Witch for All 1994

Chapter 439 Blue Clothes Integration

After discussing some details with Chen Ligu and making an appointment to visit Lanyi Tonghe Company the next day, Jiang Han returned home and fell asleep comfortably under the early morning sunshine.

She got up around two o'clock in the afternoon and had a lunch cooked by Miss Liang Cuoyu.

After filling her stomach comfortably, she put on a petite blue-gray dress, a large-brimmed hat, and a pair of mid-calf boots that covered her calves, and went out.

Jiang Han also had an agreement to watch the game together tonight. He also had to buy some dragon blood ink for Claire in the afternoon, so he didn't have enough time.

Fortunately, she had already checked out all the nearby stores.

After she bought the ink as quickly as possible, she sent it to her home through the store clerk's parcel service.

After completing the task of [Running Errands for Claire], which was a very RPG-like task, she hurried to the appointed Dragon Bus Stop.

There aren't too many witches near the platform of Dragon Bus Station.

Two o'clock in the afternoon for witches is a bit like eight o'clock in the morning for mainlanders, and witches' holidays and working hours are more relaxed, so there are not many witches waiting for the bus at the bus station during this time. If there is an emergency, it is more likely to fly on a broom than to consider these comfortable means of transportation.

And there is a very exciting big game tonight, and there are two small warm-up games ahead... Well, one of them is called the 'Commentator Cup', which is a game played by various commentators... Oh, Dorothy Jordan! Gang Leader Qiao also explained that Teacher Yu was in serious trouble and was going to be hung up and beaten by Boss Qiao... Jiang Han muttered and walked to the waiting hall in front of the platform.

An important representative of the prosperous civilization that the witches have built by plundering resources from other worlds is that even public facilities such as waiting stations are built to perfection.

A spacious entrance corridor, dragon skin carpet that can clean shoes.

When you walk in, you are greeted by a comfortable fur-carpeted room with huge floor-to-ceiling windows that allow you to see the sun and city scenery.

There is a practical bar, free tea, and small tea trees for viewing.

You know, this is in the relatively frugal East!

If the Dragon Bus Station in the west were replaced, it might be built like Buckingham Palace...

After sniffing the scent of the suitable tea scented air spray in the air, Jiang Han pouted, tiptoed and scanned around.

Immediately, her eyes lit up.

She found her friend sitting on a sofa with a newspaper in both hands.

That was Chen Ligu, who was pretty and handsome, with a bit of a pretty boyish look.

It's a bit of a strike zone... Jiang Han leaned over and said with an apologetic smile:

"Sorry, I'm late."

Chen Ligu put down the newspaper, stood up and said, "It's okay. I just arrived. I haven't read much of this free newspaper yet."

Jiang Han tilted his head and smiled:

"That's okay."

After exchanging some irritating words, they boarded the Dragon Bus Line 91 and arrived at the company area near Vientiane Commercial Street in a short time, and arrived in front of a very nice office building.

Chen Ligu took the lead in pushing the door open. After showing the reservation voucher to the front desk, she turned back and chuckled:

"Although we haven't agreed on the price yet, we had a great chat. They strongly requested to meet with you first. I guess they will agree to compromise on the price soon after meeting."

...It sounds like some kind of strange deal... Jiang Han kept smiling and nodded silently.

Recently, she has also found that she is becoming more and more sunny, and she smiles and speaks in a silly manner.

In order to maintain her image in front of outsiders, she usually does not smile or speak at all.

"They also admire witches who can use partial dragon transformation. Although they only have one pair of wings that can transform, that is enough." Chen Ligu said, "They will also customize a complete set of armor and other things, plus Use unique makeup to change your look...just treat it as work wear."

Work clothes are okay... Miss Chen Ligu, you are destroying my dream of traveling to another world... Jiang Han couldn't hold it back and said:

"Is this really necessary?"

"It's necessary." Chen Ligu put on a serious face, "The reputation of our witches... is not very good. Even in a remote world like Testenango, there are some creatures who are heroes in their world and have some influence on the universe. Hearing and understanding the laws of the universe. After all, our witch is an iconic and easy-to-recognize person. Without some disguise, maybe the Queen of Gregos will get the news, close the portal, and expel the witch..."

She pressed the elevator button and said seriously:

"For the entire witch world, what she does is useless. But for a company, the witch company cannot have enough resources to forcibly open up that world, so we need to disguise and hide our identity."

Hiss...how bad is the reputation of witches...Jiang Han felt a little breathless and asked:

"Will you be expelled if your identity is exposed? Then why Abyss..."

"If the abyss destroys a world, everyone will think it is normal... But if we witches destroy a world, then everyone will be afraid and fearful. This is a kind of prejudice. In other words, it is an attempt by alien creatures to put witches into the good camp. Prejudice." Chen Ligu clicked on the top button.

During the conversation, they had reached the top floor, where they saw a huge workshop using space folding technology.

Five witches in gorgeous dresses were beeping at the machinery on a maintenance rack in front of dozens of engineer witches.

The machine looked like the lower body of a mammoth, made of machinery.

Those gorgeous witches were shouting:

"We don't need the gear here. Its bite must be invisible from the surface, otherwise we won't be able to skin it!"

"This structure needs to be changed!"

"This tough pressure must be changed!"

"The air pressure suspension is good, but I would like a type with air vents to increase the speed of movement!"

They danced.

They made all kinds of weird requests.

What they said made the engineers' expressions stiffen, and they wanted to hit them with a wrench.

Isn't this a standard Party A... Jiang Han snickered.

There seems to be a conflict breaking out over there.

An engineer witch shouted to Party A’s witches:

"What is a spider web-type pressure-reducing shock absorber system? I don't know how to do it. If you can do it, you can do it!"

So, the five gorgeously dressed witches looked at each other, and one of them immediately took off his socks and big-brimmed hat, and cursed:

"I know you little red guys are unreliable!"

She kicked off the high-heeled shoes on her feet, jumped up to the maintenance rack, grabbed the wrench, and used the wrench to rub out a perfect system with a clean click. It only took half a minute. .


She threw away the wrench, sat on the mechanical mammoth, shook her slender legs triumphantly, and shouted:

"Okay, I'm really here. Your salary assessment is going to be a good show... Okay, why don't you work hard? Follow this standard and do more!"

Engineers dare not speak out in anger.

The witch's world is that simple. It's possible that Party A's mother can't create it, but she's just too lazy to spend time creating it.

In a gorgeously decorated reception room with a view of the outside of the building, the beautiful Andrea, the I-Xunsi Witch Engineer who had just rubbed the machine tool with a wrench, held a tea cup with a smile and said in a very ladylike manner :

"I'm sorry that you saw the farce just now."

Ha, ha... Jiang Han didn't have any objections. Instead, he once again gained a new understanding of the witch's engineering capabilities.

In this world where everyone can do big projects, it is true that Party A may be such an invincible existence.

Chen Ligu was completely accustomed to the friendly technical exchanges between witches, so she turned to sales:

"Technical communication is always straightforward. I like this kind of passionate scene very much, but what I want to say is... look! This is Miss Jiang Han. Her powerful magic power can even be used by fifteen witch legions. This is unparalleled. The powerful magic power can even accelerate your company’s positioning and invasion of the world.”

This rhetoric was very good, making Andrea look at Jiang Han seriously.

After a moment, she said excitedly:

"Such a huge magic power... is really good. She can indeed enhance our invasion speed, but the price is already at a premium. Miss Chen, we have done market research..."

Miss Andrea is sensitive to numerical comparisons, and she speaks a lot about the market. Chen Ligu listened patiently and then refuted:

"You can't say that, dear Andrea. Any commission from Miss Jiang is inherently premium. Simply put, it's your star player who needs extra premium, extra protection, and extra reward. Use her as your own...if the market price really works, it will only apply to ordinary office witches."

Andrea also listened patiently, and immediately said excitedly after listening:

"However, Miss Jiang's hiring fee will be several times that of other witches, but they are on the same level in terms of position. This is illogical."

"Her magic power is also higher than the other witches combined." Chen Ligu put down the teacup.

"In addition to receiving the highest salary in a team, if this highest salary also comes with a high-priced contract, it will cause discord among the witches in the team." Andrea tried her best to reduce budget expenses.

In fact, the reason why she works so hard is because the accountant among the witches can usually use the company's year-end settlement and put part of the remaining money into a reward pool and distribute it to the employees, and the accountant will get a big share.

Therefore, how to reasonably reduce expenses on the basis of ‘getting things done’ is the most important thing for every witch who manages finances.

As an experienced negotiator, Chen Ligu knew that she could not relax at this time, so she stepped up her offensive:

"We can sign a secret agreement, a confidentiality agreement."

In a difficult tug-of-war, the last point of dispute between the two parties was Jiang Han's promotional expenses.

But it was successfully resolved when both sides took a step back.

After completing the negotiation, Andrea took a sip of tea, wiped the sweat from his forehead and said helplessly:

"Ms. Chen, you are the most sophistical witch agent I have ever seen."

Chen Ligu smiled reservedly and nodded:

"Each other, each other."

In his heart, Jiang Han dubbed Chen Ligu:

Just this, this, this?

...After reaching the contract details, it can be basically announced that Jiang Han will serve the Blue Uniform for a period of time, which also allows Andrea to regard her as one of her own.

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