Witch for All 1994

Chapter 442 Preparation for the draft

One document.

It was produced on the Type VIII copper plate typewriter.

It has regular Chinese fonts and Italian round English, supplemented by a light blue dragon pattern mark, and an official seal of [Witch Organization Headquarters-Event Operations Department-Rookie and Registration Department-Asia Division Rookie General Administration].

This document was urgently sent to the Approval Section of the Draft Bureau and handed into the hands of Miss Ankoruo, the elite witch.

This elite witch still opened the document with a serious attitude.

Immediately, she let out a soft exclamation.

"145,500 magic points, oh, just turned 19? And this natural reaction speed... the talent is amazing." She was a little frightened.

There is no fraud in the witch's approval. After a series of strict procedures, the document that is obtained is the actual manifestation of a witch's talent.

Miss Ankeruo handles more than 300 such documents every day, stamps them with official seals, and sends them to the next department. After being reviewed and approved by the next department, a small broadcast announces [the witch has participated in the draft]. At the same time, Report all her personal information.

After that, a Witch's team will contact the Witch and make a draft commitment, and finally use the pick at the draft site to obtain the Witch's priority rookie contract rights.

"Perhaps, this witch will be another overall No. 1 pick from the East." An Keruo thought.

Immediately, she took out her official seal and stamped it with satisfaction.

Among the three divisions of the Witch Association, there will be a 'general draft', and then the unselected witches will be divided into the regions for a second draft, and the overall number one pick is the one that witch clubs all over the world are eager to have. Witch.

Miss Ankeruo still remembers the names of those witches.

From a great witch to the world's most advanced top witch. There is almost no one with no talent in the overall No. 1 pick. The occasional one has to be counted in the year when Li Lisi was not selected as the No. 1 overall pick!

The reason is one that everyone around the world knows:

[She was unsatisfactory when facing Kraken]

Deserve it! At that time, there were only two witches who had an advantage against Kraken, Angelette and Agatha!

I'm so fucked up by the horse-headed people... Miss An Keruo feels distressed every time she thinks about it. Originally, Li Lisi's brilliant racing life should have started in a club in China!

It's a shame that the horse-headed man missed Li Lian, Lin Zhaojun, and even Du Lingxuan in succession.

As a loyal Ma Jiajun fan, Miss Ankeruo is not only a loyal fan of the Horseheads, but also a spiritual shareholder of this wealthy family.

——She bought a 30-year horse-headed season ticket, but after watching the games for more than ten years, every year the horse-headed team missed out, or missed out on some legendary witches.

oh! By the way, they missed Li Lisi's competition that time, and they also missed Kraken for the following reasons:

[I believe that Kraken is not the best candidate. She did not perform well in the battle against Erin]

At that time, the young Miss Ankeruo, who was a fan of the Horse-headed Man, was in a state of mental trance. Every time she thought about that time, her heart throbbed:

‘The MaTou management team really has you, not Li Lisi, not Kraken... Do you know who to choose as the top pick only if Angelette herself is running for the election? ’

Miss Ankeruo sighed and shook her head, sealing the document with wax:

"Hey... I hope this child can be chosen by the horse head people, well, steal the chicken."

Although she was cursing her own club, she still thought that her club could secretly use the only pick to sign this amazingly talented kid.

I have never seen someone of this age with this level of magic power... Miss Ankeruo stood up holding the document in her hands.

For such a particularly outstanding witch, as an approval member, she needs to submit the information as soon as possible. Moreover, to pay special attention, it is best to transfer a team there to conduct combat training and so on with the permission of this young witch...

The magic power of 145,500 is enough for a country to regard it as a [national treasure level] witch. You must know that a witch of this level and age may eventually grow into a monster on the same level as Kraken.

Even if you just look at the magic power, it will only take a few years to reach the top level as a rookie.

After Miss Ankeruo walked out of the door, she saw a witch standing at the door.

This witch is wearing a dark blue military uniform and has a bright smile. After seeing An Keruo come out, he took off his dark blue school official's large-brimmed hat with his black-gloved hand and saluted politely:

"Is this Miss Ankeruo?"

White guards... Miss Ankeruo frowned. These white guards are a bit like the internal affairs department of the Soviet Witches Association before its disintegration. They are responsible for internal investigations and are also responsible for some... matters that are not convenient to talk about. Emotionally, she didn't want to pay attention to this kind of secret police, but rationally, she was scared:

"Well, I am, what do you want from me?"

The white guard witch smiled broadly and said politely:

"That's right, Miss Ankeruo, the document you are holding in your hand involves confidentiality. Please leave it to our White Guard Department for processing."

"How could it be?" An Keruo said subconsciously, "This is just a draft document, and besides, I have to send it to the registration department..."

"Please leave it to us." The white guard witch said with a smile, her mouth widened, revealing her white teeth, and her squinted eyes opened slightly. She emphasized nonchalantly, "After the review is completed, we will also submit it to the registration department for you."

"Well..." An Keruo seemed to be fulfilling his duties, but he still realistically handed over the documents in his hand.

"Thank you for your cooperation." The white guard witch smiled in relief.

She stopped smiling and took out a white business card from her pocket, with nothing on it except a name and a number.

She handed the business card to Miss Ankeruo and smiled:

"If you encounter any trouble, difficulty or making things difficult...you can call this number."

"Um, um... I will." Miss Ankeruo took the business card and saw the other party turn around, put the file beside her and leave quickly.

The sound of the White Guard Witch's military boots gradually faded away.

An Keruo just breathed out, turned over the business card, looked at it, and muttered:

"This guy's name is Qiu Qunshan... his name is quite nice... he is also quite pretty... but his profession is not very good..."

One document.

It was produced on the Type VIII copper plate typewriter.

It was stamped with the official seal and approval seal in the office.

It already has legal effect.

Now, it is being carried by Miss Qiu Qunshan to a special office.



The sound of military boots came from far away, and the white guard witch Qiu Qunshan walked out from the corner carrying documents.

This life has been like this for decades, with occasional upheavals.

Qiu Qunshan took the document and carefully avoided other white guard colleagues, because she accepted a private and secret mission.

But in her heart, she somewhat missed this secret life.

Times have changed, and she feels that her body has aged with the passing times.

"Maybe I should consider retiring..." she thought.

Miss Qiu Qunshan smiled distressedly and controlled her frustration.

At least, the emotion of 'retirement' should not be reflected in a secret police officer like her, but it is inevitable that there are not many people who can still maintain their enthusiasm after being employed for several years.

Qiu Qunshan suddenly felt a little thoughtful, and she thought of the young lady named An Keruo just now.

It's cute, a little timid, but also has the enthusiasm of a newcomer in this industry.

She was a little envious.

"Maybe after I retire, I can go to watch games, or I can use the money I save to buy a small villa on an empty island, build a pond, and live a leisurely life fishing, and occasionally go to other worlds to vent my killing emotions. Life...many witches in our field retire in this way." She found that she had a lot to think about today.

She was a little anxious. Their work could not be revealed. Their secret was to keep it secret. Their mission would never see the light of day. Their traces, resumes, and records would all be eliminated when they retired.

Such is the case with the White Guard.


"Be an unsung hero, Qiu Qunshan... Oh, maybe I won't need this name after retirement. Let me think about it, how about calling me Qiu? It has a look of twilight." Qiu Qunshan took the documents and escaped. There are all kinds of secret whistles and bright whistles.

As a white guard, she knew that there were a large number of trigger-type dimensional anchors placed near the special office, which meant that space bags and other equipment would also be locked, and they could only carry folders to deliver messages.

But the problem is that the white guards pay great attention to every document, and will check even useless documents.

Although the draft document in her hand did not violate any discipline, she still didn't want others to find out.

This is a bit like doing legal private work but not wanting others to know.

Extremely hypocritical... Qiu Qunshan dodged the last whistle and entered the office through a special channel.

She had just landed in the office.

In an instant, an extremely terrifying magical power locked her limbs, and a magical aura that truly reached the upper level touched her fear.

Legend has it that a powerful witch can strangle a dragon to death with just her magic power without using magic.

And Qiu Qunshan knew that this was not just a legend...

"Ahem, it's me..." She touched the white guard amulet on her body in a panic, and after a brief blur to dodge the magic lock, she hurriedly reminded her.

The witch who emitted magic power stopped moving again.

And Qiu Qunshan was finally able to focus her gaze on the witch behind the desk.

The great witch Li Lisi.

Miss Li Lisi put down her slightly raised hand, and the blue spiritual patterns that climbed up on her gelatinous white tights slowly dissipated.

The petite but majestic great witch looked at the white guard, was silent for a moment, and then whispered:

"Sorry, I'm nervous."

Although she had already heard about the gentleness of the great witch Li Lisi from her companions, Qiu Qunshan still felt a sense of shock and warmth in her heart when she heard the apology. She showed a sincere smile:

"No, I am too attached to this method, Your Majesty the Great Witch."

"No, no, this is the first time I've seen such a stealth method. It's really... well, it's really an amazing skill." The petite great witch pretended to be majestic, but the strong desire for discovery and curiosity in her eyes were... His playful nature was immediately exposed.

Although she pretended to be majestic, Qiu Qunshan smiled:

"I will give you the training guidelines for the White Guard's stealth skills later. As the great witch in the country, you can access all confidential documents without any hindrance, including those of our White Guard."

"Well, I will study it carefully...cough, Miss Qiu Qunshan, that document..." Your Excellency Li Lisi's fair face turned red.

Qiu Qunshan has served three great witches in the country at different times, and Li Lisi is the fourth.

No matter how great and admirable the first three were, they all engaged in a lot of abuse of power for personal gain. In other words, the great witch herself is the ultimate being who can use various resources at her disposal.

But Her Excellency Li Lisi is different, or rather, she is so honest that it is unbelievable?

Even the materials drawn from the special office warehouse are pitifully small. Even the White Guards are unable to receive secret missions from the Great Witch all year round. The few times they do come are all official matters. As for private matters, this is the third one. once.

Your Majesty the Great Witch, as long as you don't report the 1 million yuan to 100 million yuan, no country will hold you accountable for just a document... Qiu Qunshan looked at Li Lisi who was cautious and a little shy. , said a little helplessly:

"I've brought it here, can you just put it here?"

Qiu Qunshan put the document on the table. As for what the document was, she didn't know and didn't want to know.

After seeing the document, Li Lisi's face became even redder.

Qiu Qunshan waited for a long time before she heard the voice of the Great Witch, as thin as a mosquito:

"Please, please don't tell anyone, keep it a secret."

She was so honest that even the white guard felt that her shame was a little less like that of a witch.

Qiu Qunshan nodded:

"I only know that I took out a document. As for what this document is, what role it has, and what impact it has, I don't care at all, and I will not tell anyone at all."

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