Witch for All 1994

Chapter 56 Results

At noon at twelve o'clock, at the entrance hall on the first floor.

Jiang Han, who was wearing gauze pajamas, covered his mouth, yawned and gently opened the door. There was a stack of letters at the door.

Couldn't the witch who delivered the letter choose to come at night... She rubbed her stiff face with both hands. She gradually began to suspect that she was actually a slime. She had to rub her face softly every day to feel comfortable.

She sorted the letters one by one and put them in the shoe cabinets of her mothers and sisters.

Then he took his letter upstairs and gently cut it with a paper knife in front of the desk. Put the envelope in the cabinet and open the letter.

The first letter came from the Dream Garden Club. They provided a list of level 4 spells and a list of level 5 spells, and asked her to pick two level 4 spells and a level 5 spell, and then get the letter. Go to the training base to exchange it with the witch named Emily Joe.

There are no rare spells or precious spells on them, but this does not hinder the generosity of the Dream Garden Club... While Jiang Han was thinking, he checked the two spell lists. The spells above are all relatively familiar, such as Among the level 4 spells are 'Fire Trap', 'Any Door', 'Ice Storm' and so on.

The only one that is more precious is the 'Secondary Steel Guard' among the level 5 spells. However, as soon as Jiang Han saw this spell, the narrator's voice of grief, anger and anxiety sounded in his heart:

"Teacher Yu! Teacher Yu, she doesn't solve the problem! Teacher Yu, she doesn't spread her fans! Teacher Yu, she puts all her efforts in! Teacher Yu, she is a secondary steel guardian! Teacher Yu, she is gone!"

...I will never learn this stupid magic... Jiang Han directly made a cross in his heart.

After carefully checking the list on one side, Jiang Han wrote down three spell names.

Among the level 4 spells are ice storm and ice wall, two classic spells of the evocation system. If a witch doesn't know the fireball spell, then she is not worthy of graduation. If a mage doesn't know how to use ice storms and ice walls, then she is not qualified to be a mage.

Although she knows that among level 4 spells, the arbitrary door is very powerful. But it is more suitable for her current situation to frame people and smash them into ice storms. As a big witch, it is impossible for the blue bar to be emptied by throwing level 4 spells, so choose output skills!

Jiang Han is now like playing in the Hearthstone Arena, choosing one of Fireball, Refrigerator, and Sheep. The tactical effects of Refrigerator and Sheep are higher than that of Fireball.

But there is no doubt that she chose the fireball, because the fireball is happy!

Among the level 5 spells, because the list is short, Jiang Han also directly chose to turn fossils into mud. This spell is necessary for the witch to build large-scale projects. She also plans to choose to turn mud into stone for next month's share. After obtaining this spell, Jiang Han can discuss developing folding space and building a witch tower.

Speaking of which, these two spells are level 5, which is close to the highest level of medium spells. I don’t know if the friends at the Witch House have... Jiang Han thought about it and planned to tell them next time they meet, about association. In terms of magic, these two spells are also very valuable, at least they can be of great use when transforming the folding space of the association in the future.

After putting the letter aside, Jiang Han opened the next letter, but it was more like a document bag than a letter.

Quite heavy.

Jiang Han opened the bag, raised his hands and fell down.


A notebook with a pink cover fell on the table. It was not big, similar to a notebook used by ordinary girls, and an equally cute light pink quill hung outside the cover.

……pink? Jiang Han had to sigh and took out the remaining piece of letter paper in the document bag.

The beginning of the letter was written by Miss Chu Yujun.

Just like the witch who invited her to eat oranges before, Chu Yujun's letter writing style is also quite Republican style. There are several lines of words without mentioning the main topic. They are all about "offending", "thank you", and "girlfriend". An'... then brought up the topic:

"The diary is a lock and the pen is a key. Use it to write the following words: 'All ownership relationships have experienced frequent historical changes' and it will work."

What does it mean that the diary is a lock? And this phrase... Tsk, the knowledgeable witch really likes to select an excerpt from it as a password... Jiang Han opened the diary, and the first page was a retro illustration, the kind with the era. The filter-like illustration was completed by a level 2 spellhand subtype.

Above are the other witch members of Wings in tuxedos and Du Ningzhuang and Jiang Han in lady clothes. They are sitting at a round table, and some are standing, holding pipes and pocket watches.

... There were so many flaws in this illustration that Jiang Han opened his mouth but couldn't say a word.

"...That's enough. Why are Adu and I the only ones wearing women's clothes? They both wear tuxedos. There's also this retro feeling. Are you signing an agreement or having a meeting?"

She wrote the words in the frame under the illustration. What was strange was that after writing this sentence, a faint burning fire suddenly appeared, and then a burst of coldness and darkness broke out in front of Jiang Han's eyes, making her subconsciously close her eyes. eyes.

When she opened it again, she found that she appeared in mid-air in a crowded room, and then she fell dancing and hit two witches.

"Ouch!" "Ouch!"

At the same time, a sound erupted, and Jiang Han found himself in a space similar to a utility room. This small space was crowded with other witches.

She raised her head and saw that she fell into the arms of two acquaintances.

Chu Yujun and Du Ningzhuang, standing at the far end of the utility room was Miss Chen Ligu. She smiled and waved to Jiang Han:

"Your pajamas are very cute, and your figure is unexpectedly good. If I were a few years older, I would definitely marry you home."

"Enough, enough! Love Saint, don't you come over and help us?" Miss Chu Yujun cursed a few words in elegant French and asked Chen Ligu to help separate the three of them.

"What the hell is this? What are you doing?" Jiang Han covered his chest in shock and looked at the three witches huddled together warily.

"This is the future, we are talking to the future... Ouch, Miss Chu, move your feet a little bit? You are 1.8 meters tall, can you rent a room that is at least more than 10 square meters next time?"

Miss Du Ningzhuang pushed Chu Yujun to hug Chen Ligu. Fortunately, the two of them didn't care. She introduced to Jiang Han:

"Our research has produced new results. At least, the idea of ​​ultra-long-distance displacement through spatial overlap is correct."

"Miss Inventor, please speak faster. Our lovely Miss Jiang is only wearing pajamas now." Chu Yujun urged.

Jiang Han smiled gratefully at her and asked Du Ningzhuang to keep talking. She looked a bit...awkward wearing this very thin and see-through pajamas.

Miss Du Ningzhuang scratched her face, glanced at Jiang Han, sat upright like a gentleman, and said:

"I made a basic teleportation device using my research notes. The notebook I asked Miss Chu to send you is the teleportation door lock, and after writing specific words with the quill you are holding in your hand, A simple identification system and a specific unlocking mechanism will be opened, and if the magic power of our notes here is sufficient, we can teleport you here."

...Is it really done? That's awesome. Jiang Han cast an admiring look, causing Miss Du Ningzhuang to smile rarely.

However, Miss Chen Ligu interrupted:

"But if you teleport once, you have to drain half of the big witch, which means that a witch with close to 4,000 magic power and 12,000 kilograms of magical power can support this thing to teleport at once!"

"Oh my God, you made this thing for nearly 10,000 yuan." Chen Ligu covered her head and said in a translator's voice: "Oh, my God, a witch with 4,000 blue can throw two level 9 spells at a time. , do they still lack your teleportation distance?"

I lost it, a teleportation worth 4000 blue? The big witch can only support two people teleporting, and does not include round-trip air tickets... Jiang Han was shocked. What Du Ningzhuang made is equivalent to waste, right?

Du Ningzhuang blushed and said, "The alpha test is not the final version," "We can find a way to consume mana," "We are only using it for private use, and we don't have the space to fold it as a transfer station to save mana..." In short, Chen Ligu laughed sarcastically. Voice.

Finally, Chu Yujun knocked on the notebook that was the main body of the teleportation and said: "Actually, I want to ask, do we really lack these thousands of mana? Do we really only have so few big witches..."

...The four people in the utility room fell into deep thought.

I secretly took a look at the book review section, I’m so happy

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