Witch for All 1994

Chapter 506 Strengthening the Portal

Testenango, the royal city of Gragos, the inner palace of the palace.

The chaotic abyss magic storm is gathering. Jiang Han can easily distinguish it through his eyes. It is a swirling magic cloud.

This shape of magic gathering cloud is nothing more than a target when the wizard's world is in chaos, as if it is clearly saying, "I am preparing for a big ceremony, come and get me!" ’ Same... Jiang Han used his long claws to erase a few runes on the ground, and filled in disguised witch runes to make it look like an abyssal ritual.

"Your Excellency Makinos, your knowledge of runes makes me... admire you." Prime Minister Evelyn Morton was beside her, handling the complicated rune lines as a deputy.

"...Hufufu." Jiang Han covered his mouth and laughed like an abyssal devil.

She improved some runes and quietly changed the order. And she also discovered the backhand set up by the friendly Prime Minister in front of her in this rune array, a permission-type trigger spell [Expelling Alien Creatures]! The effect is level 5 and can theoretically expel all creatures that come to this world.

Haha, such a shoddy technique is nothing to mention in front of a witch!

While Jiang Han was laughing at this backhand in his heart, he secretly pointed the direction of this spell authority at himself. This must not happen unexpectedly.

The spells and consciousness of the witch system have a distinct structure:

The rune structure of running magic, the formed spell model body, the formed ritual model body, calculating the magic formula, determining the magic formula and structure and the operation balance of the model, preparing the ritual and spell operation table, running, settling and clearing the bugs of the operation table bug.

Although it seems complicated, it is definitely ten thousand times better than messy magic theory.

As long as you master the rules of the witch system's spells, any spell can be modified, especially this indigenous spell.

Jiang Han easily modified the ritual, and at the same time habitually added words that mixed fish-human language, bear-human language, and mermaid language, combined with some abyssal languages ​​to make a basic encryption, and conveniently increased the amount of magic power absorbed to avoid local Wizards cause trouble.

After processing the rune array, she tried running it.

From what she sensed, every rune was running exactly right, running with a demonic sense of fragmentation, making people wonder whether the portal would explode in the next second, but at the same time, the laws of the witch's spell system were changing every time. All of them were fulfilled perfectly, which also led to the fact that this seemingly unstable portal was actually impregnable. Even if Testenango exploded, there would probably be no problems with this portal!

Hey, I am indeed a genius... Jiang Han made a sound in his heart with satisfaction, and tapped his lips with his slender fingers.

According to the rune array she arranged, I am afraid that only a witch who has studied witch knowledge in depth and passed the A2 ritual examination can recognize that 'this is the ritual array of the witch system' and not 'the array created by the abyss devil'. !

After the examination, Evelin, who had black hair and golden eyes, raised her head and looked at Jiang Han:

"The effect has been greatly enhanced, and...such a chaotic magic circle may be able to communicate with the abyss to a greater extent..."

As if to prove her words, bursts of blazing heat came from the other side of the door, even steaming the wizards next to the door to sweat, while the demon guards roared or roared with satisfaction.

Fortunately, the witch trained them well, otherwise the feeling of returning home might react to the bloodthirsty genes of the demons and instinctively kill some living creatures.

"Hoo ho ho! As long as I take action, even the most powerful demon lord can pass through this door!" Jiang Han held his chin in his hands and his face in his claws. The giant blade on the insect body shook slightly, frightening those around him. Miss Kang Xuezhen, disguised as a devil, ran away quickly.

Being scratched by this thing is not considered a work-related injury! You can only admit that you are unlucky!

"Demon Lord, I heard that the world has magnitudes. Maybe our world cannot accommodate such a huge demonic power." Evelin said to herself.

Hey, I haven't seen the demon lord either, but I can say whatever I want. Anyway, the demon lord doesn't dare to come to the witch's world to trouble me... Jiang Han nodded slightly, invisible, and said in gurgling abyssal language:

"Your world is too weak. Even I have to suppress my...power! before I can enter."

so close! I almost said "magic" with a bald mouth... This word is almost bound to witch! Jiang Han felt the pressure of disguise again.

"The world is weak, and there are advantages to being weak..." Evelin said this. For a moment, she showed an evil smile, "...but, great Miss Demon, you don't care about the weak world, right? This makes the difference between us transactions can be maximized.”

As if she was afraid that Jiang Han would forget, she emphasized:

"One hundred and fifty thousand souls in exchange for eternal life and the complete defeat of those rebels."

"Hoo ho ho! Of course I remember, you are an excellent partner, but where are you going to get the 150,000 souls from?" Jiang Han changed the subject, she did not intend to fulfill the contract.

Because this contract is not a witch contract, but a blue-shirted unified official contract, which means that the recipient is [Blue-shirted Unified Company-Alien No. 1 Agency], not [Jiang Han himself], as for the blue-shirted unified idea Jiang Han didn't know how to complete this contract.

Evelin's golden eyes stared at the 'door', her smile disappeared, and she said in a cold tone:

"There are hundreds of thousands of people in the royal city..."

Before she could finish her words, her meaning was obviously obvious.

"Hufufu..." Jiang Han concealed his fright and let out a devilish laugh.

This guy really doesn't look like a human being! The tone of sacrificing hundreds of thousands of subjects is so calm... Is this a politician? These cold-blooded people are more like witches than me!

"Sacrifice is inevitable." Evelin stared at the door leading to the 'abyss', tilted her head, and smiled suddenly, "As long as I am not the one who sacrifices, ha, I am such a selfish person. the wicked."

Immediately, the Prime Minister showed a relaxed expression:

"Lord Makinos, how is our portal strengthened?"

In fact, it's 'my portal'... Jiang Han smiled quietly and gently:

"It can already withstand a large-scale demon army, huh huh, I have stabilized it..."

"Very good." Evelin turned around and faced Jiang Han in the form of the worm witch. She took out a piece of paper filled with abyssal writing from her large court clothes and handed it over, "Your Excellency, I have some academic questions. I want to ask you how many souls I have to sacrifice to get this answer."

The Abyss Demons have always been a race that is very good at 'teaching'. As long as you have what they want, and they can't get you in a short time, then there is a high probability that they can get the answer to any question you ask... Of course, you have to Be careful if you come up with 'problems they don't know' and you also have 'things they want'... Well, that would be fun.

Jiang Han bent down and took the paper, interpreting the Abyssal language in her fish-man language that had just reached the fifth grade of elementary school, with a deep look on her face.

Hmm... As expected, I can't understand it.

"Sir, is this a difficult question?" Evelin asked, her eyes like those of a fanatical seeker.

Jiang Han triggered the spell model library in his brain, quietly condensed the model, and extracted the magic power to fill it in.

[Language proficiency].

The abyssal words in her field of vision suddenly revealed their true identity, and the words that she still didn't understand were poured into her mind in an abstract way.

She immediately understood what these words wanted to express:

"Does the soul contain memory? Does memory represent the soul?"

Strictly speaking, this is a philosophical question, but in the world of witches, it is nothing short of a theoretical question with a short answer.

As early as 200 years ago in the era of Ovelia, Ovelia himself decrypted it. Since the price of this answer was too expensive at the time (a full 5,000 tronias, a gold coin), so There is no witch buy.

In modern times, although the answer to this question has become cheaper, most witches have no intention of knowing the answer.

But Jiang Han happens to be the witch who knows the answer. The miscellaneous books she has read in the Kraken Library contain the ultimate answer for people in other worlds.

"Wizard of Gregos, I do know the answer." Jiang Han raised his head proudly and looked down at the prime minister of this country.

"Price?" Ms. Prime Minister raised her head.

Jiang Han, who was not used to soul trading, laughed again, and her multi-layered thinking calculated a reply unique to the devil:

"How about your soul after death belongs to me?"

Evelin nodded nonchalantly and said:

"make a deal."

"..." I didn't expect this woman to agree so quickly, which made Jiang Han a little stunned. She covered her mouth, "Huhuhu, don't you need to think about it? The soul is..."

"This is my choice." Evelin stared at the door of the abyss, and she said in a voice as soft as whispering in a dream, "She is the answer I seek, an answer."

Hehe, I won't sign a contract with you anyway, whoever wants your soul can take it... Jiang Han didn't comment or disagree, and mentally estimated the price of the answer.

The difference is only 600 to 700 yuan in value.

I have to reimburse myself when I go back... She thought for a moment and said:

"The soul is a special medium that exists in every living thing and serves as a core driving force to promote 'meaning'. In layman's terms, why does the human heart beat and why does the blood of beasts flow? They flow. The 'purpose' and 'meaning' are given by the soul, and memory is part of the meaning. Having a soul means having memory."

"After hearing this, you should understand that memory does not represent the soul, it only represents a...meaning, a goal."

Ovelia studied this issue as a research: "The soul drives the witch to produce magic power, so is memory also magic power?" 'A derivative question. Due to Jiang Han's 'special experience', she is relatively sensitive to the soul and memory, and has checked some books.

Evelin's eyes widened and she said in a thoughtful tone:

"Is it so realistic? Are our memories and our heartbeats all living for a 'meaning'?"

This involves philosophy. Witches never care about philosophy, but unexpectedly some powerful witches have expressed their opinions on "Is life just a meaning?" ’ There is an answer to this question.

【Eating, drinking and having fun is the meaning】

[To live is to live. I was born to enjoy all things in this world]

[Wake up, you still have to work overtime, your meaning is to work overtime]

[Little sisters, 1 equals 4! 】

[If there is a tram...]

[Don’t talk about the tram problem, I just want to see the effect of the tram hitting me! 】

[Okay, let me pull the plug and use alien creatures as a case study? 】

In order to prevent the chaotic thoughts of the witches from destroying the universe, Jiang Han still honestly avoided the philosophical question behind Evelin.

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