Witch for All 1994

Chapter 70 Hunting

There was a pop.

The painful Pure Skeleton Dragon slapped Jiang Han's mage armor with its tail, sending the petite girl flying. She glanced at the blunderbuss and ax that was thrown to the ground in the air, and glanced at the top of Pure Skeleton Dragon's head with enough time.

One of the horns of the beast was chopped off, and a deep and long wound was cut on the top of its head.

The Pure Skeleton Dragon let out a sharp roar towards Jiang Han, kicked off its feet, and fled towards the forest.

call out--

Li Li threw out a spider web and tightly wrapped around the escaping dragon. '

The fox witch snapped her fingers four or five times in a row, dozens of gunshots exploded, and countless magic missiles hit the pure skeleton dragon's body.

Flesh and blood burst open, dragon scales splashed, and the dragon's roar gradually became weaker.

The Pure Skeleton Dragon's struggle became lighter and lighter, and its golden vertical pupils showed a weak look.

Jiang Han pointed his index finger at it and built a model of the magic missile in his mind.


The magic missiles shot by Jiang Han split in the air and formed dozens of times more magic power than ordinary magic missiles required, eventually forming a cone-shaped missile storm that enveloped the Pure Skeleton Dragon wrapped in a spider web.


The pure skeleton dragon's body and the surrounding soil instantly exploded with more than a dozen soil flowers and blood flowers.

Li Li, who was also launching magic missiles, looked at her in surprise and glanced at her own magic missiles suspiciously, as if she was curious about the destructive power.

This is what barbarians with a lot of magic power look like... Jiang Han had no expression on his face and unleashed a storm of missiles, trying his best to put on an expression of 'this happened, don't ask me why'.

With a weak dragon roar, Jiang Han stopped casting spells.

This dragon is really tough. It has eaten so many magic missiles, and its magic resistance was weakened before. It also took a No. 17 single-point bullet from the front and took an ax in the head.

Jiang Han admired the vitality of the dragon species. Although she didn't know why this kind of dragon, which was taller and longer than Cheng Yu, was called a small dragon, it didn't stop her from being a little envious of the vitality of this dragon.

Applying a layer of mage armor to himself again, Jiang Han walked over, bent down and picked up the thrown blunderbuss and axe.

The smell of blood spread and she shook her head.

The witch's physique makes her not only not averse to blood, but also like a cat smelling catnip, or a hungry person smelling barbecue, full of desire.

Jiang Han put his gun and ax on his back, and Li Li walked to the body of Chun Skeleton Dragon and looked at the prey they had hunted.

One of the horns of the pure skeleton dragon was broken. The horns of this kind of dragon were still connected with flesh and blood, and the cut section showed pink blood.

Its blood is mixed with a slightly pale color, and the light golden dragon scales with white edges are stained with this blood.

"Nice hunting." Cheng Yu, who was reading a magazine on the stone before, appeared behind them.

This elite witch had her hands in her pockets, holding the two-handed sword.

She nodded slightly towards Li Li and Jiang Han, held the sword in both hands, pointed it downwards, and pointed it at Chun Skeleton Dragon's head, and said seriously:

"You have successfully hunted this beast that was tortured by the dragon's blood. May the Witch's Moon soothe its pain, guide it away from madness, see reason, and return to peace."

Cheng Yu thrust his sword into the neck behind the skull of the Pure Skeleton Dragon, and cut off the Pure Skeleton Dragon's head with a sharp stroke.

Is this a head grab? Jiang Han made a joke in his heart and looked at it with his hands folded.

Cheng Yu knelt down and picked up the dragon's head, put it into an invisible pocket with a spell, then turned around and said:

"We witches are better at deceiving ourselves. Although we hunt them for the materials on them and exchange them for golden coins, the official statement is that we restored them to peace and entered the cemetery of Witch Moon. , let them free——"

She smiled, shook her head and said, "Although I don't know why this small dragon species that lives leisurely on the island needs to be freed, but in general, the rituals that need to be done are still done."

"This is the so-called necessary hypocrisy." Li Li squatted down skillfully and marked the ground with her spear.

"If you do it every time, it won't be called hypocrisy." Jiang Han nodded, and walked over to help pick up the nearby stones. "There is no way that people who do things will be called hypocritical and stop doing them."

Cheng Yu guided:

"Make a circle with stones, throw dead branches and wood in, and light a fire before we leave. People from the hunting club will help us bring the prey back and process it. We need to pay a certain handling fee, such as some materials."

"We use this as a logo..." Cheng Yu took out a badge from his pocket, with a black background and a pattern of Pale March:

"There is a hunter's exam in the A2 exam. After passing it, you will choose a unique badge with the help of the Witch Association. After each hunt, just throw the badge down, and the unique magic smoke will envelope the monster's corpse, like this. "

She threw down the badge, and a burst of white fluorescence appeared, hovering around the pure skeleton dragon that had just died, strange and beautiful:

"Even a great witch would have a hard time removing this kind of mark. Weak prey will not be stolen after being treated like this. Then there is the second mark."

She took out two more badges from her pocket. Different from the previous badges, this one was very simple, a red and blue smiley face badge:

"Red means staying. The witches of the club and association will only take the body back and extract the materials; blue means selling, and the money will be transferred directly to the account of the first badge owner. Pure Skeleton Dragon's Before counting the materials, you cut off one of the most valuable dragon horns, so I guess I can only sell it for seventy or eighty yuan."

The price is not high... It's probably equivalent to me selling a bottle of wine for 700 yuan. If I hunt two a day, it's barely equal to me selling a bottle of high-priced wine... Wait, why should I take the share of the wine sales? Hunting ratio? ...Jiang Han was silent for a few seconds, subconsciously wanting to cover his face.

This move was misunderstood by Li Li. The fox witch took off her ears, put them back on her head, and said at the same time:

"Even if one horn is not chopped off, it can only be sold for 100 yuan. This is the market price. There is also a handling fee charged by the club. In the end, it should only be 90 yuan. There is also tax. The last one is more than 80 yuan. This is only possible. More than 60."

"Fifty yuan of it is considered as my activity fund. The two of you can share more than five yuan each. Just in time, each of you can buy 10 witch eggs and take them home to hatch."

...It's not as good as selling wine...Jiang Han sighed, completely despairing of the profession of hunter, which she originally thought should be a high-income profession. Whoever wants to hunt can do it in the future. After working so hard just now, she only earned 5 yuan.

Even if you don't count the activity expenses, if three people rate it, it will only be 20 yuan. And the witch's hunting team is usually a team of 4 people. In summary, it is 15 yuan for a pure skeleton dragon. The profit is really not high.

"Only hunting medium-sized dragons can start to be profitable. When you have the best luck, hunting small dragons can supplement your family income. Therefore, most hunting teams just hunt small dragons and focus on medium-sized dragons."

Cheng Yu's words once again made Jiang Han feel bad about hunting. Medium-sized dragons are so dangerous!

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