Witch for All 1994

Chapter 565 Master Ji Xiu (Part 2)

Thanks to the transparency of the witch world, basically any information can be checked for a fee.

Jiang Han spent 50 cents to check out the ‘Jixiu Academy’.

You won’t know if you don’t check, but you’ll be shocked if you check.

It’s so special to have this academy!

The name is [United Atlantic Institute of Technology]

"Majoring in [Bionic Machinery] huh? [Rune Circuit Design] huh!? [Alchemy Major] huh?" Jiang Han's claws were so trembling that he almost scratched the screen of his phone.

The Great Prize of Confusion in the World.

Not only does this school exist, but there are also social account pages associated with well-known alumni.

Li Lian graduated from this school. What's even more strange is that Lin Zhaojun is also an alumnus of this school, and he studied postpartum care for hens.

No wonder Li Lian passed the A3 exam just after graduation, but Ah Lin has not passed it this year!

It turns out that of these two people, one is a top student in a major, and the other is a mixed major in a school that looks like a professional. One is a serious graduate, and the other is a mixed-up graduate... and more later. After changing schools, I was afraid that I would have to use my capital to get myself a diploma from a prestigious school.

No wonder it didn’t pass A3!

"Li Lian...can also repair computers...no, repair chickens?" Jiang Han put down his phone, put his hand out of his sleeves, picked up the lemon tea on the table and took a sip.

Du Lingxuan also held up her own lemon tea and emphasized:

"Ji Xiu, Ji Xiu... Xiu Ji sounds like we're going to a club together."

Still a fastidious person.

Jiang Han pulled on his clothes, licked his lips habitually, and said doubtfully:

"You can give me 100,000 if you recharge?"

Are you too rich? Jiang Han's charge for the Nancheng Police Department only costs one or two thousand for one day!

Du Lingxuan put down the cup, used magic power to pick up the water droplets, and delicately drew a rune circuit diagram for Jiang Han to see:

"This is not easy. This chicken repairman is a very sophisticated product. Look, you can pour the magic power in through opening a, right?"

The lower left corner of the water drop rune picture lit up. I have to say that Kapton's skill in dismantling it is really impressive. Jiang Han has rarely seen someone with as much magic power as Du Lingxuan and a more sophisticated operation than her. This is not a spell. It's just an ordinary use of magic power.

"That's right, you are an expert at controlling energy." Jiang Han praised him, but he didn't know if the person he was chatting with was wrong, and his words became shaky.

Du Lingxuan glanced at her and said with a smile:

"That's right, it's not open source like you."

"..." Jiang Han took a deep breath and gave himself a final warning.

[Don’t talk to Capton about it, you can’t play with her]

Seeing that Hanbao shut himself up with just one sentence, Du Lingxuan laughed and continued:

"Then the magic power will be discharged from the opening B. During this process, it will undergo a chain reaction, pouring the power of the magic power into it, and then convert it into invalid magic power..."

As she spoke, she demonstrated the rune lines that magic power moves.

Jiang Han took one look and immediately felt something was wrong.

elder sister! Your wiring is so bad that it takes an hour for your computer to start up!

Ah, that’s not right either. It’s not a line.

But in short, Jiang Han looked at this magic running channel and wanted to give the designer two slaps. As a rune engineering major, she felt that if she didn't slap the rune line designer, she would be sorry for the professional book she read!

Elora Syndra, the former Syndra, author of "Automatic Optimization of Rune Line Thread Design in Mechanical Design".

Jiang Han still remembers the opening line of the book!

When designing rune lines, the most important thing is to be simple and practical.

From Jiang Han's professional perspective, Du Lingxuan was probably deceived, so he asked:

"Who are you, the designer of the rune lines?"

Why are there so many cross-over designs?

Du Lingxuan glanced at her, thought for a moment, nodded and said:

"...I spent a lot of money to ask Elora Syndra to make it. She designed it herself."

"..." Jiang Han covered his heart.

Her sister! The witch writes textbooks and the witch makes her own things. They are really two different things! Master Elora, doesn’t your conscience hurt? ? Anyway, my heart starts to...Eh? Why don't I have a heartbeat?

Jiang Han blinked.

Du Lingxuan frowned:

"What are you doing with your light on?"

"Oh!" Jiang Han changed sides, but still couldn't feel his heartbeat.

Du Lingxuan looked at Jiang Han with a retarded expression, and frowned again:

"Han Bao, I am indeed quite rich, but you can't covet the body and money of your good sister and best friend like this."

I'm so stupid. I felt like I had no money to change jobs, so I should just leave. I even left the bill for the lemon tea at the tea pavilion to this guy... Jiang Han took a deep breath, finally felt the faint heartbeat, and put down his worries. Heart. It takes a hundred years for some witches to discover that they have no heartbeat. When they go to check again, they find that the large blood supply pump in the body has become gear-shaped...

Seeing Jiang Han's formulaic smile, Du Lingxuan showed the following picture:

"My super heart still uses the product from the year before last. Its..."

ha? Jiang Han couldn't stand listening anymore and interrupted again:

"Super Lin?"

"What's the name of my mechanical chicken!" When it came to this, Du Lingxuan ran all over the place and said extremely superstitiously, "Alin was so fierce back then, so it's right to name her! This is mysticism, some The name of the witch is magical, and if you take it, you will have an unlimited winning streak."

Jiang Han's eyes widened:

"But Ah Lin's name is not Ah Lin! Her name is clearly Zhaojun..."

"Well, well!" Du Lingxuan waved her hand, "How unlucky it is to call her Zhaojun. Besides, if you call her, do you still call her Zhaojun? 'Zhaojun, Zhaojun, you played well in the game.' Don't you think it's unlucky?" Even the French and British commentators called her 'The Lin!'..."

The Lin? Are you sure the commentator didn't drink milk to death... Jiang Han's mouth moved. He didn't know what to say for a moment, so he could only chuckle:

"It sounds like Ah Lin is quite pleasant... By the way, how do you perform the heart bypass surgery on your mechanical chicken?"

If A Lin follows the topic, Xuan Bao can be alive for 365 days of yin and yang, plus one day every four years.

Sometimes it's very dark, but it's also love.

However, it was obvious that Xuanbao cared more about Ji, and in a rare move, he gave up his plan to blackmail Linbao again, and instead explained:

"What I need you to do is very simple. When Li Lian repairs the chicken and replaces the chicken's heart, you will act as the peripheral heart of my chicken and supply magic power normally."

This is not easy... Jiang Han glanced at the rune map and felt that if she was not a top-level witch, she might consider not touching it. She might have to pay for the Adu family's chicken.

And she really didn’t want to cheat her sisters’ money, so she mentioned Xuanbao and thought of another way:

"You can stop and then repair the chicken. Anyway, it's only one or two square meters. If you stop for half an hour, no one will come to catch you."

As she spoke, Jiang Han was filled with emotion. She also learned the witch's ability to dance on the edge of the law.

Du Lingxuan waved his hand:

"No, top fighting cocks are immune to it."

"Ah?" Jiang Han had many more questions in his mind.

She glanced at Du Lingxuan doubtfully, thinking in her heart:

Is it the chicken you are fighting, or the legendary Master named Chicken?


Boy Mom, Boy Mom, Boy Mom!

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