Witch for All 1994

Chapter 558 Change (Part 1)



Vera covered her right eye. The lingering pain had been tormenting her for a whole day, as if she had been frostbitten, as if she had been stabbed into her eye socket by some sharp object and kept stirring.

Sweat kept sliding down her face.

She huddled on the ground, in pain, as if she saw the stars in the sky flashing past, and then the pain in her eyes slowly disappeared.

"Ha...ha...bah." She spat out a mouthful of blood on the ground, stood up with her sword and the tree.

I have to quickly meet up with Amos and the others... Where am I?

She looked around and suddenly felt dizzy. Her field of vision was divided into two parts. One part was so clear that even the ants on the distant trees could be seen clearly, and the other part was so blurry that even the nearby trees could only be seen. Color patches of tan, tan and jungle green.

Close your left eye and your vision becomes clear.

The right eye that was sore just now seemed to have experienced some strange changes, and his vision became extremely good.

"Doesn't this mean that my left eye also has to hurt so much? Why don't you just do it for both eyes at once?" the saint complained silently.

She felt slightly lighter.

The only benefit after the severe pain was that the ordinary pain in her body became insignificant, and it even made her feel as if she was taking a bath.

Straightening her back, she felt a tearing pain in her waist. Instead, she lightly touched her waist without feeling anything and felt a rough feeling.

Like burnt meat.

She lowered her head, and as expected, she saw that her scales were extremely miserable, and her waist had been cut into a quarter. Her flesh and chain armor were burned and glued together. It was no wonder that she had to stand slightly. It hurt like hell.

"Those crazy witches..." Vera took a deep breath.

The battle when she was chased by those ten crazy witches was simply the most dangerous battle in her life. In just five or six seconds of fighting, her thighs, calves, shoulders, waist, and arms had already been scratched several times by the weird sword of sunshine. By the way, if she hadn't deliberately touched the opponent's sword with her arm, , her injured elbow was...

For a good swordsman, the elbow is more important than most of the arm.

"Hey, there's also this shoulder..." She touched the shoulder pad, and the sword that suddenly extended like an assassin flashed through her mind.

The crazy witch seemed to have made a mistake, or was in a bad state. The sword that was supposed to take away her name only passed through the shoulder, instead of going down the throat and stabbing straight into the back of the head.

The temperature of those swords of sunshine was so high that Vera felt that where she was scratched, the wounds were melted together with the armor that protected her, and blood and iron were indistinguishable from each other.

"Next time I have to consider going without armor? Ha." Vera touched her pocket.

It was a small belt, hanging intact on her body.

This once again adds a touch of cruel fun to Vera’s okay mood:

"good news."

She glanced at her pocket:

"My styptic powder and bandages are intact."

"Bad news..." She stared at her wounds and then glanced at the holy sword.

The blood stains on the holy sword Vivaldu have disappeared. This holy sword has the quality of becoming very clean after a while. This is a quality that the holy sword gradually possesses after she got those eyes. It is like a growing sword. Sexual weapons.

A completely clean holy sword.

Vera muttered to herself:

"Insulated from painlessness, oh, Vera, why did you come out to be a warrior in the first place? It's not bad to be an honest village girl, guard the hamster hole, and stay in Terbil to be a tea-making village girl for the rest of your life. Life. Not like now..."

She mentioned the Holy Sword.


Poof - the sound of a small piece of iron and meat falling to the ground.

With an expressionless face, Vera took out the styptic powder and sprinkled it on. This was a holy styptic substance containing alcohol, salt, and ground powder of irritating herbs.

Her facial muscles twitched twice, and her eyes were already a little moist.



After treating the wound, Vera planned to find a pool to clean it.

As a girl, although she cannot take a bath due to her injury, she still needs to take care of the minimum hygiene...

When she was about twelve years old, she got lost and lived alone in the jungle outside Terbil for thirty days. When her uncle found her, she had killed twenty wolves, three bears, and two giants. Lizard.

Now she won't get lost, but she still has good skills in finding water and food in the jungle.

In just an hour or two, she found a pool while advancing.

She covered her right eye and slowly leaned over.

——She tried covering her left eye, but the right eye took an unusually large amount of effort. If she only used her right eye, she would feel dizzy in almost five or six minutes.

Of course, you still have to use it occasionally for dizziness. It's really not a good idea to just rely on your left eye, whose vision is so blurred that you can only distinguish color patches.

She walked towards the pool, moved her hand away, opened her right eye and took a look.

Her extraordinary eyesight allows her to see everything above and below the water at once.

The water is quite clean and has some minerals, which is very suitable for use and making tea... Vera made a judgment with the professional skills of a professional tea-making woman, and then her eyes stopped at her own reflection in the pool. .

It was a girl who was extremely embarrassed. The scales on her body were in tatters, and half of her ribbon helmet had been cut off, leaving only a small piece tied in her hair, but these were not the key.

her eyes.

Most of the ice blue in her right eye had faded, and a black eye appeared in her eye socket.

That kind of black is not just black.

It's just like……


Vera used this contradictory word to describe the blackness in her eyes, like the curtain behind the starry sky.

Those eyes were cold and emotionless, without any emotion. There was no feeling or humanity in them.

Looking at it is like staring into nothingness, an emptiness.

Vera took a step back, her hair falling.

Her keen eyesight caught something strange again, and her long hair changed from pure black to this unique starry sky black.

"I..." she said with some difficulty.

The saint noticed that since she walked out of the hamster hole, she has become stranger and stranger:

"If this continues, one day I will die and my parents and uncle will probably not be able to recognize me."

She laughed at herself, suddenly feeling something was wrong, she reached out and gently touched her waist.


No pain……

It doesn't hurt at all...

She didn't care to investigate her changes, and quickly took off the bandage tied around her waist and glanced at it.

What he saw before his eyes was a piece of snow-white skin, and a layer of brown-yellow mixed red translucent scab floating on the skin.

It was easy to tear off without any pain, and what appeared in Vera's eyes was intact skin.

"Isn't this too exaggerated? I am, I am..."

It's only been more than an hour and the wound has healed?

No, maybe less time...

Because I didn't pay attention to this wound at all.

"Well, Vera, you are finally a veritable saint and a brave man. It is written in the story book that after a near-death injury, you can recover in less than a day, and even become more powerful..." Vera laughed at herself bitterly. Just as it started, it slowly stopped again.

Only then did Miss Saint discover that the magical power in her body had become stronger again, just like 'doubling the power after being beaten half to death'.

"This joke is really too big..." Vera murmured to herself, "...I, am I still a human being?"


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