Witch for All 1994

Chapter 45 It’s a ranger

Putting aside the issue of fox ears, Jiang Han focused on Cheng Yu's clothing.

With all due respect, she doesn't look like a witch:

A hood with three long tail feathers, a mainly black cloak, a tight black sweater, hiking pants with five belts and leg straps, leather boots that don't look like hiking boots, and gloves with three fingers exposed. There are several large pockets in the long cloak.

"Teacher, what are you wearing?" Miss Li Li asked with a frown.

here you go! Jiang Han applauded her in his heart. Miss Fox had formed a certain tacit understanding with him, or she had been successfully tamed, and she could always express her opinions as she wished.

"...I'll tell you later."

Cheng Yu probably also knew that she was not dressed like a serious witch. She just flicked her cloak and walked quickly to the classroom with her long legs.

Miss Li Li also took steps to follow.

Jiang Han was silent for two seconds. Under the smiling eyes of other witches in the hall, he started to run and followed him.

After these two long-legged, irresponsible, uncaring bastards who didn't care for students or classmates walked into the classroom, Jiang Han also ran in.

In the classroom, instructor Cheng Yu sighed and said:

"Dream Garden, today invested in a new witch association called the "Ranger", and then, I was forced to go over and help. This dress is their uniform, and I came here without changing."

"...Hmm." Li Li looked at it curiously.

"Ranger, what is the content of the association?" Jiang Han asked.

Cheng Yu paused for a moment and sighed: "Helping ordinary people develop careers with a bit of magic is like being a witch."

"...It's great." Jiang Han was silent for a while, holding back this sentence.

The witches of the East often want to help ordinary people develop their power. This has to do with the people's rural sentiments...

There are relatively many witches produced in the domestic environment. It can be said that the number is ten to twenty times that in the West. This is because the witches in the country like to go to the battlefield as 'disciple soldiers', that is, witches who are at least from the same city and hometown. If the number of witches is not enough to form an army, they will find ways to train witches to make up for the lack of numbers.

In the same way, in modern times, domestic witches often try to find ways to win over ordinary people... Although the final result of most experiments is 'we can't control ordinary people', they will still continue and enthusiastically make efforts.

Miss Li Li asked:

"Then what is the purpose of Dream Garden this time? To form a patrol?"

Cheng Yu nodded: "Well, the Rangers Association has accepted the commission from the Nancheng City Hall to train a group of rangers for the city hall. This group of rangers will be used as a new pilot. If successful, this will add one to Nancheng. Piles of jobs.”

Jiang Han felt that the witch was really crazy sometimes.

Although witches were created by witches, witches can be said to be weakened versions of witches. They were fine during the war, but many positions will naturally be taken away after the war... This is also why the witch's attitude towards witches is not very good.

And this group of rangers... ahem, I'm afraid... after being created, they will take the positions of the witches again.

Even if a witch position can be created, it probably won't last long...Eh? Jiang Han suddenly thought about the super large folding space next to Nancheng. Could it be that these rangers were created just to develop that space?

This makes it understandable why the city hall would place such a strange batch of orders.

Li Li seemed to have thought of this and nodded secretly:

"Indeed, if we use witches and rangers to replace some light jobs, it can free up more witch productivity and invest it where it should be."

Cheng Yu didn't seem to be very interested in class today. While giving the topics to Li Li, he asked Jiang Han to study the four magics on his own, and then said with a smile:

"Perhaps the security of Sky Island will be handled by rangers in the future."

Is it necessary to liberate the civil service workforce? It is indeed necessary. Jiang Han recalled the situation on the street. Since the witches were all intellectuals, the security issues were definitely much better than in another world at the same time. However, the witches who served as security guards were all elite witches, and many of them had participated in the war. Veterans, including some factories and enterprises with official shares, also have elite witches.

It seems a waste to use all the precious manpower left over from these wars in commerce and public security.

But the government really doesn’t have many solutions. The witches’ autonomy and productivity are too strong. At present, in some iron smelting plants, three or two witches gather together. They use magic to find some iron ore underground or in folded spaces, and directly 'Fire ball smelting iron', what is exploded is all good iron...with a little reprocessing, it can be dragged to make steel.

In this case, the positions in each regional city hall are not enough to attract witches to take office, which leads to a very embarrassing situation:

The professions that the witch hopes to find a job in, such as librarians, lawyers, doctors, engineers, etc., are always in short supply.

However, the grassroots civil servants cannot be fully recruited, so witches who have participated in the war can only be used to fill these grassroots civil servant positions.

Originally, witches could meet the requirements of the city hall, but what is even more embarrassing is that witches are similar to weak witches. They mostly work in the light magic industry and have no enthusiasm for grassroots civil servants who have many vacancies.

Of course, this is also related to the fact that the country does not want to spread too many powerful spells.

It is true that civil servants can make money and support their families, but why can't witches support their families? Even if you go to the hills and raise chickens, you can be self-sufficient and remain autistic for the rest of your life. The witch's job requirements are very simple:

Can learn magic \u003e obtain rare spell materials \u003e new knowledge \u003e practice paperwork \u003e new social circle \u003e salary.

Of course, if the salary exceeds their imagination, they can also recruit witches.

Even this ‘unimaginable’ salary is indeed beyond imagination...

For example, a weekly salary of 4,000, a weekly salary of 4,000 in this era, can also attract good witches to join.

It seems that the southern city halls are in desperate need of talent... and are placing all their hopes of filling grassroots positions on ordinary people.

Jiang Han didn't know whether to laugh or say something. Success is a witch and failure is a witch.

Let the witches play by themselves. Almost every witch only needs to learn all the 1st, 2nd and 3rd level spells in the textbook, then they will almost have no worries about food and drink, not even a place to live.

Unlike the group of witches in the West who are still playing with castle construction, the witches in the Eastern world are more pragmatic. To describe it in one sentence:

‘Farming is the most fun game in the world, and it’s different from those Western RPGs. ’

After diverging his thoughts, Jiang Han lowered his head and studied the spell notes for a while.

Cheng Yu's courses can be said to be very suitable for the Great Witch, or she does have unique experience in educating the Great Witch.

Jiang Han wrote down the things he didn't understand in notes and handed them to her. After Cheng Yu returned home, he would write the notes one by one on the notes for Jiang Han to study by himself. To put it simply, the big witches are allowed to play their own games, and the things they research are reviewed and approved by the other party to prevent big witches like Jiang Han from making mistakes in principle.

Moreover, Cheng Yu will not rush to let the big witch learn more spells and encourage others. She is like a patient old farmer, rich in experience, able to endure loneliness, and able to withstand pressure, slowly cultivating Jiang Han.

As for Li Li, she tutored and gave lectures as much as possible, and would simply transcribe the essence of the day's lectures and pass them on to Jiang Han.

It's like a cycle, constantly combining knowledge with magic research.

Of course, most of the time Jiang Han still studies by himself. When he encounters something he doesn’t know, he asks questions before taking notes.

So when she asked if Cen Jing could teach her two classes, Cheng Yu immediately agreed: "Cen Jing, that witch...well, I still have some friendship with her. She is good at botany. You can talk to her." please teach me."

"...Hmm." Jiang Han looked away with a guilty conscience.

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