Witch for All 1994

Chapter 692 Cat Rain Falling from the Sky

...The cat ladies from the Cat Knights of Cattavlin stood on the ground with huge tower shields that could block them, then knelt down on one knee and put their heavy flails on the ground with one hand and the other hand. He made a cat's claw motion on his chest.

They were giving thanks because cats never pray.

Thanks to the great Meow Yao for giving them the honor and dried fish.

Thanks to the great Meow for giving them civilization and the cat climbing box.

The cat lanterns surrounding them were floating around, curiously looking at these cats who belonged to the cat clan but were not the same creature:

"Meow, meow!"

"Meow? Meow!"

They talked in cat lantern language, while the cat people in human form stared at them curiously. Because cat people don’t understand cat lantern language, if cat language is English, then cat lantern language is Latin! Most cat lanterns can speak cat lantern and cat language, and occasionally there are powerful cats who can master witch language.

Jiang Han heard clearly that the cat lanterns were not very friendly to these cat people and called them "skinny cats" directly. Although in Jiang Han's opinion, this meant a bit of jealousy... But in short, this The Cat Knights, who had forty-six cats, finally completed the thank-you ceremony, grabbed the tower shield, and negotiated with Jiang Han, a Cat Knight Commander at the front.

She must be young, even among the childish-looking cat people, she seems too childish.

The palm-sized face was tense, as if expressionless was a sign of maturity. A pair of Siamese cat ears are placed on the head, and the cat ears are also covered with a layer of special chain-mail earmuffs.

Armed to the cat's ears!

Similarly, he is also armed to the end of the cat.

Her figure is very surprising, which reminds me of the wonderful comment of the Sunday Witch newspaper, "a board on the front and a wall on the back." Of course, Jiang Han did not dare to say it. The opponent's left hand, which is the hand holding the tower shield, is wearing a fingerless chainmail glove, and the exposed slender fingers have sharp cat claws.

The cat knight captain held her canned cat helmet in one hand (the canned helmet has a place for cat ears), stood in front of Jiang Han, meowed first, and then negotiated with a serious face:

"All light belongs to cats. Forty-six people including the Sixth Temple Detachment of the Knights of Cat Tavlin are at your disposal."

If 'negotiation' means 'at your disposal', then life will not have so many troubles and troubles... Jiang Han tilted his head and looked at the evil giant cat, who had an expression on his face. Meowing innocently.

This cat lantern language can be translated as:

"Hehe, your order is my 'dispatch'."

The old yin-yang cat.

Jiang Han controlled his emotions, exerted the patience to chat with Du Lingxuan Xuanbao, nodded happily, and then happily touched the cat knight captain with their tails:

"Sisters, we are cats in a cat tree. I need you to rush down and get rid of these bionic robots!"

"I'm happy to oblige." Although the Cat Knight Commander is short, he definitely looks like he is 1.85 meters tall.

Jiang Han felt happy when he saw such a worry-free guy for the first time. She turned her head and glanced at the giant cat who seemed to be looking for something strange again, and waved her paw:

"I'm going down too, Cat Carlo, we're going to take the cat..."

Jiang Han glanced at the expressionless knight commander next to him and thought of a plan, omitting one word of what he wanted to say:

"Do we need to stop at Cat Island?"

The evil giant cat’s eyes widened:

"Cat Island!?"

Giant cats are like witches, they also have a certain love for power... Jiang Han narrowed his eyes.

The evil giant cat became a little nervous all of a sudden. The cat's beard trembled several times in succession. After a while, it reluctantly said:

"Meow, I can cast a spell called Fel Energy Shell, attach a thick layer of Fel Energy Shell to the creature, and then launch it to a height of two or three thousand meters in the sky, and then smash it down. This is a good deal. , meow! What a good way to make a silly cat that can’t float fall to the ground?”

Her words were full of strong sourness and disdain for the 'cat without a waist' towards the 'cat with a waist'.

This is a good start! A few hours ago, this evil giant cat would have said, "Meow, I think it would be good to push it down and land directly." Now he has finally come up with a plan... Jiang Han felt it immediately. When the giant cat has a competitor, They will become reliable.

Jiang Han stole a glance at the cat knights. They didn't mind the sarcastic remarks from the giant cat lanterns from time to time. They probably were often criticized by the cat lanterns in the cat world. After wagging her tail a little, she nodded and said:

"Then do it, Cat Carlo."

The evil giant cat slapped the ground with its tail, and at the same time raised its two cat paws to the sky, constantly chanting in the language of cat lanterns.

This doesn't quite match up with the magical abilities that Cat Lantern possesses.

In Jiang Han's impression, most of the cat lantern's spellcasting abilities consist of tapping its tail or directing power to fire directly, similar to that of a warlock. The spellcasting process of the evil cat lantern is obviously close to that of the ancient witch.

The cat people were slowly lifted up by the magic power. They relied on the tower shield very calmly, showing a sense of trust in the giant cat lantern.

Maybe the cat world is still a relatively peaceful or united world?

They floated to a position more than one meter above the ground, and suddenly a dark green protective shield appeared around them, shaped like a sphere and about two meters in diameter.

After shaping, pieces of rock are attracted to the sphere.

More and more, until they form spherical boulders about five to six meters in diameter. The large amount of energy from the earth's veins makes these boulders burst out with fire and blazing light.

"A magic ball with aggregation effect, this is actually a cat lantern spell..." Jiang Han couldn't control his surprise.

It is really surprising that such an exquisite spell composition came from the hands of a giant cat.

After all the forty-six boulders were ready, the evil giant cat let out a huge meow, and its tail struck the ground hard! The earth vein force field pulled these forty-six boulders into a whirlpool in one breath!

They rotate at high speed, after reaching the highest acceleration!


Then he was violently thrown into the sky!

The evil giant cat quickly condensed the traction force of the earth's veins into a javelin, then quickly grabbed the javelin and swung it towards the battlefield below the cat lamp sky island.

As the carrier of the earth's traction fell into the ground, the guided boulders in the sky also impacted the ground with a terrifying rebound acceleration! It's like a rain of meteorites!

Although this is the killing effect of a group spell of about level 7 of the witch, it is already very scary to be able to do this with the giant cat lantern's ability...

Jiang Han doesn't even have the spell to summon meteorite rain now!

Jiang Han shook his head, cast a simple magic shield on himself, slowly floated to the sky above the battlefield, simply released the levitation, and then cast an acceleration spell on himself.

Cats fell from the sky!


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