Witch for All 1994

Chapter 68 First Hunting

Leaving the fortress and walking into the jungle of Hunting Island, Cheng Yu carried a two-handed sword on her back and opened the way with a hatchet in one hand. She taught without looking back:

"The first rule of hunting is to pay attention to safety."

"In the records of the past few decades when witches first appeared, we appeared as natural disasters, accompanied by fire and thunder, because it is the nature of witches to pursue safety. When encountering life-threatening situations, we will ignore everything. Eleven poured his firepower around him.”

"Forest fires, earthquakes, collapses, and even volcanic eruptions. Even if she can't find prey, the witch will still do anything for safety."

She turned back, raised a finger, and looked over seriously with dark red pupils. Jiang Han couldn't help but shrink.

Cheng Yu said with a serious expression:

"Pay attention to safety at all costs. This is my first request. This is not like being in a city. In a metropolis, even if you blow yourself into powder, the rescue witches will still have a way to put you back together. But in the wild, Even minor wounds can easily lead to fatal infections."

Don't worry, teacher, if I'm in danger, I will definitely throw fireballs to death... Jiang Han nodded vigorously while holding the gun and ax.

As long as it's safe, anything is fine, she thought in her heart.

She quietly glanced at the fox witch, who took off her ears and placed them inward on human ears, which looked much safer.

Cheng Yu glanced at Li Li appreciatively. Although her eyes were still speechless, she obviously appreciated the fox witch's protection of her ears. She raised another finger and said seriously:

"Second, no flying."

"The witch's ability to fly, including the use of magic such as flight in emergencies, is absolutely prohibited in the jungle."

"Because the witch's flying ability is rarely able to escape from a height of 100 meters in an instant, and at a height of 100 meters, there are many anti-air plants in the wild, and various small flying dragon species and medium-sized flying dragons can all attack the witch in the air. It poses a great threat. Unless you are extremely capable in air combat, don't fly."

Her tone was full of warning, and Li Li next to her also chimed in:

"The proverb of the Witch of the East is, 'In times of crisis, it is better to dig holes than to fly.' This characteristic of the Witch of the West likes to fly to the sky every time she encounters a crisis, which has caused many tragedies."

"Yes, if you dig a hole and hide, you can also put various enhancement spells in the hole. Even if you fight to the death, it will be more effective than in the air. In the great war, we were attacked by surprise, so we just relied on It took more than a month to dig a hole in the ground." Cheng Yu agreed.

The witch found the true meaning of war and dug holes...Jiang Han felt that this made sense.

It looks like you can fly around in the air, but is the sky really safer than the ground? Not necessarily, the witch doesn't have enough maneuverability in the air if she doesn't ride a broom, and it's also difficult to find the time to cast the spell.

Not everyone in this world is a great witch and can give up casting time and spiritual vocabulary.

Instead, dig a hole, bury yourself, throw in some strengthening spells, and you will immediately become a tough turtle shell. Moreover, most of the spells that witches know support them in digging underground, and the one who digs first will definitely have an advantage. Once the magic trap is set, whoever comes will have a headache.

Don't decide to build a bunker when trouble comes.

Jiang Han's original spell list included many spells that could dig into the earth. If she learned to turn fossils into mud and mud into stone in the future, she could go underground. If she encountered danger, she would dig underground. There wasn't much anyway. How dare anyone play underground with a big witch.

But what is this, burying Jiang Han? The Zerg technology has improved very well... Jiang Han thought amusedly.

She looked around and found no trace of any monster.

Having been a keyboard warrior for a period of time in her previous life, Jiang Han knew a lot. She remembered that there seemed to be a hunting simulator game that mentioned that animals have very sensitive senses of smell and hearing. Knocking here and there like they did, The hunter who chats and jumps all the way - there is a high probability that he will transform into a walking simulator player and never see his prey for the rest of his life.

...Sniff it, it seems that I have also applied skin care lotion, and it still smells like orange.

After lowering her head and smelling her hand, she spread her fingers and raised her hand, feeling a gust of wind blowing on the back of her hand.

Still facing the leeward direction, can we really encounter prey... Jiang Han was deeply doubtful, so he asked: "Can we find prey with such obvious movement?"

Cheng Yu made a telescope gesture with his hand, glanced ahead, and said with a relaxed expression:

"It's one of the few things you don't have to worry about, and we're definitely going to find it."

Seeing that Jiang Han was still confused, she explained:

"Extraordinary creatures will quickly fall into hunger and thirst. Their bodies, shapes, and physiological structures make it impossible for them to imitate other animals and escape at the first touch. Therefore, we only need to guard the feeding and drinking points, even if they are more than a dozen You can easily encounter extraordinary creatures that are not very powerful in just a few minutes.”

When encountering someone who is not powerful...Jiang Han grasped the key words.

"There are a lot of prey on the hunting island. We are very close to the fortress. The plants planted are all that ordinary people can collect. They do not conform to the configuration of the habitat of powerful beasts. It is a natural novice area." Cheng Yu Explained: "As long as we don't go deep, we are unlikely to encounter medium-sized dragon species, or beasts that can use their skin to bounce fireballs."

Powerful beasts are more or less resistant to magic, because those without magic resistance are found by witches using prophecy spells and then hunted.

Jiang Han recalled the information he had read in the book and asked:

"Do small dragons also have the ability to resist prophecies?"

Cheng Yu used the method of turning mud into stone to create a path in the mud ahead. She stepped on it and then said:

"You can step on them... There are also small dragons, which are very resistant, but it's not impossible to find them, it's just that the gains outweigh the losses."

"Teacher Cheng Yu, there are petals of the Liquor Flower nearby that have been chewed. We are close to it or them." Li Li stepped on it and said.

Miss Fox's eyesight is good... Jiang Han scanned twice and didn't see anything, so he could only complain.

"Well, six petals, seven petals... small dragon species, pure skeleton dragons, one or two, they left a few dragon scales. Their dragon scales are very beautiful, light golden, and have a certain degree of resistance to the illusion school. It works." Cheng Yu counted them and said.

Li Li also nodded:

"It's nice, light gold, with pale accents that look like bones."

Jiang Han's eyes widened, he looked left and right, and bit his lip.

What were these two people looking at... She almost wanted to grab their clothes and pull them wildly.

Probably to take care of her, Cheng Yu threw another shot that turned mud into stone and created a small hole in the mire.

The two-meter-tall witch rushed over vigorously, bent down to pick it up, and then quickly came back. She spread her palms and said:

"This is the dragon scale of the pure skeleton dragon."

Lying quietly in her palm were four oval dragon scales about ten centimeters long. They were light golden and pale, and looked like ivory white from a distance.

"It looks good." Jiang Han's eyes lit up. The light gold and pale colors reminded her of gold and silver.

Anything with gold and silver looks good to her.

"Their scales are very light. Some witches will choose to use them to make inner armor or cloaks. Although they are slightly weak in terms of defense, they are at least dragon scales." After Cheng Yu's introduction, he selected from the four dragon scales. The most beautiful one, I scratched it with my fingertips - a high-temperature spell melted it into a light golden wine fruit flower with white edges.

Then she made a gesture, and the cold current cooled down the hot dragon scale flower.

Cheng Yu casually pinned the dragon scale flower on Jiang Han's hair:

"Okay, we still have a whole pure skeleton dragon to hunt. Then I'll see if I can get you a few more dragon scales."

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