Witch for All 1994

Chapter 617 Weekly Salary

After enjoying a big meal with Lin Zhaojun, who suddenly felt better, Jiang Han leisurely got into the car and went to the Witch's House on the way. He found Qin Shunying playing shamisen at the busy counter. .

The store manager didn't know where she got a pair of Japanese witch sisters, twins, whose appearance is over 90, only a little lower than the amazingly beautiful Jingjing.

These sisters have over 10,000 magical powers and are only 16 years old. What's more important!

They can speak cross talk with a northern Chinese accent!

This is amazing. Just with this one hand, your net worth has doubled!

The two sisters were trained by the store manager, wore cheongsam, and played wildly on the stage. They usually followed the script and occasionally performed on their own. The elder sister recited half of the words, and the younger sister said "ah ho hey", occasionally interspersed with two sentences of Baga and Axiba, the effect was extraordinary...

Especially when my elder sister read a sentence in Japanese, my younger sister looked confused, "Sister, what are you talking about?" ’.

"Aren't we natives of Kyoto, Japan?"

"But I can't understand your authentic northern accent."

Hey, what you said is really good... Jiang Han walked towards Qin Shunying with a sweet smile and took two steps. The more he thought about this cross talk, the more he wanted to laugh! The more I thought about it, the happier I became, so when I walked up to the store manager, I covered my mouth and began to enjoy myself.

Qin Shunying put down her shamisen, tilted her head to the left, then to the right, her face full of innocence:

"Ah, hey, my shamisen isn't that ridiculous, right? Want a cup of milk tea?"

"Okay, okay...Pfft, I, I just couldn't help it..." After Jiang Han sat down, he thought of the cross talk again, and couldn't help but pat his thigh again and laugh.


Qin Shunying's expression was stunned and she said with pain:

"Why are you slapping my thigh?"

Jiang Han said confidently:

"It hurts to slap myself!"

"Ugh wow!" The store manager burst out in the local dialect of the local witches, stretched out her paw and rubbed Jiang Han's face hard.

After fighting for a while, Qin Shunying calmed down and picked a low-key and simple pipe from the pipe box next to him, but the price tag '46999' was not removed. He coughed lightly and shook the pipe in a low-key manner. On point.

She took a beautiful puff:

"What's wrong, little sister, you're not going to work today. If you have guests, Du Lingxuan has scheduled your week's itinerary. I heard that you neutralized her family's negative energy and even increased the number of channel subscribers by 20%."

Xuan Bao's relationship is really tough, allowing Qin Shunying to arrange Jiang Han's schedule under pressure.

...Of course, this is also because the relationship between Li Lisi and Kraken, the two great witches with stronger local relations, and Qin Shunying is not that good.

Needless to say, Li Lisi, Qin Shunying wished that Li Lisi was just a decoration. In her words:

'Our great dragon knows nothing? Good thing! Because of statistics, the economic losses caused by Li Lisi's decisions far exceed those of our opponents. It's hard to say whether she would be better off not doing something than doing something... to be honest, she is. ’

According to Kraken, the social death of Qin Shunying's family was attributed to Kraken... Jiang Han circled his thoughts twice, puffed up his face and said:

"It's true that I don't go to work today, but it's time for me to get my salary today! And Tang Bao... cough, Miss Tang's salary."

"What! It's payday again!" Qin Shunying's eyes widened.

Jiang Han also widened his eyes:

"Huh? Isn't it?"

Qin Shunying lowered her head, took out her account book, and shook her head aggrievedly:

"...Indeed, why do we have to pay every week? We were paid last week."

I now firmly believe that the various supervisory agencies established by the witch are fruitful, effective, and necessary... Jiang Han pressed his waist with one hand and raised the corner of his mouth:

"...Why do you still need to eat today? You obviously ate yesterday."

"Yes, why do I need to eat today?" Qin Shunying looked confused, "We witches can have one meal, and we will not eat for ten days."

As a witch, I'm sorry... Seeing the perfect paradox between the land man's thoughts and the witch's physiology, Jiang Han stretched out his claws and said:

"Don't you get a lot of commission from Tang Bao's channel?"

"No matter how much you receive, it is still little; no matter how little you give, it is still more! Hanbao, do you know anything about business?" Qin Shunying finished speaking confidently, then took out her wallet with pain and took out two The check paid off both of their salaries.

As Jiang Han has recently made more and more money for the Witch House, Qin Shunying has to pay more and more wages.

This is a mandatory setting in the Witch Labor Contract Law. To put it simply, if the Witch creates an income of 1 million a year, then 120,000 of the 1 million should be paid as bonuses.

This also creates some subtle hidden rules. For example, if the boss does not want to see an employee again, this part of the bonus will be converted into fluorescent silver or Oite silver for the employee. The former is the Chinese meaning of 'walking silver'. The latter means 'out' in continental Europe.

However, Store Manager Qin couldn't wait to sign five-hundred-year contracts with potential players in the store, so he simply paid out the bonuses in the form of weekly salary. This was the most sincere way of disbursing them.

After all, you can get another bonus at the end of the year, and your usual salary has also increased.

"I don't understand business, but I know that guys who understand business have to pay me a salary." Jiang Han was stunned for a moment after taking the check.

She was wearing a casual skirt and didn't bring a bag today, so she opened her neckline slightly and used her own storage space to hide the check.

Siren Witch is also not prone to sweating and is foolproof.


The store manager's eyes widened and he said nothing, as if he had been silenced by a spell!

It wasn't until Jiang Han walked to the door with ladylike steps, turned her head, swung her long black hair with her hands behind her back, and showed a sweet smile that Manager Qin took a small breath while covering his headlights.

When Jiang Han slipped out in small steps, the store manager frowned, glanced at his lamp, and said doubtfully:

"Obviously the model difference is not big..."

Why don't I feel like this...

Qin Shunying is always a witch of noble birth, and she is embarrassed to use certain words to describe her employees even in her heart.


Back at the door, Jiang Han saw an extremely exaggerated scene from a distance.

There were probably thousands of cat lanterns floating above the snowfield, meowing and meowing... having a party?

Almost the entire snowfield is occupied by meows!

When these guys are tired from flying, they will stop on the snowfield, lazily imitating the snow leopards and lie down on the snow, huddled in a ball!

And not far away, Jiang Han saw his ice bear sleeping, with at least six cat lanterns resting on its belly... and one lying on its head, almost like a blindfold.

"Ugh, why are there so many cat lights!" Jiang Han felt that something was wrong, so he quickly took the broom from the door of his house and took off while jumping.

When she flew to her home, next to the mountain peak, she unexpectedly saw two sleeping cat lanterns with a philosophical temperament.

Next to the Sleeping Cat Lamp is a bunch of other cat lamps.

They were singing a chorus, watching a recording of cat golf, and a few obviously smart cats were playing Ludo!

And Miss Jiang Miao, who was previously entrusted with taking care of the cat lanterns, has already imitated the meows, meowing and meowing, and lying in a large group of cat lanterns as if she was having a great time.

...The most untrustworthy thing in the world is to let a scumbag look after the house!

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