Witch for All 1994

Chapter 399 Just one day

When Jiang Han woke up, it was actually morning, a time that violated the witch's biological clock.

Looking at the sun outside the window, Jiang Han let out a soft sigh, blinked his eyes, and stepped back.

His back collided with a soft object.


Jiang Han suddenly woke up with a fright, sat up, turned around, and saw Miss Chen Ligu in pajamas holding her nose and looking at him with tears in her eyes.

At this time, fragmented memories came flooding back.

Jiang Han reacted, lowered his head and glanced at his clothes - luckily, they hadn't been changed, and he was still wearing the skirt with half of his body exposed. He was still wearing his blue and gray pantyhose, but his boots were taken off and thrown to the bedside.

She looked at Chen Ligu again drowsily, and pursed her lips:

"Sisters, sisters?"

Chen Ligu rubbed her long hair, yawned, half-laughed and half-drowsily stretched out her hand to pinch Jiang Han's face, and then rubbed:

"Sister, you were so drunk yesterday, they asked me to take you home to sleep, and they drank again for the rest of the night."

Because of Chen Ligu's age, the witches felt particularly at ease with her.

Jiang Han didn't care whose bed he was in, but immediately puffed up his face, widened his eyes in shock, and raised his voice an octave higher:

"...Later at night? Do they still want to drink?"

"...Hey, look how panicked you are, little sister." Chen Ligu used her hands now, pinching Jiang Han's face and pulling it left and right. Finally, she smiled and touched Jiang Han's forehead.

Chen Ligu said in a sleepy voice:

"Don't worry, the store manager is so kind to you. I even wonder if you are her illegitimate daughter... She paid for the high-priced wine for the second half of the night and the first half of the night, so you just paid a token price for the beer and meal. Just money.”

Store manager, you are such a good person... Jiang Han sincerely praised Qin Shunying.

This witch has always cared for him. If it weren't for the fact that the other party had clearly said several times that her age was not suitable for him, Jiang Han would have thought that she was a strong suitor.

Chen Ligu's breath was warm. The witch glanced at Jiang Han, yawned and sat up. She moved her neck and made a rattling sound. She rubbed her eyes and yawned:

"Put the spare pajamas in the closet. I'll make you some food to fill your belly. You just woke up after being drunk, but don't use your magic power to cook it yourself."

She joked:

"I don't want my home to be blown up by a witch with a magic power of at least fifty thousand."

Ha, haha... Jiang Han's face turned slightly red, and he held his face with his hands, feeling that the temperature was a bit high.

Chen Ligu got out of bed, waved her hand, and went out to cook for Jiang Han.

After watching the other party walk out the door, Jiang Han shyly pulled up her long hair and parted the hair in front of her forehead. He stretched out his hand to cover his mouth, exhaled, and sniffed carefully... Fortunately, the beautiful girl may not always be fragrant, but the beautiful siren must be fragrant.

The air he exhaled had a very light amber smell and was warm.

The smell of alcohol on his body is still within the range of 'wine aroma'.

The siren's organ has the property of locking in the aroma of wine after it is ingested.

Jiang Han sat up and opened Chen Ligu's wardrobe.

This is a retro palace-style wardrobe. On the left side of the opened cabinet door is a beautiful full-length mirror, and on the right side are two subtly tilted upper and lower mirrors.

Among the upper and lower mirrors, the upper mirror is used to see if the shoulder straps are leaking out and whether people taller than you will see things from behind that they shouldn't see. The lower mirror is used to see if there are wrinkles in the socks. Are the stockings properly put on, and make sure the safety pants that come with the skirt are properly put on.

Jiang Han frowned and glanced at the mirrors on both sides.

Her current image is definitely not a lady.

The hair is messy, there are many red marks on the skin that were pressed by the skirt, most of the stocking rings on the slender thighs have fallen off, and there are a lot of wrinkles on the gray and blue pantyhose. Fortunately, they are blocked by safety pants, otherwise it would be absolutely impossible. A scene that cannot be described.

Most of the makeup was spent, and he looked like a cute tabby cat - thanks to Jiang Han's good looks, otherwise he might not be described as a 'tabby cat', and he would have to be replaced by Zhen Guanxi, who was punched three times by Lu Zhishen...

After staring at the mirror for a while, even the smell of rice could be smelled, and Jiang Han hurriedly put on Chen Ligu's spare pajamas.

Although Miss Chen Ligu is underage, her clothes are quite big. Although her chest is a bit tight, Jiang Han doesn't look too small in them.

After changing her clothes, Jiang Han took out her cosmetic bag to remove her makeup. I have to say that Siren Witch's face was quite tender. Even after applying the dry makeup remover, her skin was still so soft and tender that it could squeeze out water. Even if she I didn't damage my skin even if I messed around with it.

Taking advantage of the time to remove her makeup and apply bubble skin care lotion, she quietly took a look at Chen Ligu's wardrobe.

If you don't know it, this little girl is so generous in her clothes.

Jiang Han saw basically all brand-name products, including five or six high-quality one-piece combat uniforms, as well as brand-name casual skirts, handbags, and stockings that cost 19 yuan a pair, and more Expensive angel velvet pantyhose, and a lot of hats.

She usually seems to be quite frugal, but it turns out that all the money is spent here... Jiang Han glanced at several rune belts. These rune belts are not cheap and are used to store spells.

Although it's a bit embarrassing to say this, Jiang Han's best rune belt is the one Angelette took off for her... It is used to tie up her hair. It can be attached with two level 7 shield spells. After use, you need It can only be used after it has been cured with magic power.

After she finished the skin care lotion, she applied the Siren eye ointment given by Kraken, and then put some eye drops - as an experienced Siren witch, Kraken had her own unique way of caring for permanently knotted eyes. The thing is to spend money. Spend tens of thousands of dollars on your eyes every month to ensure that the freezing ability of your eyes will be improved both quantitatively and qualitatively.

However, this is only limited to a few special Siren Witches, such as ordinary Siren Witches. Spending this money is simply cutting off the flesh. Not only the magic power is taxed on the Yongjie Eye, but also the money is taxed on the Yongjie Eye! With double taxation, I am guaranteed to go to the sea to dance in one or two years and sing a song of "Dancing Girl's Tears" with a unique siren voice.

She packed the skirt and socks she had taken off and put them into her garment bag, along with her hat.

Witches especially like to wear hats, witch hats, big-brimmed hats, wide-brimmed hats, Bonnets, Capes, etc. There are many kinds of hats. Even those who don’t wear hats will wear a tiara or a small decorative hat, etc.—— In Greater China, we have Han crowns, Qin crowns, three-legged golden black feathers, hairpins and other headdresses and hats. In modern times, we have introduced neighbor’s bear hats, bearskin hats, etc...

If I didn’t wear a hat when sleeping, I would probably have to wear a full hat on my pajamas.

Of course, because of the circulation of language and culture, the foreign witches in this life are not as easy to fool as the gringos in the previous life... Give them a cuckold, and they will definitely return you a white handkerchief (duel).

Finally, he patted his face and braided his hair into a simple single twist. Jiang Han pushed the door open and saw Chen Ligu who was putting the food on the table. She sniffed and leaned over, tiptoeing from behind. He put his chin on Chen Ligu's shoulder with his toes and smiled softly:

"It smells so good. What's delicious?"

Because she didn't deliberately not move, Chen Ligu knew that she was coming over early, and said in a calm tone:

"Thick chicken soup with mushrooms and ginger slices, black pepper stew with Xunlong meat strips and lamb... ha..."

She yawned:

"Considering time, I made more rice and fried some veal with bamboo shoots. Stop making trouble..."

Jiang Han rubbed the opponent's shoulder with his chin. Unfortunately, even the beautiful girl in the witch did not have a sharp chin that could kill people. It could only make the opponent's shoulder feel sore.

Chen Ligu reached out her hand and pinched Jiang Han's cheek, only to hear Jiang Han chuckle and shrink back.

She turned her head and made a face:

"Little sister, it's time to eat. Take the chopsticks by yourself."

As soon as she finished speaking, Jiang Han had already slipped onto the chair, lay on the table, tilted his head, and snorted lazily:

"You help me get it."

"...I shouldn't have been soft-hearted and said that I would let you stay at my house for just one night. I should have sent you home a long time ago." Chen Ligu put her hands on her hips, sighed, and then laughed happily, "Forget it, you It’s a guest.”

She walked to the kitchen and picked up the bowls and chopsticks, and then took out the clay pot with rice, and put them all on the dining table. After filling the rice, she opened the box with the dishes, and the stronger fragrance of the dishes suddenly came to life. Lost appetite.

Jiang Han felt as if his empty stomach was cramping, so he quickly took the bowl, said happily "I'm welcome", picked up a piece of Velociraptor meat strips and put it in the rice bowl, and mixed it with black pepper with the rice. Eat the powdered meat strips.

It's spicy and fragrant, and when you bite into the tough meat strips, a lot of gravy bursts out, and even the rice has a meaty aroma.

The morning sun, delicious food, eating in a room full of comfortable space, and the morning light shining in from the tall floor-to-ceiling windows made Jiang Han feel a little nostalgic, and he also wanted to close his eyes naturally because of the witch's biological clock.

"Does it suit you?" Chen Ligu asked. Under the sunshine, this witch seemed to be covered with a sacred golden coat. Her immature facial features could no longer be seen as too childish, and her cherry-colored eyes were always With a thinking mood.

Beautiful, but not as beautiful as Cen Jing, nor as beautiful as Kraken, nor as beautiful as Meiying, but as beautiful as Angelette...

...Jiang Han used his own poor adjectives to describe it in his heart, and then he was amused by himself again, and nodded with a smile:

"I really like it!"

Probably because her appearance is still in the plasticity period, Jiang Han's appearance is becoming more and more different from the 'cold' type, and closer to the 'warm type'. This is related to the fact that she usually likes to smile like this, even though she looks silly. , but it’s really likeable.

Chen Ligu smiled reservedly and lowered her eyes a bit:

"I made some minor improvements to the cooking techniques... The learning materials I got were first-hand from Europe, but I thought the taste might not suit our taste, so I made some improvements... Do you really like it? It’s great.”

"Isn't this genius?" Jiang Han took another bite with satisfaction. After grinding the strips of meat with his sharp teeth and swallowing it, he reservedly wiped his mouth with a napkin, "Have you found time to do magic experiments recently?"

"Of course, my little sister." Chen Ligu opened her eyes wide with a smile, "This is why we work in 4 shifts... 6 hours of work is already too long. ”

As a witch working in a business office and serving the public, Chen Ligu has unique views on many laws and regulations.

And her talent as a witch is undoubtedly extremely terrifying.

Jiang Han suspected that the other party was also a mutated witch.

that is……

She glanced at Chen Ligu secretly, feeling unhappy.

Why are other people’s mutant breeds taller?

Happy New Year

I want to write about male mothers, and I also want to write about copper mothers.

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