Witch for All 1994

Chapter 524 Deteriorated Skeleton Witch

Beautiful, with a bit of primitive brutality.

The worship and fear of skeletons has never stopped since the emergence of human beings. Even in modern times, the witches of the Necromancy School are still regarded by many witches as 'terrible but high-income Kaizi'.

To put it simply, it's a bit like a scary programmer.

He is the best among honest people.

Jiang Han held the sword and bow and stared at the Skeleton Witch. His sensitive senses captured the flow of magic around him, and a natural map of the magic nest was condensed in his mind.

The first draft of the inspirational design for a strange object was entered into her head.

[The strange object is tentatively named ‘The Crystal Mine Cave of Skeletons’]

[Through the large expenditure of magic power, associated mines are generated for the minerals under the nest, which can be used for mineral farming]

【How to make...】

New blueprints! Jiang Han was slightly excited and thoroughly memorized this design drawing that was 'enlightened' by the visual effects.

This kind of enlightenment is said to be the way many witches invent spells after thinking about it.

But Jiang Han felt that this was probably the witch's accumulation over many years, and the sudden inspiration she had after seeing similar items taking shape. Due to the uncontrollable inspiration, the witch is not sure what drawings she can think of. She has enlightened to a useless 'summoning abyss circle' before, but as a witch, the abyss has already given the witch ID. [No entry] note...

But even though it’s useless, it’s good to gain some insights! And it is a very lucky situation for an alien to be able to enlighten to two blueprints... When Jiang Han recited the blueprints, the skeletal witch had turned around, holding on to her tattered skirt with one hand, covering her body, vigilantly Looking at them.

Tan Yue took off his cloak and threw it over.

The four long skeletal tails of the Skeleton Witch hugged the cloak like lightning and slowly retracted. It is not known whether it was caused by the special structure or thoughts.

She put her cloak back and slowly put it on.

Jiang Han noticed that there were a lot of holes in her clothes. If she was really sane, she would indeed feel shy about the exposure.

And the charm value caused by exposure will not be reduced by wearing a cloak. Just imagine wearing this tattered or vacuum skirt under the tight cloak. This creates a unique feeling. It’s even more overwhelming.

It's like an ascetic vacuum girl.

It is true that after people see the scenery inside, no matter how strict the outside is, it will make people daydream about it!

At this time, the dressed skeleton witch seemed to feel a little more relieved. She looked up at the members of Tan Yue's team, with a doubtful voice with a hint of trembling:


The voice is very pleasant, with a unique mature charm... Jiang Han looked at the other party and smiled sweetly:

"Yes, we are the same kind. We have become the same kind here."

Although just a few dozen minutes ago, you were still a corpse, a corpse with a little witch disease, which was poured into the undead smelting cauldron and became a glorious skeleton archer or skeleton sword and shield, or You are a skeleton spearman with a shield but no counterattack ability... But now, you are a witch who can exist as an affairs officer in this world... Jiang Han clearly sensed what the 'accident' the witch said was.

And she found this kind of unexpected surprise quite interesting.

"We should... still be considered human beings, right?" The vibrato in the Skeleton Witch's voice stopped.

Jiang Han kept a sweet smile:

"It depends on how you understand human beings... In our world, there are as many as three to four billion of us, accounting for more than half of the world's population, so I think we are human beings."

"One hundred million..." The Skeleton Witch blinked in confusion and stretched out her finger, "What number is that?"

Kang Xuezhen also stretched out her finger and said:

“One hundred million is one hundred million, or ten thousand ten thousand.”

The Skeleton Witch fell into a state of stopping breathing, and the long tail of the skeleton was swaying back and forth, as if thinking about the size of this number.

She was silent for a few seconds and said:

"A huge number, who are you? I seem to have never seen you in Gragus..."

We are the disaster of this world... Jiang Han moved the corner of his mouth and looked at Tan Yue.

Tan Yue said:

"We are a race similar to mercenaries. We were recruited by your Queen Alison to save the creatures of the Kingdom of Gregos."

"Your Majesty Mad Queen Alison..." The Skeleton Witch's eyes flashed red, and layers of black magic emerged from her snow-white skin. Her voice was unconsciously filled with resentment, "...it was she who destroyed Gregos, it was her tyranny that caused all of this! And you..."

Tan Yue said without changing her expression:

"And we are here just to bring order to the chaos and bring this world under the jurisdiction of our witches. This beautiful soil will also become a scenic spot... Oh, you don't know what a scenic spot is, right? It means the largest The practice of protecting the world and preserving the landscape within it.”

The witch's ability to talk to people and ghosts has always been one of the key points that shocked Jiang Han.

Hearing that Tan Yue was talking about bringing things right, the Skeleton Witch's eyes became clearer.

"You will punish Alison, right?" She leaned forward and flapped her bony wings, driving the dark magic in the air.

Magic power actually has no attributes. There are only two ways to officially classify witches:

Positive energy magic and negative energy magic.

Anything other than these two statements is just a random boast by the witch herself or another witch! For example, Irene's magic power is called sun magic power, while Anjie's magic power is called pure magic power. These are just bragging and describing characteristics, rather than actually having these different types of magic power.

Tan Yue quickly replied:

"It's us, and whether we will sanction the queen of this world depends on the situation. We witches will not make promises that cannot be fulfilled, and I cannot promise that Alison will be sanctioned, but... you can personally Take action, if necessary."

The Skeleton Witch was silent for a moment, her bone wings and tail trembling.

Her voice was slightly hoarse:

"Then why did you come to me?"

Tan Yue said calmly:

"Recruit you to become a member of the witches. You are very talented, and you are also a rare witch called a 'skeleton witch'. Oh, you probably don't know how we classify witches, right? We will divide it into several Detailed racial genealogy, your classification is Undead Witch, which is very good, you are born with good fighting talent."

The Skeleton Witch was silent for a moment, then bent down and picked up a piece of magic marrow ore from the ground, put it into her mouth, and chewed it slowly:

"I want to know my situation now...there are many things happening to me that I don't understand."

Tan Yue nodded, walked over with the group, and also picked up the magic marrow ore from the ground and put it in his mouth to chew.

As omnivores, minerals can naturally be part of their diet.

It can satisfy hunger or be digested into magic power.

Jiang Han also curiously took a piece and tried it.

The first bite almost cost me my teeth, so I applied magic power and took another bite before I could bite it off.

After chewing it slowly, the taste was surprisingly a bit like hard salt beans, with a crunchy inside and a hint of nutty flavor.

It's okay...Jiang Han thought like this and ate a big chunk.

She noticed that the Skeleton Witch's eyes became friendly.

This seemed to be the look in his eyes when he saw his companion eating stones together... Jiang Han shook and stuffed another piece in his mouth.

As I ate it, I thought it was quite delicious.

The Skeleton Witch asked a lot of questions about the witch's body, such as "Why does my memory become so strong?" and "Can I eat and practice and think at the same time?" and other stupid questions.

The reason why I can do this is because I am a witch!

——Of course, at the end of the conversation, the Skeleton Witch was recruited.

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