looked at the A2 certificate and gave her contact address. Checked everything with the contact plan.

Although she did it carefully and quickly! But Jiang Han could still see it.

After the inspection, Chen Ligu nodded to Jiang Han covertly and quickly, pushed the certificate back, and said with a compliment in her tone without appearing to be flattering:

"From the certificate and these information, it seems that you can be called a master. It would be an honor if a master is willing to appraise it for us. Right, Han...Jiang Han."

After his name was called, Jiang Han was stunned for a moment before answering with a sweet smile.

While answering, she doubted the authenticity of these documents.

If it's true, where did it come from?

If it is fake, then Anjie will take the blame again...

Without further thinking, Jiang Han took out five test tubes of amber oil from his tail and placed them on the table, then gently pushed them over. She has no doubt about Ovelia's identification ability. As one of the few three people who spanned the entire history, even if Ovelia is not an all-rounder on the level of Anjie and Irene, he is at least at the level. A historical level ability list, a trivial matter like identification...

Jiang Han suspected that Chang Mian Meow could even tell what it was without any identification skills, just by visual inspection!

As Jiang Han guessed, after Ovelia took over the five test tubes, she waved her paws in a pretentious manner, and performed a whole set of identification movements with a very magical temperament, but the magic power on her body could not even move. , as if obsessed with the cat lamp, without any exposure.

Alas, the sleeping cat lamp is not particular! Even those with my keener senses can see that she is not casting a spell... She watched Ovelia complete this action and complained in her heart.

Ovelia pretended to put away the tools, coughed lightly and said:

"The rare material is produced from a legendary creature called Thermaos Giant Fish. That creature possesses top-notch interference curses and prophecy abilities. It usually hides in deep pits underwater and slowly digs them out. A huge habitat.”

Ovelia has the usual problem of witches, she doesn’t talk about business!

Jiang Han was a little anxious, and she glanced at Chen Ligu.

Gu Baozheng was listening calmly and patiently.

Jiang Han had to admire her patience.


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