Witch for All 1994

Chapter 463 Carnival Day

Simple music sounded and smoke curled up.

Eileen suddenly stopped at the door, covering her face with one hand, and her voice was a little choked:

"No, I can't go in like this. I, I need to be alone for a while and sort out my clothes..."

Hiss, is this guy's obsessive-compulsive disorder or ladylike disorder already that serious... Jiang Han covered his mouth, was silent for a moment, and then said:

"So, how about a little haircut?"

As if waiting for her words, Erin took out her staff in an instant and cast out a rare spell to change her hairstyle into a smooth shawl. He breathed a sigh of relief and walked into the door first, crossing the fence and crystal path.

As soon as Jiang Han reached the half of the tavern, he heard 'Drink! drink! drink! drink! 'the sound of.

She stood on tiptoe and looked around, and saw a dragon puppet dressed in Li Lisi's pajamas, holding a huge cup that could hold about 5L of liquid, slurping down whiskey. Opposite her, two witches were already lying down. , and it was Dinisha who was blowing into the giant cup with her!

The ghost witch's face was already flushed, and she took off her fluffy nightcap and threw it into the wine glass!

Gulu gulu gulu gulu...


Dinisha fell back, fell to the ground, stared at the sky, her cold appearance was paired with a husky-like smile, and then she closed her eyes peacefully, as if she was really dead...


Li Lisi knocked the huge empty wine glass on the table, and the huge puppet dragon tail spun like a propeller, tapping the floor with the rhythm of flamenco music:


It's ridiculous to be able to win over the ghost witch!

Jiang Han looked away. In the smoke, Sharon Curie was lying peacefully in astronaut pajamas...

actually! Jiang Han couldn't recognize that it was Sharon, but, the only witch who could wear an astronaut's silly sleeping clothes was Sharon, and the astronaut's helmet was filled with smoke, and even the face could not be seen clearly... No, even inside No one can see clearly!

It’s really a carnival... Jiang Han complained, his eyes moved to the protagonist of the celebration, and he found that Anjie was playing the guitar and singing K in front of the public:

"Indulge in joy, I just want to indulge in revelry! In the union of spirit and body, at the end of the cloud, I want to revel in revelry. I kneel in front of you, knocking gently on the door of the kingdom of heaven. We must revel in revelry, let the evil The flower is irrigated and grows, I want her and the guitar, I just want her and the guitar, I want to have a carnival!"

It’s still the flamenco style of TM!

Looking at Anjie's blushing face and at least a dozen empty bottles next to her, you can tell how much this guy drank.

Erin frowned and turned her head.

After realizing that Jiang Han was looking at her, she made a small face with a look of disgust.

"Let's go back," she whispered.

"Good idea." Jiang Han replied softly.

Just as the two young ladies reached an agreement, a smell of alcohol hit their faces, carrying the fragrance of lemon and mint, as well as the sound of thumping guitar. Anjie had already arrived in front of the two people.

In the end, the witch's eyes were blank, and her big red eyes were sparkling with water.

That's not normal, this guy... The corners of Jiang Han's mouth twitched, and he quietly looked at Irene.

correct! The way Anjie walks is also very special, like...

Just like Jack Sparrow...Jiang Han wanted to hold his forehead.

But, but in her heart! I can’t help but look forward to it! Angelette! This woman! What a chore!

Before she could guess, Anjie seemed to be on stimulants. She controlled the guitar with one hand, pointed at Erin with one hand, and howled like a wolf!



To the tune of "We.Are.the.Champions", "You.Are.the.Beach" was sung!


Erin punched Anjie in the face without mercy, knocking the guy to the ground.

Bang bang bang!

Immediately, a top witch began to use the table as a drum and beat a boxing song.

After hearing this, Jiang Han felt something was wrong. How could someone use a wooden table to make the sound of meat?

Turning around, I saw another witch covering her butt, blushing, and glaring at the female gangster!

It's so confusing!

There is a saying that Jiang Han once saw these witches at a party.

Elegant, enviable and admirable.

But tonight...

"Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink! Drink!"


Jiang Han covered his eyes and couldn't bear to look at the scene of the wine barrel over there. It was probably happy hour...

Suddenly, another wave of alcohol mixed with smoke came to my face. Fortunately, the witch didn't have a strange smell, otherwise it could kill people!

Jiang Han found an old-fashioned witch standing in front of him.

It is none other than the contemporary master of alchemy, contemporary Syndra, Alice Syndra.

This witch who never smiled for more than three seconds in the outside world smiled sillyly and looked at Jiang Han:

"Hello, Anjie."

This guy! I'm so drunk!

Jiang Han's mouth twitched and he waved his hands:

"I, I'm not Anjie..."

Alice Sindra frowned, stared at her, and suddenly lost her temper:

"Anjie! You look down on me!? I'm going to beat you up!"

So he started to use his bastard fist.

Are the wines of these witches so bad? Jiang Han sighed as he knocked down the contemporary Syndra with a flexible lower hook.

Jiang Han had just dealt with a drunkard. He wanted to call his little lady alliance to run away, but he saw on the other side, Anjie had already pressed down on Irene with her more adult body, and gave Irene a full drink. Bottles of green mushroom mixed with whiskey...

"The whole job! The whole job!" the witch shouted.

"I'll fix it! I'll fix it!" Anjie was no weaker than anyone else. She let go of Irene, whose face was flushed and the bottle was almost empty, and she pulled out a scroll from her sleeve.

She shouted:

"Dang, dang, dang! Advanced wish-making technique, modified by Angelette von Ludwig!"

"Oh!" the witch shouted.

Wish-making spell... Jiang Han felt a pain in his heart and subconsciously calculated how much this scroll cost.

Anjie's magic power surged, she tore open the scroll and the magic mist exploded.

The next second, a 7-year-old Angelite wearing an ill-fitting nightgown appeared in the center.

The nightgown slipped off her shoulders, and she smiled broadly, letting out a childish laugh:

"Dang Dang Dang! Childish mind!"

"Hahaha!" The witches were still cheering.

Anjie does have a spirit of serving the public when she is drunk.

But those pajamas are too big...

Seeing that Anjie's nightgown was about to slip off, Jiang Han rushed over and took the guy off to avoid being exposed.

"I still want to play, I still want to play!"

Anjie was squirming around!

Witches don't have many lower limits. Although Jiang Han knows that Anjie has a defense mechanism on her body, she can't help but worry!

"Ahem, cough..." As soon as she carried Anjie to the couch aside, she saw Irene staggering over.

"Irene, come and help..." Before Jiang Han finished speaking in a surprised voice, he saw Irene hiccupping, holding the wine bottle high, with one eye closed, and the other squinted at Anjie's head. , screamed and smashed it down!

"Ouch!" Jiang Han blocked it with her hand. If it hadn't been for the witch, she would have broken her bones!

Erin felt dizzy and wanted to do it again.

It seems that what she usually said about 'having the same sisterhood as Anjie' is also true and true.

Jiang Han quickly stopped, carried this guy to the sofa, and found two more towels to wipe their heads.

...What the hell am I doing here!

She was about to cry while getting the towel.

Eileen, who was so good before, is also a Five!

I poured it down with just one bottle of wine. Is there such a person as you who pretends to be omniscient and omnipotent?

It has to be said that the witches do have honey-like self-confidence. They think of themselves as wine gods without using magic power to digest...

Jiang Han was complaining when he heard booing over there again.

"Drink, drink, drink!"


Okay, okay, there is still a Bacchus... Jiang Han sighed and heard the young Anjie sobbing.

Oops, big sister, what the hell happened to you?

There was no pity or affection in her heart, only a phantom pain that she had long lost.

She lowered her head and saw young Anjie crying, and then suddenly hugged her:


This shout made everyone in Jiang Han faint.

On the other side, not to be outdone, Erin also called out "Mom".

Well, now, the similarities between the first witch and the final witch are here again!

"Drink and recognize your mother."

While taking care of these two older women, Jiang Han stared at the sky and thought about philosophy:

Carnivals are other people’s carnivals. Everyone else was laughing, but I was crying.

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