Witch for All 1994

Chapter 623 The ghost witch with cat ears

Who will come to find me? Jiang Han wrapped her robe tightly, washed her mouth and face with snow water casually along the way, and came to the gate at her own pace.

Due to the expansion of the snowfield, the entrance has turned into a small cave-like platform about three or four meters long, with several clocks placed on it.

Before she even walked out the door, she saw a large snow-white cat lantern huddled on the platform in front of the door.

It's too big!

It's enough, it's the size of an RV! It climbed onto a small stall-like cart, which was similar to a carriage and a carriage stall. It was filled with travel gifts and books.

Wow! The owner of this vehicle must have used a development spell on this vehicle, which is similar to the mansion spell but more practical... Well, there are also large cat lanterns. This kind of powerful furry giant cat lanterns usually only breed on uninhabited islands in the sea. , protected by a large number of occult concepts, only the witch who has truly opened up the reputation of the cat lantern can get one... Jiang Han is both curious and jealous. What makes the witch jealous have such a big one that can replace the griffon? Giant cat lantern.

She then tilted her head and glanced at the ignored witch next to her. Probably because of her small size, she was completely overshadowed by the giant cat lantern next to her!

This witch's skin is as white as milk, with a pair of huge wolf-like cat ears on her head covered by long black hair, and unruly black curly hair wraps around the cat ears.

The magic power released without scruples darkened the air around her, giving the illusion of darkness at a glance.

Who is this? Jiang Han was sure that he did not know this witch. He tilted his head in confusion and asked with a smile:

"Good afternoon, lady! Is there anything I can do to help you? Or maybe it would be more appropriate and timely for you to introduce yourself before that?"

The cat-eared witch wears a pure black casual skirt, with a dark and mysterious temperament.

Her cat ears twitched slightly, and the corners of her mouth raised twice quickly and invisibly:

"My name is...Shar, an ordinary cat lantern merchant, running a small cat toy business; I am also a traveling witch, willing to bring gadgets from different dimensions to my customers. As for a deeper level The connection and reason for coming here, I think I need to meet the witch who freed my sisters."

It’s a sleeping cat lamp! But...the title of sisters...

"Sisters?" Jiang Han said in surprise. Although the term "sisters" is very close, it should not be used to address the 'same person'.

Shar, who had snow-white skin and disheveled black hair, and the contrast was even more stark because of the shadows around her, snorted, her cat ears twitched twice, the corners of her mouth raised two or three times, and she said with a haughty attitude:

"Shar is part of Ovie, but Ovie is not all of me. I am more visionary than my sisters, full of passion and love for life, and more..."

Before she could finish speaking, she was interrupted lazily by another similar voice:

"More outrageous."

Lazy Ovelia walked out from behind Jiang Han, rarely maintaining a humanoid form.

When did you follow? Jiang Han blinked but didn't ask.

She had read some ancient books, which described a special spell called Shadow Cloak, which was also one of Ovelia's unique spells. It had very strong effects of releasing the control state, sneaking, following forward, and being immune to damage.

She was also keenly aware that there was still a little bit of Ovie's magic power left in her shadow. The Sleeping Witch's spells were so mysterious that even with just a little magic power, she could create strange effects. The Eight Schools can be said to have simplified her spell-casting process, allowing witches with more mediocre qualifications to improve.

I have to ask Maowei to teach me this spell later! Jiang Han thought so.

Shar raised the corner of his mouth twice, tilted his head disdainfully, and squinted at Ovelia, giving the impression that a feline creature was sizing it up before attacking.

Her big ruby ​​eyes, which were different from other sleeping cat lanterns, widened, and their pupils expanded into vertical pupils:

"Long time no see, sister."

Ovelia put her chin on Jiang Han's head:

"Shar, how was your trip?"

Phew, it seems, it seems that this is a sleeping cat lamp that is more powerful than Ovie? Jiang Han was stunned for a moment before he realized what was happening. He stretched out his hand to rub Ovi's face in dissatisfaction. This resulted in Mao Wei catapulting into the shadows next to him and saying, 'How dare you! ’.

Shar, who was holding a cane made entirely of black gemstones, thought for a moment and said:

"I went to the frost demon world for a tour. After the rule of our great Nine Cat Lantern Conference was overthrown by the tyrant Irene, I wanted to go to the frost demon world to see if I could create greater glory..."

While Shar was speaking, Ovi quietly said to Jiang Han:

"Because of me, the total number of Meows is nine, so some of them who are more self-aware will think that we are a 'parliament of nine Meows.'"

Oh, you still created nine meows to discuss? If this is a split personality, I'm afraid there are nine personalities. If you are more mysterious, you can be the protagonist of the novel. The killer is the killer at the beginning and the killer watches anime and writes novels... Well, he is almost able to surf the Internet to suppress the clouds!

...Jiang Han cursed a few words in his heart, but still listened patiently to what Shar said. She was quite curious about the frost demon!

Shar started chatting, and she was indeed much more lively than the average sleeping meow, and she kept talking! From time to time, he would tap the ground with his cane:

"Frost demon, you're useless. It's barely an empire of spellcasters. A frost demon at the level of a great witch can be the master of the small sky island... Well, they call the small sky island a floating city. And they're still here Being chased and beaten by a race called soul-sucking frost monsters doesn't make me think at all, it's not Waaaaagh at all."

No, no, no, the Frost Demon is already very impressive to me, and very Waaaagh, but not as good as the Witch Waaaagh!

"Do they have many cities?" Ovi asked.

The corners of Shar's mouth curled up twice, and she said with a thoughtful expression:

"Not too few, because they are all floating cities that drift with the tide, so they have no fixed place of residence."

After the two meows talked about old times, the super-large cat lamp made a low-level meowing sound, shook its body, and about fifty or sixty snow-white, smaller cats emerged from its long hair. lamp.

The petite cat lights bring a burst of cold air as soon as they appear.

Only then did Shar say:

"By the way, I brought some cat lanterns and did some experiments with the frost demon, and made these frost cat lanterns. They are different from ordinary cat lanterns. These cat lanterns can even be used as air conditioners..."

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