Witch for All 1994

Chapter 561 The Order of the Stars

In just one afternoon, Vera's study progress changed from a 'newborn little witch' to a 'little witch who is expected to get perfect scores on the A1 exam'.

This made Jiang Han feel complicated.

After she traveled through time, it took her several months to barely complete the basic knowledge. As a result, this village girl understood it once she heard it, and immediately turned it into a unique skill after doing it once. She was even more skilled at mage skills than Jiang Han. After returning to reality, if there was a magic potion, she would probably be able to learn it directly!

The gap in talent made Jiang Han feel angry and woke up from his dream.

"Hello, are you awake?" The person in the tent greeted her.

Miss Kang Xuezhen poured herself a cup of lemon tea with a proud face, glanced at Jiang Han again, and gathered the cup:

"Would you like a drink?"

"Yes, less sugar and more mint." Jiang Han said unceremoniously, then fell back, dangling his little feet.

Isn't the saint's talent too scary? Or are all brave men such scary things? That's not right. I have read books and formula books. Vera's strength is obviously similar to those of brave men in worlds where the upper limit is powerful divine power and pseudo-gods, right? In terms of strength comparison, it's almost the same... In a world with powerful divine power, witches can only enter a few medium-level pseudo-god witches at most, but in this legendary world, there can be at most five-level magic witches, which is about it... Jiang Han frowned and thought about it aimlessly. .

She subconsciously compared this world with Gaia.

The evil siren in Gaia also has a lot of life forms at the third and fourth level of witches, but they are still abused by the witches at will. This is also because Gaia's power level is actually very high, and can even tolerate Angelite.

——Jiang Han once again lit a small candle for Gaia, but was beaten to death by Angelette.

"Lemon tea is ready." Kang Xuezhen walked over, with the unique pride of a little girl on her delicate face, "Seeing that you just woke up, I thought you might not want to drink strong drinks, so I simply made lemon tea for you. How about it? How about it?"

Jiang Han took the cup, took a sip of the lightly scented lemon tea with a hint of mint, and nodded with satisfaction:

"Couldn't be better!"

Kang Xuezhen hugged her chest and smiled, opened one eye and smiled charmingly:

"Then let me suck some points next time at Marit Racing, okay?"

"That's a score more important than my life...Yeah, I have to add another cup." Jiang Han drank the lemon tea in one gulp and handed the empty cup to Kang Xuezhen.

Comrade Xuezhen held her stomach, let out a giggle, took the cup, jumped up, and poured another cup of tea:

"How was it? How was your time with her in the dream?"

Her ears twitched, she frowned, glanced at the cup in her hand, and then at the small wooden bucket of lemon tea next to her.

"It's okay, it's okay... We have a floating city now. We just need to push it slowly. That guy also had such troubles in his dream. He might soon give up the dark side and turn to the bright side." Jiang Han said.

Kang Xuezhen shrugged, put the cup on the table, picked up the small wooden bucket of lemon tea, inserted two straws and took it to the bed.

complete in one step.

"By the way, someone just sent you something and said it was going to be delivered to you." Kang Xuezhen took out something wrapped in oil paper from the inside of her clothes. It looked like a book.

"Sent to me? Who sent it?" Jiang Han was a little strange.

Kang Xuezhen took a sip of lemon tea, took out the game console, opened Marit skillfully, and said noncommittally:

"I don't know, the witch who delivered the things was wearing a big witch hat and a lot of ribbons, but it completely blocked the upper half of her face... Well, maybe she's a weird guy... But we Among witches, there are many witches with various quirks.”

In 1976, the ghost witch Dinisha held a guitar and sang the rap diss Angelite on the street for 30 hours, which opened the curtain of the witch's eccentricities.

Asking means freedom, asking means not fearing power.

Some quirks in clothing were fine... Jiang Han took the mail and did not avoid Kang Xuezhen. He scratched the oil paper cloth outside with two swipes of his little claws. The witch's claws were much sharper than expected. , without the ability to use magic power, they can tear apart a two-centimetre-thick iron plate with their bare hands.

After easily tearing open the relatively strong package, Jiang Han couldn't help but have the idea of ​​'tearing something else apart' in his mind, so he quietly turned his head and glanced at Miss Kang Xuezhen's plump thighs and the wrapped cotton socks. .

——Yes, this girl is a health witch, the kind who drinks coffee with wolfberry berries. As soon as she heard that she was going to return to the Sky Island, she changed all the various pantyhose she had been wearing into cotton pantyhose to keep warm. Can't keep warm anymore.

Witches have a heart to guard against their besties. Seeing Jiang Han's eyes looking wrong, Kang Xuezhen jumped out of bed and went to get some beef jerky.

Jiang Han withdrew his gaze with a slight regret, moved his paws, picked up the paper scraps, and used a flexible 'fireball version of the flaming hand' to turn the garbage into slightly woody air in one breath, and then studied the book carefully:

"The secret of the starry sky?"

Even witches who are very good at reading cannot understand every book. As a race with 100% literacy rate, witches have created an astonishing number of books. Even in ancient times, there was one out of every three witches. Writing books, the other two are writing diaries, memoirs and novels.

Fortunately, there are ways to solve this kind of thing in today's era... Jiang Han silently took out his mobile phone and searched for the title of the book on the Magic Web, an online library.

Another feature of Age of Witches is that the protection of books is particularly perfect. All books can be found on the Magic Net (excluding personal notes, only published books). Jiang Han quickly searched for them with a few dexterity on the keyboard of his mobile phone.

Kang Xuezhen, who was curious next to her, came over. Seeing that Jiang Han didn't resist, she stretched her neck and took a look:

"The Secret of the Starry Sky, priced at 13,599, authored by Annabelle Coleman, time 1745... Wow, ancient! Are these books from the era of the Sleeping Witch?"

The reigns of the three great witch leaders, who were the strongest and greatest in history, lasted for 300 years.

The Sleeper's reign lasted from 1741 to 1833.

The original witch ruled from 1834 to 1948.

The final witch's reign began in 1950.

The reason why Anjie was two years late was because she had read Romance of the Three Kingdoms and had to do the whole job of asking for and giving in! In the end, the great witches took it seriously and almost asked Agatha to be the head of the great witch, and to give Anjie the reputation of Zhou Gong... Agatha almost cried and knelt down, "please come quickly"... ...Probably because he knew Anjie was stingy, he took that top position, and the next day he might go up to the moon to watch over Irene.

After Agatha persuaded her for two years, Angelette managed to take the top spot. At the same time, she kicked out the great witches who had previously taken her seriously, leaving Aga who was aware of current affairs. Shakespeare and Eleanor, two elder twins of three dynasties, had a general knowledge.

...As a century-old fan of Anjie, Jiang Han is very familiar with this period of history, and Anbao's historical level performances can make people laugh out loud every time.

Jiang Han slid his finger across the screen and slowly looked down:

"Annabella Coleman's perception of the starry sky is the oldest sign of the formation of sorcerer-type spells. It is also the oldest and the earliest to systematically observe the changes in the trajectory of the starry sky and observe the movement patterns of different worlds and the differences between the same material starry sky. Academic paper.”

"Annabella believes that all different worlds, all parallel planes, all folded spaces, and the observed starry sky are the same starry sky and the same universe."

"So she put forward the 'isotope theory', which means that the origin of all worlds is fixed, intertwined, and overlapping sixteen bodies."

"Therefore, the 'magic' produced by the movement of the stars can be applied to any spell. She proposed seventeen different ritual spells, thirteen of which are still used today."

The author of this book is the ultimate academic master in the era of the Sleeping Witch, equivalent to the modern Alice Syndra. Jiang Hanguang knows this by reading the book's evaluation:

Can't play together.

There is an academic generation gap between fish-man witches and normal witches.

Jiang Han put down his phone, flipped through the book, and subconsciously touched a bookmark.

She grabbed it in her hand and glanced at it quietly. It read:

[Pay attention to the arrangement of the stars. When you reach the second diagram on p.23, rush to the King of Gregos to inject the essence into Alison - Anjie]

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