Witch for All 1994

Chapter 534 Drinking in the Tavern-Carolyn

The headquarters of Lanyi Integrated Company is still a little far away from Nancheng, so the company, which was not short of money, simply bought an abandoned cloud road in Nancheng.

And it was transformed into a high-speed channel for the witches to use.

Simply put, it is a channel like this:

【No need to consider any traffic regulations! 】

[Adjust the broom speed to 600 kilometers per hour! 】

【Grrrrrrrr! 】

【Chong wow! 】

Since a cloud channel can only accommodate 15 witches, if you want to use it, you have to queue up to use it. During peak hours after work (peak hours of blue uniform integration), it may even be slower than a slow flight to Nancheng.

But the witch is happy!

It can fly upward at a speed of 600 kilometers! Why slow down to half speed and fly on the ground?

Even a well-behaved witch like Jiang Han wants to experience the joy of flying.

So I went to line up honestly after get off work.

Since she was a member of the typical 'witches who arrive late and leave early' group, there were not many people in line and there was only one person in the waiting room.

Caroline was reading the newspaper in the waiting room.

She was blond and blue-eyed, and had a floral fragrance that could be smelled from a distance. It was probably related to her commission to pick flowers for making a simple potion.

Jiang Han's face was expressionless and he walked over slowly.

Uh-huh... I really don't want to stay with others after get off work. It's so embarrassing... She sat across from the other person, adjusted her mood, showed a sweet smile and said hello:

"It's Caroline, do you want to go home too?"

The Worm Witch put down the newspaper, looked over with her deep blue eyes, tapped her lips with her slender fingers, and said in a tone that sounded a bit like the Ghost Witch:

"Yes, I seem to have forgotten something, but it's not important."

Very well, 'Ravenclaw! ’...Jiang Han raised his chin and said with a smile:

"That's right. Do you have any plans for the night? Make up for some sleep or..."

She wanted to be polite.

Caroline, who has always been as straightforward as the Worm Witch, blinked and said:

"Nothing planned, what about you?"

Jiang Han stared like a frightened cat, his smile disappeared, and his face puffed up:

"It's okay."

She wanted to go home to catch up on her sleep, and then take advantage of Angelite's housewife package, or Kraken's office package, or go to the witch's house for a free meal. After eating, we went to 404 Stage Witch to rehearse. They made a new concert-style routine.

But out of politeness, she said she had nothing else to do.

"Is that so?" Caroline paused and asked slowly as if she was thinking, "Do you want to go to dinner together?"

After she finished speaking, she took a deep breath of air, her white face turned a little red, and she waved her hands as if denying something and said:

"Of course, you can refuse if you have something to do. It's totally fine."

This is so embarrassing...Jiang Han laughed out loud, and immediately his face turned red. He brushed the hair hanging down on his face, tilted his head and said:

"I'm fine. Well, which store should I go to?"


Camellia Food Street is located in the newly built food store Kongdao next to Xuenan Lake Kongdao.

Jiang Han and Caroline were wandering in the long street of this empty island.

It seems to have become lively now, with entertainment facilities everywhere, and street idol witches performing shows... Due to the rapid growth of idol groups recently, many witches who think they are beautiful have set up small stages to start practice.

The atmosphere on the street was quite noisy, but Jiang Han felt that the atmosphere between himself and Caroline beside him was a bit awkward.

In fact, girls will be happier if they stay alone after get off work. They don't have to put on a sweet smile and consider what the women around them want to hear and how they want to be pleased.

But thinking about it conversely, other women may also be thinking, ‘How should I please this guy? ’ or ‘Oh, impulsive invitations can indeed create an awkward atmosphere. ’.

If you think about it this way, you'll probably feel more relaxed.

Jiang Han turned his head and met the eyes of Caroline who was secretly looking over. They looked at each other for two seconds.

Jiang Han turned his head and said with a smile:

"Oh, this is really..."

"...What should we eat?" Caroline also turned her head, but this guy should also have snickered.

After get off work, the most suitable way to eat is to have some drinks, right?

Jiang Han tugged on the hem of Caroline's skirt. After the other party turned her head, he tilted his head, reached out his hand and made a gesture of pinching a small wine glass, shook it, and asked with a smile:

"Considering a drink?"


A randomly selected gourmet shop has a lot of tea trees spawned by magic at the door. There are also crucibles for cooking tea powder hanging outside, as well as delicious bacon on display.

There is also a sign on the miniature farm (a small reduced space) next to it, [Fresh Bamboo Tube Tea Wine and Grilled Dragon Steak].

They are all witch-specific dishes.

Jiang Han felt a little excited inside.

Normally, I would only consider eating delicacies from the human world at night, and I rarely eat witch-specific foods.

After opening the store door, you can see a beautifully decorated and warm little nest. The double hanging basket sofas are covered with quilts that feel like old furniture, and there are old-fashioned high-hanging wooden dining tables.

A large pot of tofu and fish soup is burning in the fireplace.

Even though it was only after get off work hours, there were already many witches sitting inside.

——There are very few witches who do not pay attention to personal hygiene. The reason is also that when eating in this kind of restaurant, they will take off their boots or shoes, lie comfortably on the hanging basket sofa, and relax with friends. Chatting.

It's a bit like a cat cafe...

But, it’s not like a cat café; it’s that these witches, one by one, feel like cats working in a cat café!

Lazy, wagging his little paws, and a little drunk.

A very warm feeling came to me, with the smell of tofu and fish soup, the warm fragrance of tea, and some witches' perfume.

Jiang Han stood on tiptoes, took off the plush cloak with butterfly knots, and then took off his Bonnet hat. Finally, holding the clothes in one hand, he walked to a seat by the window.

The waiter lazily resting his chin on the table at the counter raised his eyes.

It feels like a liquefied cat lying on it, purring and making a cute sound with its throat:

"Ah, you are a guest, welcome to the tea meat shop...there are two of you in total, right?"

After putting their clothes in the cabinet next to them, Caroline nodded seriously:

"There are two in total."

Jiang Han bent down, took off his high heels and put them in the shoe cabinet, and then sat on the hanging basket. He felt a light and witchy feeling. I think most humans would feel uneasy when eating here, but for cats, the balance is higher than that of cats. For a witch, it's just right.

No wonder no mainland tourists came in.

While thinking, he felt a heavy weight beside him. Jiang Han smiled and said softly:

“This store feels very laid-back.”

"Well, there seem to be quite a few stores like this, and in stores that use very good materials..." Caroline said, and hesitated for a moment, then walked back in a very casual manner, half-squinting comfortably. Looking out the window.

After about a minute or two of silent enjoyment, the liquid-like witch clerk got up and staggered over.

Jiang Han, who was disturbed by the tranquility, looked over and saw a slightly energetic witch dressed as the store manager slipping out of the back kitchen with some secretly eaten sauce at the corner of her mouth.

Before she could observe, she heard the lazy clerk making a lazy voice:

"Do you want food, tea, drinks..."

Oops, if the store manager hadn't come out to see if any of the clerks were lazy, this lazy guy would probably still be lying around fishing, right?

...Gulu, fishing at work... Jiang Han stared at this guy.

Caroline waved her paws and ordered as if she would say whatever came to her mind:

"Two liters of tea wine in bamboo tubes to start with, and grilled veal septum, dragon steak, scallops with vanilla cheese, and sizzling mushroom cream. Let's have five servings each."

She looked at Jiang Han and blinked.

Jiang Han puffed up his face:

"Thin slices of dragon meat, five portions; three portions of ham, and six portions of lamb."

The lazy clerk said in a long tone, snapped her fingers, and wrote down the menu with the automatic recording quill, and lazily returned to the counter at the speed of an elderly person.

She sent the menu to the back kitchen and leaned on the counter again, snoring contentedly.

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