Witch for All 1994

Chapter 52 Hot Spring Hotel

In order to prevent the clothes they just bought from getting wet, Jiang Han and Cen Jing called a taxi on the island at the phone booth.

Taxi fares on the island are still very cheap, more expensive than buses and cheaper than Griffin buses.

It is a vehicle similar to a carriage, but smaller. It only needs a griffon to move it. Of course, it is not convenient for traveling far away. The pick-up and drop-off range is only between Sky Island and other very nearby Sky Islands. between.

After leisurely admiring the shopping mall in the rain, they finally arrived at the hot spring hotel.

"It's so strange. It's built in a city..." The hot spring hotel Jiang Han saw was built in a shopping mall. In the middle of the modern buildings, a terrace-like land was built, with various plants planted on both sides. The hotel is built in the middle and looks very natural and ecological.

Cen Jing got out of the car first. A gentleman, or rather a lady, reached out to hold Jiang Han's hand and took her out.

She took off the soft hat on her head and looked at the hotel made of natural logs, as well as the wooden floors and birch dragon skin carpets made of the same material on the ground. She showed a satisfied expression. She walked in front and said at the same time:

"Building a sky island is very difficult. If you simply want to make a piece of soil and stone fly into the sky, it is very simple. But like this, build a reasonable sky island with its own ecological circle and natural scenery. Island, most of us need to transform and expand the naturally formed empty island. As for the location of the hot spring, the witches are not too sure. Building it in the city is not only convenient for entry and exit, but also convenient for monitoring the flow of the hot spring."

Jiang Han nodded, took off the large-brimmed hat on his head and held it in his hand. This kind of hat is similar to a sun hat, but the brim is wider and more graceful.

Witches prefer this kind of hat because it is a custom brought by the proud ladies of the Empire where the sun never sets.

As the overlord that was closest to ruling this planet, they brought back a plant called the 'Moon Umbrella' from the moon, and the large-brimmed hats woven from this plant fiber were a commodity loved by all witches. As a witch custom, countless witches who travel or explore the world have carried it forward, and even witches have inherited this preference.

If I have to say it, the soft hat worn by Cen Jing is not very common.

Jiang Han put on the sandals he just bought and tentatively sprayed the carpet. The warm carpet brought a hot but harmless stream of hot air, which washed the witch's whole body. Even the water stains accidentally stained on her socks disappeared. .

Thank you, Hua Yanlong... Jiang Han praised this kind of dragon in his heart, whose skin can be used as a carpet and its blood can be used as ink.

It is said that before witches appeared in batches on the earth, Hua Yanlong was even the overlord of the ancient Egypt area. He beat the bad-tempered Evil Fire Dragon until he cried for his father and mother, and eventually moved to ancient China. Hua Yanlong even had a bad temper and even chased the Evil Fire Dragon. In ancient China, this is also the reason why this kind of dragon has a habitat in China...

But was ancient China a joke? Hua Yanlong's fate was captured by the witch's predecessors, the alchemists and alchemists, who took his blood and studied the effectiveness of dragon blood day and night.

"I am Cen Jing who has reserved a suite..." The beautiful Miss Cen Jing was registering at the front desk.

The front desk of the hotel is very unique. The front desk is on the left after entering, and the comfortable drinking area on the right is where you can enjoy after soaking in the hot springs. There is a TV and a bookshelf with the latest event information and magazines.

This is the first time Jiang Han has seen a bookshelf that has nothing to do with magic knowledge. They are full of various magazines, both in English and Chinese.

Further back is a very beautiful bathhouse. The hot spring is composed of a large landscape plant and a rockery (maybe a real mountain!). It is a bit like a lake but smaller. There are several different areas circled with pebbles. There are The sign read:

[3% ale, added with calming silver-core saber-tooth leaves]

[White Moon Essential Oil, Light Mint Silver Flake]

【Yuanyang Hotpot】

...Mandarin duck pot? Jiang Han was stunned for a moment and saw several witches in swimsuits playing in the hot spring area marked "Yuanyang Hotpot" from a distance.

I'm afraid she wasn't cooking... She shifted her gaze back to Cen Jing.

Cen Jing said:

"Okay, our room is on the first floor, and I asked the waiter to order a barbecue... By the way, you are staying out overnight today, do you need to call home?"

"No need." The witch has a much stronger sense of freedom, and Jiang Han doesn't like to report things to her family.

But she suddenly thought of something: going to work in the witch's house already made her mother a little uneasy. Wouldn't it be even more unsettling to stay out that night?

So, she blushed again, scratched her face, and said:

"I'd better make a call."

"Well, it's a good idea to tell your family before you go out." Cen Jing took out a fifty-cent coin, took Jiang Han to the hotel phone, inserted the coin, then picked up the phone and handed it to her.

The phone number at home is... According to his memory, Jiang Han used the retro rotary dial unskillfully.

Speaking of which, this kind of dial was often used by parents to scare their children when they were young, with fingers getting stuck or something, and it also spawned some unique jokes.

After the phone beeped a few times, it was connected. A gentle and innocent voice came from the phone:

"Well, this is Jiang Xuan. Who are you?"

Isn’t Mother Jiang going to work, or is she already off work? Jiang Han glanced at the sky. It was still raining heavily outside. She felt comfortable and refreshed by the heavy rain, and the magic power in her body was boiling.

"It's me, Jiang Han." She said into the microphone.

"Huh? Yeah." There was the sound of shallow breathing and the sound of the TV on the other end of the phone.

Watching TV... Jiang Han's father loved watching football in his previous life, and he loves watching games in this life. The world line seems to be restored as much as possible in these places. She was thinking wildly and said:

"I'm going to stay at a friend's house today and won't go home."

"Yeah." Ms. Jiang Xuan made a soft voice.

"So..." Before Jiang Han could finish speaking, he heard a loud and aggrieved voice coming from the other end of the phone:

"Ms. Ye Keshu! I'm on the phone! Still watching TV! You are acting like a gangster! Uh..."

...In order to avoid hearing something he shouldn't hear, Jiang Han hung up the phone silently and sighed: It turns out that Ivy is real, and there really is a goblin fighting while calling her family.

Speaking of which, there is no happy little movie in this world yet...I don't know where to buy it...Jiang Han still doesn't know how the relationship between witches comes into being, or in other words, her decades-long virginity career She couldn't imagine how witches played with each other.

"Have you finished the phone call?" Cen Jing asked.

"Well, the fight is over... By the way, good comrade Cen Jing, can you make potions?" Jiang Han thought of one thing. Although it was a rainy day and he had brought the materials, he did not bring a notebook to prepare the potions. What if it fails? So she looked at Cen Jing and asked.

"Little sister, you don't think that I got my tutor position through the back door, right?" Cen Jing said angrily and funny: "As long as it is not a private transformation spell, or a magic potion of level seven or above, I can basically match it. Do you want me to help you match it?"

Jiang Han nodded: "Yeah, you deserve it."

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