Witch for All 1994

Chapter 696 Witch Card

Regardless of whether Alessa was happy or not, Jiang Han and Chen Ligu secretly got Lester's game console.

The two sisters haven't touched Marit for more than a month, and they are so horny!

There was a vigorous battle immediately.

Elesa, who was lying on the bed, sighed quietly and once again told an ancient witch fable.

The story goes like this, two cute little witches were noisy in front of the bed of a sick big witch, and then the big witch got very angry and hung the two little girls from the chandelier all night.

Hey! This is just a standard witch fable.

Since Elesa was already impatient, she began not to use the analogy between "fairy witch" and "iceberg or ferry", but directly used the term "two little witches" to describe it, so Jiang Han probably guessed that the other party's Her patience has exceeded its limit, and she can't wait to teach her and Gu Bao some lessons in the next second.

Therefore, the smart Jiang Han had the good sense not to play Marit in front of Xiabao, but to play the witch card instead.

"I don't understand. Is our search for gold really meaningful?" Chen Ligu behaved very unnaturally late at night.

In other words, she is a very unprofessional witch.

This is not like a question that a witch would ask... Jiang Han said in surprise:

"Why do you think it doesn't make sense?"

"Because if you think about it, our lives as witches are spent repeatedly hurting other races and repeatedly getting what we want. Then we are looking for gold, replacing gold with things we didn't want but needed. Don’t you think this situation is strange?" Chen Ligu sorted out her deck and asked.

Alessa, who was lying down, asked quietly:

"There is a fable of a witch... Forget it, let me explain it clearly. When I was a child, before an exam, I kept hesitating, thinking about the life of the witch, and thinking about whether it was worth my efforts to study... …But the moment I got 100 points, everything disappeared. I just wanted to show off to a little witch who didn’t get 100 points, and look at the other person’s envious but speechless face, happy Extremely."

Bad woman.

Jiang Han covered his mouth and laughed.

Chen Ligu said unconvinced:

“Isn’t this also about comparing one’s own success with other people’s pain to gain happiness?”

Alessa said thoughtfully:

"But wouldn't that be joy?"

Bad women have their own bad ways, and they also have their own little girls to love... Jiang Han swayed his tail and twitched his cat ears with a smile.

And Chen Ligu had to admit:

"You are indeed right. After thinking about it, it is indeed quite happy."

After a pause, she asked curiously:

"But why don't you let us play Marit?"

"That's because I also want to play, but I can't. I don't want others to take advantage of me for fun, although I know it's a double standard." Alessa's tone was like that of a girl who is always calm and kind, gentle as if she didn't want to play. Having the heart to hurt insects and ants is like digging a hole for a flower and burying it in a beautiful way, calling it a "burial flower".

Chen Ligu blinked:

"But aren't you blind?"

"Ms. Chen, most encounters in the world are reunions after a long separation, and witches who tell the truth often look down on the beauty, beauty, diligence, kindness and kindness in the world." Alessa asked in a gentle tone, as if she was pinching your neck. Malu Yelang', very Japanese, old Asasi.

Hey, the witch is such a double standard creature.


The witch cards are full of strange things, just like the witch!

The gameplay is simple, just standard auto-chess. Three identical 1-star character cards can be upgraded to 2-star character cards, and three 2-star character cards can be upgraded to 3-star.

The rules are very simple, almost like Mahjong.

Secondly, there is the cost of the card, which is also divided into 1 to 5 fees. Finally, there is a fixed amount of money obtained each round, and there are a bunch of messy winning streak rewards, losing streak rewards, extra card drawing rewards, etc... And with self-propelled What's different about chess is that it also has three types of cards: effect cards, equipment cards, and field cards.

Finally, the card pool of witch cards. The card pool of this game is determined by the number of participants. If there are two people, the decks of the two people will be mixed as a public card pool. Only 1 core card is allowed to be retained. If there are three people, the decks of the three people will be mixed. Card pool, retain 2 core cards. In short, the number of cards retained from your own deck is always equal to [number of participants - 1]. Therefore, this game does not even require a complete deck!

Just draw cards from other people's decks!

Therefore, there is also a routine called "disgusting flow". Equip the 60 most embarrassing cards in the entire version, and then play against others to disgust others. This is what many witches like to do.

When Jiang Han closed his eyes, it was Chen Ligu's 'Heaven and Earth, Same Life Card Set'. He and Chen Ligu fought late last night until early morning, and the opponent kept using this deck to disgust him.

"Damn it, I'll change a set of NT decks to deal with you tomorrow!" Jiang Han refused to admit defeat. Instructor Cheng Yu once said an ancient fable, which roughly means, 'If the little witch doesn't just love playing games, she will become A lot more powerful'.

I have to say that witches with a teacher temperament like to make up some... well, tell some fables and send out witch warnings.

Jiang Han fell into sleep angrily, and dreamed of fishing with his tail, and dreamed of electric eels again.

Experienced ‘Do cybercats dream of electronic electric eels? ', the answer may be yes, so when she jumped up from the bed with a meow, she met Alessa who was taking off the bandages and looked on, and the sleep-deprived social animal-type underage beautiful girl and a promising gold-level single The girl Gu Bao threw a pillow on the head of the cat who could meow in a high octave with the voice of a siren.

"Gubao's shampoo is quite fragrant, isn't it?" Jiang Han took off the pillow and sucked it in subconsciously.

She politely looked away from Alessa.

The other party was taking off the bandage. There was no clothing in the bandage, but there were some treasures. According to Jiang Han's experience, the size of this treasure starts with 36 and ends with E.

"Getting up so early? I thought you would go to bed later?" Alessa said quietly, maybe blind babies are like this, not paying much attention to the outside world, and not being too shy.

"I am more energetic." Jiang Han replied with a smile.

Alessa's quiet and gentle voice sounded again:

"That's unusual. Cat witches are generally quite lethargic, but siren cat witches love to sleep more. Sirens also like to sleep. It is said that they sleep for twelve hours a day, and only go out for activities at other times."

Jiang Han turned his eyes and said:

"Perhaps cat witches like to live in rooms with agarwood wood interiors, and so do sirens. The factors secreted by these types of witches mix with the aroma and then return to the body, causing increased sleepiness."

This is a statement, but not absolute.

Alessa was obviously not a believer in factor theory. She took off the bandages and changed her clothes before continuing the topic:

"I heard that it is some kind of warming method that improves physical fitness. It resides in the marrow fluid."


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