Witch for All 1994

Chapter 658 Picked up a Mary Sue girl

"Connect the bearing and the pressure test passed!"

"Horizontal suspension frame, pressure test passed!"

"Enchanted outer deck, pressure test... Guwa! Hanhan, come down from above!"

...Jiang Han pursed his lips and used the force field again to lose weight.

Lilia jumped to the outer deck in distress, touched the dents on the ground, raised her fingers seriously and warned:

"It's wood. It can bear the weight of a medium tank, but it won't hold up to the pressure of a Maus, and your feet..."

She gestured:

"...It's so small! The pressure didn't make a hole in you all of a sudden, it was already Anjie's blessing!"

Occasionally, some witches appear who believe in Anjie (most of them are unbelievers). Lilia is a shallow believer who places an Anjie statue at home and prays if it is useful. If it is not useful, she will not even give a gold coin. I have very little faith, but occasionally I can say a few words.

Jiang Han was speechless after being lectured. After thinking about it, he gathered up his cloak, raised his neck and turned his face sideways.

Lester, who was wearing glasses, was beside him and lifted the car body shell on the inner ring of the lower deck, making a thumping sound:

"I've seen this action on the Erin Gold Coin! It's just that you are a bit stupid when you do it, um, a bit stupid? Gu, or a bit stupid?"

Dear sister, you don’t need to show off your understanding of Chinese! Jiang Han glared at the other party with dissatisfaction, jumped off the deck, floated on the yellow sand, and went to the front of the vehicle.

The two giant cat lanterns responsible for power were chatting and actually playing cards.

They play a kind of cat lantern card, which is a magical cat lantern card that can only be exchanged for the reputation of the cat lantern camp.

Although only two giant cat lights are used to pull the car, due to the phototaxis of the cat lights, a large number of different cat lights landed on the front deck of the entire car, as well as on the body shell of the inner ring of the front deck, which has a design climbing Climb the ladder to the top observation room, but the cat lanterns regard it as a nest and live in it directly.

Lester followed, using his hands and feet to point the direction for the two giant cats.

"There is no problem with the power system." She made an OK gesture, and the two giant cat lights gave a thumbs up.

"I'm going to see if there's anything wrong inside." After Jiang Han said that, he walked into the car through the front door.

She pushed open the door with both hands and smelled a rich, warm fragrance and warm air.

The first thing you see is a circular and comfortable garden, not big, but exquisite. Only simple common flowers and cacti (digged from outside) were inserted as decorations. The main body was a maple tree with red fire leaves. Under the tree was a hot spring divided into three parts with stones. There were more than fifty or sixty cats. The lamp floats along with the water vapor in the sky. Perhaps the warm feeling comes from this water spring.

The wooden corridor wrapping the garden has a room at every other section, including three personal rooms, a bathroom, a restaurant, and a warehouse.

After using the spell, even a building of this level can be built in half a day... Jiang Han breathed a sigh of satisfaction. All these rooms used ritual spells for space expansion. However, due to the corresponding advanced ritual spells, More expensive, so this place is completely made of relatively low-level spells, and the weight is probably as much as 25%.

To be honest, those two giant cats can easily pull this car because their strength is comparable to that of dragons. Hmm, maybe a medium dragon...

In Jiang Han's memory, Ovelia proudly said that the superior species among giant cat lanterns could play tug-of-war with the ancient red dragon!

First she went to the warehouse, and then she walked into her room. The only one that used high-level runes was slightly modified from her portable suite.

The space inside is comfortable, and there is a vacant room. There were originally sofas and boxes, but they were moved to the living room.

Jiang Han took off the lantern from his waist and closed the door behind his back.

She shook the lantern and spoke today's password in cat lantern language:

"Ball of yarn."

White spray suddenly spread from the lantern! When the spray dissipated, three lazy giant cat lamps with squinting eyes and tall chef hats appeared in the empty room, along with a complete set of cat kitchen utensils and an oven shaped like a giant teapot. .

They all took off their huge chef hats, and several cat-lantern chefs jumped out slowly.

At the same time, a giant cat chef shook his body and shook out several smaller cat lamp sub-chefs from the long cat hair.

Finally, the kindest one among them, the giant cat chef with orange and white hair, said very gently in the witch language with a cat lamp accent:

"Meow, we will keep 17% of the materials as compensation, is that okay?"

"No problem at all, I really want to taste your craftsmanship." Jiang Han said with a smile and handed the box of ingredients taken out from the warehouse to the giant cat chef.

The three head chefs looked at each other and meowed happily.

Roughly means:

‘Boys, let’s get to work! ’

After two hours of journey, the carefully cooked cat lantern-style dishes were finally served. At the same time, because it had to provide food for other giant cat lanterns, the survey vehicle stopped on the road, and the sky was slightly bright. At that time, Jiang Han fed the two giant cat lanterns, and at the same time had to take out some fruits and vegetables from the warehouse to feed the ordinary cat lanterns that were left in the car.

The witch believes that feeding wild cats lanterns can bring good luck, but Jiang Han doesn’t believe it, but feeding cats can also turn off the cat lanterns, so there’s no harm in it!

After the pleasant meal time, it was already mostly dawn. After telling the giant cat lanterns to stop at the predetermined resting point, the three of them went back to their rooms to sleep.


Boom, boom...

"Well, well..."

Jiang Han felt his head being patted, and he opened his eyes in a daze.

Where it enters the eye is a soft, shiny body.

She was so frightened that she became more energetic. She sat up and took a closer look, only to find that the shiny fur turned out to be a cat lantern. This guy's tail was swaying, his eyes were squinted, and his gaze made people feel very serious.

"Meow, meow!" It jumped up and floated for a while.

"Huh? You said, you said the giant cats asked you to call me?" Jiang Han translated the cat lantern language, yawned greatly, turned over, put his legs down on the bed, and took out a pair of fluffy stockings for himself. After putting on my plush slippers and putting on my nightgown, I complained, "I slept soundly!"

The cat lantern floating beside meowed a few words.

...Because the ghost witch likes to lie in the coffin when sleeping, and she cannot scream with the strength of a cat lantern. hateful!

...And the Ghost Ship Witch was wrapped in a quilt and hiding in the cat box, unable to even scream.

...I understand, I am the only witch here who sleeps normally.

Jiang Han patted his face helplessly and looked at the door that was obviously pushed open a crack by the giant cat lantern.

He walked forward and gently pulled away, and she shook her head.

The dazzling sunlight hits my face.

There is no doubt that it is around nine o'clock in the morning, the sun is shining brightly, and this is the time when the witch sleeps most soundly.

There were huge cacti and prickly pear flowers in the surrounding terrain, and it was about five hours away from the scheduled rest point.

Jiang Han saw two giant cat lanterns. One was lying on the ground lazily drying its fur, while the other panda lantern was breaking open a cactus and prying open the pulp for snacks.

Seeing her coming out, the giant cat basking in the sun pointed with his paw at the sand dune in front of him.

Jiang Han looked along the cat's paw.

It was a silver-haired witch, wearing an elegant purple-black dress with a large number of colorful butterflies on the skirt and long hair.

She also held a small lace umbrella and wore cute short boots. Her slender legs wrapped in black translucent pantyhose looked a bit matte and shiny in the sun.

And the exquisite appearance does not need too much elaboration.

It was Alessa Wellington who had a close relationship with Jiang Han and was sought after in this era as 'the next Anjie, or even the combination of Anjie and Irene', the Mary Sue of the Heisei era!

Next to her was a small wooden sign that read in ten different languages:

【I'm lost, please help me】

Mary Sue, who can get lost, is a treasure from heaven.

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