Witch for All 1994

Chapter 579 She changed and became bad

Terbil is covered in rain, and the violent rain still illustrates the extroverted spirit of the dream owner, full of violent and dark anger.

In the hamster hole, the fragrance of tea overflows, and warm air and cold air are constantly flowing.

The sound of tasting the delicious food stopped, and Jiang Han happily took a sip of the fine Testenango black tea. This black tea is not dry, warm and delicious, and can make people breathe loudly and comfortably even in dreams.

She put down the tea cup with a smile and looked at the Saint Vera whose image had changed drastically.

The other party's beautiful black hair became strange and mysterious. The outside of the hair looked like smooth black satin, and it looked like dark mink fur and felt as silky. Inside the hair, there were strange colors and different shades. The starry sky was black, and it seemed that a few stars could be seen, but it seemed like it was just an illusion.

And those eyes!

It can no longer be seen that it is Yongjie Eye, and it has become as deep and elusive as the black starry sky.

She is still the same saint, but when she comes down from the side of light, she is not completely dark, but a more divine 'living creature'.

"Good evening, succubus." The somewhat divine saint intertwined her fingers, leaned back, and sat in the chair with a comfortable movement. "It's very reassuring to see you lively and lazy. There’s this illusion that life is just like that.”

The yin and yang got angry, this guy... Jiang Han couldn't help but curled his lips and knocked on the table with both hands:

"I am also very happy that you are still alive and healthy during my vacation. It is really touching that I am on the verge of tears. You know, the world has been controlled by our floating city's offensive. After defeat, just like you are to ordinary people in this world, the floating city is an invincible weapon to you."

Although the sky islands created in this world have not yet been enchanted with standard protective measures, they are still a crushing and terrifying weapon for mere outsiders.

Regarding this point, Vera nodded sincerely:

"We really can't find a way to deal with your huge island floating in the sky."

She paused for a moment, with a cunning look in her deep eyes:

"Suppose, if there is some kind of explosive that can destroy huge mountains, and if flying creatures carry out suicide attacks, is it possible to shoot down your floating island?"

A bomb that destroys a mountain? In this poor world? Jiang Han blurted out:

"Impossible! In this kind of world, having gunpowder that can kill people is considered a miracle..."

"It exists." Vera emphasized in a calm tone, "The royal city of the Kingdom of Ancient Legs was built among the mountains, but it was not a geographical environment suitable for building a mountain city from the beginning. In the history books, it is mentioned implicitly I have been to 'The power of God's blessing changed the mountains and established the royal city of Greygus'. With such records, you crazy witches... no, witches, you should understand the certain transformative nature of history and legend."

No, the witch doesn't know... But unfortunately, the concept of this world has the possibility of existence... The fire of gods mentioned in ancient times may be thunder and lightning, and the battle that destroys the world mentioned in ancient times may be the oldest prototype of witch The battle between the bodies... Jiang Han frowned and thought about reliability.

After thinking for half a second, she relaxed her brows, raised her head, and looked at Vera.

It turns out that this is the case... Miss Saint has truly, truly fallen... Jiang Han suddenly felt happy in his heart, as if he had torn off the wings of a butterfly and poured boiling water into the ant nest. A cruel sense of pleasure made him feel... She was full of energy and smiled with satisfaction:

"what do you want?"

"Knowledge." Vera leaned forward, curiosity sparkling in her eyes, "I want to know a lot, the stories of witches, the secrets of the stars, the legends of dragons and... what you call the 'universe'."

Curiosity is a standard characteristic of a witch, and Jiang Han is happy to see Vera become like this.

She smiled noncommittally, spread her hands, and said with an innocent expression:

"I'm just a poor messenger employee. Do you know the concept of employees, right? We work in a company...ah, do you know what a company is?"

"You will tell me." Vera's eyes revealed curiosity.

The more curious the better, and the more they destroy the resistance in their hearts, the better... Jiang Han picked up the teacup, thought for a moment, and said:

"You have bakeries and factories, and the company is a combination of these things. It's just that you are engaged in selling bread, while we witches are engaged in invading the world and getting enough benefits from these planets."

Vera squinted her eyes slightly:

"So you are just a small part of the witch race? Or even an insignificant part?"

"It's insignificant to not have witches, but if you think about it numerically, we are indeed a very, very small part. It's equivalent to a civil war in your Greggs, and only one person is sent as an army. It's about this level of small numbers. , and my job..." Jiang Han laughed, "...is to work as a liaison officer in such a 'bakery'."

"Miss Liaison Officer Succubus, what kind of bread can I get in exchange for this information?" Vera said as she gradually adapted to the witch's conversational rhythm.

The price of an piece of information depends on three points:

Relevance, does it have enough value, does it have significant enough intelligence.

Timeliness, the faster the information, the better. If you can detect the enemy's movements a month ago, the information will be priceless!

Authenticity, 'It is said...' According to my uncle... 'According to the evaluation agency, "Qi Er Ji Er"...' and 'I got a real hammer...' are different in value. The price of real hammer information is obviously higher. high. It's like a microphone for capital to speak, and it's completely different from the actual evaluation of the players after playing it. This is called "True Reality"

Jiang Han put down the teacup, puffed up his face, smiled sweetly, tapped the opponent's knee with his toes, and held his face with one hand:

"It depends on the quality of the 'information' you have, the time, place, and method. These are all areas worth raising the price for."

Vera showed a shallow smile, with a hint of hypocrisy unique to witches, and said regretfully:

"Although I don't pay attention to these, I am their saint after all, so they don't hide it from me. I know what they are going to do, when they are going to do it, where they will ambush, and where they will deploy their air defense forces. "

very good! Saint, the information you betrayed is of great value... Jiang Han clapped his hands inwardly, but continued to have a sweet business smile on his face, and said lightly:

"It's very valuable, but I need to go back and discuss the value of this information with the company's managers."

Who to consult with? Naturally, I would discuss it with Andrea and Angelette!

Vera sold the rebels at a good price here, so naturally Jiang Han could sell her at a good price as well.

Betrayal is the way of the witch - Sith tone

The fallen saint said calmly:

"I can tell you the news in advance... Although in the market, handing over valuable items without restraint is the stupidest behavior, but in this case, should it be said to be sincerity? Or should we say it? I can tell you in advance that I am aware of the actual situation.”

"Huh?" Jiang Han narrowed his eyes, then showed a very careless smile and said, "Okay, I promise to get the best interests for you..."

"Oh, that's not necessarily the case." Vera said calmly.

"Hey, how can you say that? This is a very distrustful act." Jiang Han tilted his head, held his chin in one hand, and stuck out his tongue.

The saint did not struggle with this issue, and instead narrated in a calm voice:

"Legend has it that a plant called the Gray Crystal Tree grows in the mountains of Mount Begallo, and it grows beautiful blue and gray gray crystal flowers. In our legend, 'The king went to the mountains, I used the power blessed by the gods to change the mountains and build the royal city of Greygus, and that power given by the gods is the Gray Crystal Flower."

"Grind it into powder, add it to the fire oil, then add the bone powder and the fire sac organ of a flying dragon called 'Atros', mix and stir, and cook for five days with the greatest possible air isolation. , you can make the kind of explosive that is powerful enough to open up a small plain among the mountains."

"They are preparing to use this weapon against you near the Ter Plain in the east. They have also prepared the last mobile force to land on the islands in the sky that were bombed down."

A powerful chemical explosive! Jiang Han had to admit that the witches were negligent, or that the witches in blue were negligent!

Invading a different world and familiarizing yourself with its strange documents and strange legends is the most basic thing!

If you are prepared to read in advance, with the level of knowledge of the witch, you may be able to easily know that there will be such explosives without Vera's tip... No matter how bad it is, you will also know that there is an item with some terrible power. exist and take corresponding precautions.

This information is indeed very important... Jiang Han did not show any pretense, and instead nodded and affirmed:

"It is indeed valuable. I need to report it to the company immediately. Please explain the approximate range of remuneration you want."

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