Witch for All 1994

Chapter 480 Be careful with your blood

The color of the invisible powder is red, sometimes turning into deep red, sometimes turning into light red, and occasionally turning into a transparent red.

The properties of this powder give witches the ability to isolate magic for a short period of time and allow them to blend into the environment.

It was a transformation carried out by Jiang Han based on Miss Qiao Rou's research project.

Although it took a little more to make, Jiang Xuan was shocked by the successful powder:

"It actually worked!"

Jiang Han bit the corner of his mouth and covered his face:

"So you thought you were going to fail from the beginning?"

Jiang Xuan held the large bag of invisibility powder in both hands, staggered to the door, turned her head, thought about it and replied:

"Aren't we just creatures that often fail? Learn from our failures. Successful witches are rare. Besides, products that haven't exploded always feel a little wrong."

Emotional guy regards explosion as a necessary process... Jiang Han thinks that the witch's thinking is really weird. Generally speaking, explosion is a case of insufficient stability or operation failure. But in the eyes of many witches, the explosion is just a process, and it is a process to check whether it is done seriously.

Hey, the ignorant witch, the clever witch, the superstitious and faithless witch, the contradictory witch.

Jiang Han quickly followed and helped his mother, who was not much taller than him, open the door.

"You don't need to explode to make items." Jiang Han squatted down, helped Miss Xuan put on her pink soft slippers, and patted her calf, trying to break the superstitious thinking of the witch housewife.

Jiang Xuan didn't care and snorted:

"But I just love explosions."

This is hopeless.

Although witches are multi-threaded creatures, Jiang Han found that many witches like to be distracted and think about other things. She had to remind Jiang Xuan at all times to prevent the other party from spilling the invisibility powder.

"These can be used until six or seven hunts are over!" Jiang Xuan said happily as she stored the things in her small warehouse.

Although there is a concept of common funds in the witch family, this value is stored in a fixed ratio for them, so each witch has its own small treasury, and there will be no "put this month's salary with me first, you want When will this lie happen?

Jiang Han also took the opportunity to take a look at Comrade Jiang Xuan's small warehouse.

This is a small room that looks like a safe, but the space inside is about 50 to 70 square meters and 3 meters high. It stores gold bars, gems, materials that are inconvenient to deposit in the bank, as well as spell scrolls and disposable staffs for civil servant rewards and benefits, more than ten or twenty spell books, and a row of cat lanterns that are obviously of high quality and well-raised. .

Behind a glass wall in the small room, there is a grassy space of two to three hundred square meters, where five big-antlered deer are raised.

Because of the existence and feedback of these deer, Miss Jiang Xuan is not as weak as she looks. She can jump around easily and can lift Jiang Han with one hand!

Well, there is still some cash, about 100,000 yuan.

After looking at Miss Xuan's inventory, Jiang Han sighed inwardly:

‘The middle-class witches really don’t just have a little money on the outside, they are all people with savings! ’

Noticing that her daughter's gaze was lingering in her small warehouse, Jiang Xuan quietly closed the door of the warehouse and locked it:

"I can't give these to you."

She said this bluntly.

"I will have it in the future." Jiang Han was full of confidence in this point and said with a proud face.

There are still some differences between Jiang Han's family and witches in the usual sense.

She is the type who values ​​family affection more, and is more cordial than the witch who values ​​family affection, so Comrade Xuan also puffed up her face and was silent for about ten seconds before saying reluctantly:

"But if you want any material, you can ask for it from me first."

Being able to make a witch say such things is truly a witch's proud ability.

In this world where daily necessities are cheap and can be purchased for just a few cents, the prices of materials are truly expensive, as are spells.

However, even expensive spells can be considered affordable if you work before level 4 or 5.

For example, level 2 spells, even rare ones, only cost about 5,000 yuan. As long as you work as a witch for about a year, you can basically collect a level 1 to 3 spell library.

But being willing to share this kind of thing shows the generosity of the speaker.

The witch is not good at conveying true kindness, so Jiang Xuan quickly changed the subject:

"How are you preparing to go to another world?"

The reluctance to directly admit good intentions may be the greatest characteristic of witches, only slightly less than their confusion and contradiction.

Jiang Han had a premonition in his heart, nodded and said with a smile:

"We have made most of the preparations and are adapting to the demon armor. Well, a piece of equipment that makes us look close to demons."

"Hmm, that sounds good." Jiang Xuan said, holding Jiang Han's hand and walking steadily but bouncingly to the living room.

She turned on the TV and then played the video. A clear recording of yesterday's program appeared in the smoke of the TV.

As a civil servant, Jiang Xuan's biggest complaint has always been that she cannot watch the afternoon program.

With this in mind, Jiang Han also spent his pocket money to buy the latest video recorder. This was a trial work that was still stored in the Kraken warehouse. Generally speaking, it was something that money could not buy.

Jiang Han's eyes were a little gentler.

"Comrade Xuan, have you ever been to another world?" Since there was nothing to do now, Jiang Han simply accompanied Jiang Xuan to watch the recording of "Zombie Movie Show".

Since this program is all "real material", the level of blood and gore has almost reached the B-movie standard of The Witch, so it is not recommended for Little Witch to watch.

But as for witches, every witch has some bloodthirsty genes, so they are a little scared at most, but it will never affect their 'excited' state.

Hearing Jiang Han's question, Miss Xuan turned her head and nodded seriously:

"Been there, it happened five or six years ago! At that time, you were still young and a nerd..."

She said trivially.

Jiang Han sounded a little guilty. The person she was five or six years ago was not the 'her' she is now.

"At that time, I went to a world called Hui Xiang. It was very big. It was... well, the open world left by Irene, who had just returned recently. I obtained a lot of treasures in it." Jiang Xuan recalled. , "If you want to go to this world, there is a piece of advice that I must give you."

Jiang Xuan's expression became more serious:

"Try not to bleed in that world and be careful with your blood."

What does it mean to be careful?

Jiang Han frowned, slightly confused.

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