Witch for All 1994

Chapter 414 Dragon Core

The partial dragon transformation technique was invented by Li Lisi, who is the most knowledgeable about dragons in the world and is also the greatest genius in the field of dragon transformation.

A total of local dragon-changing techniques are divided into 5 parts, and they have the effect of transforming into dragons in a symbolic sense.

Dragon horns correspond to the 'spell penetration' of mana expertise.

Dragon wings correspond to flying and the dragon's spell-like "Sweeping Wind" and durability feats.

The dragon's tail corresponds to the dragon's physical ability and powerful strength.

The dragon heart can give the witch the most terrifying regeneration ability. Even if there is only a piece of flesh and blood, the body can be regenerated at high speed.

Dragon Brain implants the witch's thinking software into the dragon's hardware, and has the characteristics of 'multiple dual schools of spellcasting'.

These five kinds of partial dragon transformation are the treasures brought by Li Lisi. After mastering all five kinds of level 6 partial dragon transformation, the witch will automatically obtain the level 8 transformation into a dragon. At the same time, these partial dragon transformation techniques The spell models between each other will also be linked to achieve a spell-like level of ability.

This is also the first time in the history of the witch that a spell has an effect and speed that can rival that of a spell-like one.

And Li Lisi's contribution to this spell doesn't end there. She also greatly reduced the total amount of materials for this spell, ensuring that the witch who studies the dragon transformation technique will not lack combat effectiveness at level 6, a critical stage for entering the middle-level witch.

Each local dragon transformation spell is linked to three to four 'dragon-type' spells, including the 'dragon breath spell' and 'dragon roar spell' that Jiang Han has always envied.

Evocation, transformation, conjuration, necromancy, each partial dragon transformation can be said to be a mixture of spells from these four schools. They are exquisite and difficult to dismantle. It took Jiang Han's talent to dismantle them for dozens of days. There is no magic formula that can be extracted from it and used secretly.

It can be said that the partial dragon transformation technique invented by Li Lisi is a compulsory subject for all dragon transformation witches in the world, and it is a magical skill worth spending a lot of money to purchase.

Of course, these witches who buy records and spell logs will definitely not receive the same treatment as Jiang Han.

The inventor of the partial dragon transformation technique personally tailored the modified version for her, and even had a plan for what kind of dragon she would transform into.

——Partial Dragon Transformation does not require precious dragon materials at the beginning. This is the great thing about this spell. You can learn it first, and then add the selected materials to the last partial Dragon Transformation to avoid some problems. The witch has no choice but to use level 5 and 6 dragons to increase combat effectiveness.

But no matter how talented Li Lisi is, the dragon-changing witch who starts with local dragon-changing skills still has to do it step by step.

The default option in Jiang Han's mind is Dragon Wings. Firstly, Dragon Wings can fly. Secondly, Dragon Wings have a durability specialty that is suitable for a witch like her who opens and closes her face to receive pyroblasts. Thirdly, of course, it comes with a and A spell similar to 'Sweeping Wind' is irresistible and can effectively supplement the current combat effectiveness.

So Jiang Han said without hesitation:

"Longyi, I want to learn the transformation of Longyi first."

There was no emotion, no fluctuation, not even a trace of activity in Roxanne's pair of matte silver eyes.

She was silent for a while and then nodded, "I understand."

She became a ghost and fell into the ground.

After a while, there was a loud noise in the canyon, and a semi-open hut rose up from the ground. Roxanne was standing in the hut. She nodded to Jiang Han from a distance, turned her back, and disappeared into the hut.

This ghost witch was extremely cold... It was rare to experience this kind of treatment. Jiang Han was a little dazed. He quickly picked up his casual skirt and jumped over.

Entering the house, this is an alchemist's room with tasteful furnishings. The sterile crucible room has a pastoral and natural appearance, there is also an expensive alchemy table, and a separated translucent potion material warehouse for storing materials.

A large number of single-page manuscripts hang on the wall, along with mushroom hookahs used to derive formulas, and bottles of dark essence powder.

Roxanne has already taken out some materials and placed them in the material box.

She raised her head, looked at Jiang Han, and remained silent for another half second. Her dull silver eyes looked particularly deep, like a bottomless pool.

The ghost witch Roxanne calmly explained:

"The potion of partial dragon transformation requires 215 minutes to cook. During this time, no mistakes can be made, and a compound cooking method must be used. I can guarantee that one part will be made with a fault tolerance of one, if you are willing Accept this error rate, and please tell me."

Although the convenience of partial dragon transformation does not make the ingredients of the potion expensive, it will also cause its potion production success rate to be similar to that of level 7 to 8 potions. This is also because its basic Level 8 dragon transformation.

And if you calculate the success rate of standard level 8 potions (20%), then 5 bottles require almost 25 materials. But even 25 pieces of level 6 spell materials are cheaper than one piece of standard level 8 spell materials, and the gap is huge. This does not include the failure to make the potion for level 8 spells!

Jiang Han nodded:

"I'm willing to accept it. Please take out the contract."

The success rate is 50%, which has exceeded the success rate of many alchemy witches and potion witches. They can be called alchemy masters or potion masters. At least if Jiang Han does it by himself, the success rate is estimated to be just over 10%, while Jingjing's is about 30%. After all, as a witch, she cannot often come into contact with the refining of high-level magic potions.

"Okay." Roxanne took out a contract stipulating the fault tolerance rate for Jiang Han to sign. "If it exceeds two pots, I will compensate you for the loss of materials and bear the cost of the materials you commissioned."

Jiang Han nodded and signed.

The contract states the compensation conditions, scope of compensation and the name of the responsible person in black and white. It is very clear and clear, without any traps.

Roxanne put away the contract, took out the contract paper in triplicate and asked Jiang Han to sign it again, then gave one copy to Jiang Han, kept one for herself, then sent the original to Priscilla, and finally gave the third copy to A copy was sent to Ghost Castle as a backup copy of the entrustment.

This girl must have been a German when she was alive... Jiang Han muttered to himself, but when he saw Roxanne's eyes glancing over, she quickly showed a sweet smile. She looked silly and silly, making it easy for people to relax their vigilance.

"Partial Dragon Transformation." Roxanne's voice was no higher than a whisper, but it was especially clear in this quiet environment.

She paused and said with an almost invisible movement of her lips:

"It is a masterpiece of spells and potions. It can create simple dragon-like organs without the core of a dragon. When you learn the fifth partial dragon transformation surgery, you can use the dragon core to transform into that The dragon in the core is a miracle of connected spells and potions. Have you prepared the dragon core?"

It seems that only when it comes to work, Roxanne will say a few more words:

"There are two formulas for the partial dragon transformation magic potion with the dragon core, and the one without the dragon core. Although they are almost the same as the main materials, the auxiliary materials are very different, and the goose blood ruby ​​must be replaced by gray blood ash. gem."

"I do." Jiang Han raised his hand and stuck out his tongue in embarrassment.

Under Roxanne's expressionless gaze, she quickly took out Li Lisi's Dragon Transformation Diary from her pocket, activated a rune on a page, reached in, and took out a small piece of shining dragon brain.

Witches believe that the spirituality and power of all creatures come from the brain, so for them, the core of the dragon is undoubtedly the complex dragon brain, not some precious jade or reverse scale...

Roxanne took off her black lace gloves and unladylikely lifted the sleeve of her right arm to reveal her fair and slender arm. She took out a rubber glove and put it on her right glove before taking it.


Just as Jiang Han was about to speak, the ghost witch pressed the sterile disinfection button. The entire room suddenly became sealed, and the sterile purifying liquid emitted into dry mist, cleaning the entire room extremely cleanly without moisture. , including the poor Siren Witch.

"Here." Roxanne took out the mask and handed it to Jiang Han, then took out a sterile cloak and put it on her body, then quickly walked into the sterile crucible room.

Jiang Han twitched the corner of his mouth, but still put on the mask honestly, and imitated the other party's example, taking out a sterile cloak and covering it on himself.

After these medical suits are connected, they will automatically isolate the bacteria in the body and prevent them from contaminating the sterile room.

Theoretically, the sterile cloak and gloves could be directly stuffed into the belt and still be effective, but Jiang Han still put them on and followed them out of habit.

As soon as he entered, Jiang Han was shocked by the efficiency of the ghost witch's actions.

Three of the six crucibles in the sterile crucible room have been ignited, one with pure water added, one with slime liquid, and the last one with mineral water added with gem solvent. Roxanne quickly opened various drawers and took out the props, and at the same time placed the piece of borneol on the cutting table.

She sprinkled some ingredient powder into the slime liquid, and then poured dragon blood wine into the pure water as an auxiliary material.

At the same time, about 10 specimen slides were taken out and compared with borneol.

After a moment, she said firmly:

"Grey scale power dragon."

While putting the glass slide back, she raised the temperature of a crucible, and at the same time selected several accessories from the material warehouse with a slight movement of her fingers.

She was about to join in when she suddenly glanced at Jiang Han and seemed to remember something.

She explained to Jiang Han in an emotionless but somewhat reluctant voice:

"Grey-scale power dragons are a variation of feather-scale giant dragons, which means their scales are very like feathers, very long feathers. As the core of this material, lighter materials are needed."

Jiang Han was stunned for a moment, realized that this was Pricia's advice, and quickly wrote it down in his mind.

After Roxanne finished explaining, she threw the material down at a dizzying speed, then picked up a translucent, materialless knife. She was silent for a while and explained:

"Here, when dealing with the core of the brain, the diaphragm needs to be...this part needs to be dealt with slowly using counter-attachment...the sulcus needs to..."

The ghost witch said to 'process slowly', but the knife was very fast and steady, and the core was cut out in a few seconds and added to different crucibles.

While Jiang Han was fascinated by this part of the alchemy and potion knowledge, 215 minutes had passed by unknowingly, and the finished potion was already on the table.

While packing up the crucible, Roxanne explained the ritual and asked Jiang Han to do it:

"Go outside and find an automatic home-finding broom. When you reach 2,000 meters in the sky, jump off. Repeat 20 times, then come in and drink the magic potion."

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