Witch for All 1994

Chapter 42 ‘Fear of Magic’ Potion Materials

Putting aside the issue of practicing how to drink, Jiang Han became a little excited again.

A share of 3,200 yuan, plus a weekly salary of 950 yuan, plus possibly a lot of tips. This is already the most money Jiang Han has ever received in her life, and she relies on her coquettishness to act cute! Money that can buy you a discounted copy of a rare spell!

Although it won’t be available until Saturday, five days later.

But the points from the Witch's House are immediately available, that is, now there are 415 points, which can be exchanged for some good things in the Witch's House.

Jiang Han immediately asked the store manager for the redemption book of the Witch's House. The cover of the book showed a petite witch wearing a huge pointed hat and a dark red witch robe, with a pure white one-piece underneath. Wearing tight clothes, this petite witch has extremely majestic eyes. Just a photo can make other witches feel in awe of her.

"Li Lisi, the ancestral witch of the Witch House, one of the great witches, always ranked among the top 20 in the Masters." Qin Shunying introduced her when he saw that she was interested in her.

Although it was only a little past five-thirty, and strictly speaking it was not off-duty time yet, with Qin Shunying's 'doting' on Jiang Han, this kind of desertion from work was completely tolerated by her.

Top20? Is the Witch's House so powerful? Jiang Han was startled.

The Hall of Fame for Witches is called Top, and the Top20 refers to the twenty Hall of Fame Witches with the prefix "Great".

There is a very scary thing about the Witches Hall of Fame. The top 10 witches are actually ordinary witches with only 2,000 to 6,000 magic powers. They were selected into the Hall of Fame because of their actions and contributions, while the remaining 10 have to be selected from all over the world. The most terrifying and powerful witches compete to produce them, and only the 10 ordinary witches are fixed every year.

First place: Yang, the first known witch in the world, with a recorded magical power of 270.

Third place: Shang, the witch who wrote the world's first book on identifying magic potion materials, with a magic power record of 620.

Due to the existence of these witches, the witches who are on the list purely based on their combat power are extremely terrifying. The chief boss of the witch house is actually on the list. This is something Jiang Han could not have imagined. This is too cruel.

Jiang Han opened the redemption catalog and turned to the last page of the catalog. As expected, he saw the exchange of legendary spells. There was only one most well-known legendary spell on the list, which proved the power of the great witch.

[Advanced Time Standstill - Research Manual and Legendary Potion Formula (Li Lisi Version) exchange price is 514,500 points]

There is no doubt that the price is extremely exaggerated, and there is also a note left by Li Lisi written next to the catalog.

The font of this great witch is very beautiful, but the content is very domineering: "We play with time, crush fate, and laugh at the proof of death."

With this legendary spell, there is no doubt that the witch has touched the real river of time.

If she could be invited over, I'm afraid the problems encountered by Du Ningzhuang Research Institute would be solved immediately... Jiang Han suddenly had this unrealistic idea, then sighed and turned forward the catalog.

Try not to look at unrealistic ideas.

Are legendary spells worth 50W points? It's definitely worth it. This is the legendary spell that Jiang Han has actually seen that is 'possible to obtain'.

But based on the weekly salary of an ordinary bartender in the Witch House, it would take 10,000 weeks, 2,500 months, and 208.3 years to raise 50,000 points.

Even if the position is improved and there is additional income every month, ten years may be a more likely number.

Then it will take maybe another ten years to study this legendary spell.

Spend another ten years collecting ingredients for potions.

Finally, I pray that the ritual conditions for drinking the potion will not be too difficult to achieve...

Forget it! Don't think about it... The feasibility of level nine magic is much higher than legendary magic. Jiang Han shook his head vigorously. The price of a ninth-level spell starts at an average of 50,000 points. According to Jiang Han's estimation, if he is as popular as he is today with the rich, he should be able to afford it in two to three years.

And high-level spells at level 8, level 7, and level 6 are also relatively 'cheap', and they are the kind of 'goals' that you can really start working towards with a goal of six months or seven months.

However, Jiang Han doesn't need it yet. It's a bit difficult for her to read third-level spells now.

For example, the basic description of the model design for dispelling magic is:

‘Justice is reversed as the first node, the moon is placed on the righteous side together with the second node of the high tide, and the new moon is opposite the third node, and the half-moon hook point method is used to model the mysterious four basic points’

It's like studying finance with no foundation.

There are a lot of terms that you know what words they are made of, but you don’t know what they mean.

For another example, what are the four attributes of mysticism?

Fire, wind, water, earth.

Fire generally refers to candles.

The symbol of wind refers to a short sword or a sharp object.

Water is essential oil or liquid in a tall glass.

Earth often refers to salt that is endowed with spirituality.

After that are the four attributes of the witch... time, space, destiny, and symbols.

In short, it’s just an abstract batch! An abstract batch!

Mages, witches, warlocks, and occult masters all have an incomparable love for the number 4. Almost every spell has more than ten or twenty descriptions of the "four attributes". What's even more terrifying is that some of these descriptions They conflict with each other, and some of them look unreliable.

There are also more abstract symbols. For example, witches like to use ‘cats’ to encrypt their spell research.

It's possible that the black cat represents the 'sun' in this witch (who knows how)

Where does the other witch represent the ‘moon’ (to be honest, this is a bit unreliable)

...In short, Jiang Han was really crying when he was learning spells, and he wanted to destroy this damn world.

Speaking of destroying the world, maybe Miss Du Ningzhuang's plan to blow up the Time River will be a good opportunity... Jiang Han pouted.

415 points are enough for the amount of knowledge she currently has. The only hesitation is that she doesn't know what to strengthen herself first.

...Change the spell? But those four spells haven't been fully understood yet.

...Change to a magic item? The magic props inside are not practical for her who has the magic power of a great witch... For example, a staff that triggers a fireball spell. What use is this for a witch who can throw third-level fireball spells almost infinitely?

...Change some materials, reliable...

After determining the target, she turned to the material catalog. The first item was the 'Adamantine' and 'Mithril' that she had mentioned before. Putting aside the complex mineral changes and the evolution of minerals of the same type with different properties, this The prices of the two determine that even if you exchange them, you can only exchange them for a small piece.

Just when she was struggling, store manager Qin Shunying gave some advice:

"How about replacing some materials that can be used immediately? The warehouse of the Witch House is very rich. Thanks to Li Lisi, we have a huge space for expansion and three different worlds, and we found some things on the surface of the earth. There are even some things that Li Lisi needs to take to Mars to plant."

Jiang Han's attention was attracted, he blinked and tilted his head to look at Qin Shunying.

Then a bright smile bloomed:


Then she felt that Qin Shunying's expression was a little strange, so she hesitated and lowered her head to flip through the catalog.

After rummaging around, she calculated her points and came to the best conclusion:

"I want to redeem the potion materials for the 'Fear of Magic' spell."

Fearing magic and weakening magic resistance are necessary spells for a witch to deal big frontal damage.

Level 3.

The ingredients are: 200 ml distilled water, 100 ml pure ale, 100 ml rum, 10 ml blue blood henna solution, 15 g agape lavender powder, 10 g salt flower root slices, 5 g sterling silver, 6 g snow buds Dragon Blood Gem.

If you take the conditions...

Jiang Han looked at the taking conditions marked on his notes and his expression froze.

The beautiful handwriting reads:

The potion ritual of 'Fear of Magic' is [take it after running for 30 minutes and squatting 50 times continuously]

Isn't this the life of this house girl?

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