Witch for All 1994

Chapter 385 Let a hundred flowers bloom

Jiang Han had never seen the peak Lin Zhaojun compete. After she traveled through time, the top witch had stopped competing for nearly a year.

And after she came out again, in Jiang Han's opinion, her fight was not as good as that of Li Lisi, who was known as Long Hanhan.

Li Lisi is naive, but the spells she casts are all large-scale, and they look great! Moreover, the application of expertise is also smooth and smooth, which is full of appreciation.

In the game Jiang Han watched, Ah Lin's playing style was to 'dispel spells, shield, dispel spells, hold back assault spells, give for free, romantically fuck, and die suddenly'. This set of procedures can be called the cross-border Hammo. The rabbinic code, every witch gives it for free is pretty much like this.

He pulls when he is confused, but he pulls after giving nothing.

Jiang Han had only heard about Lin Zhaojun at his peak from the mouths of many witches.

In their mouths, Lin Zhaojun was invincible at his peak, with a 100% winning rate throughout the year. Many witches even rationally refused to bet on others to win... She walked to the bar and came back with a glass of coconut juice. Also added some aloe vera.

When I came back, I heard Dorothy and Teacher Yu listing data:

"Hey, the curves are very clear, these two players."

The two commentators listed all the spell curves used by the witch. It is very clear that Lin Zhaojun's spell curves are all concentrated in levels 1 to 6. Occasionally, legendary spells at level 8 and 9 that are standard for top witches will appear. But overall it's on the low side. Du Lingxuan, on the other hand, is relatively even, with clear curves from levels 4 to 9. At first glance, she looks like a typical classical witch.

When Eileen saw her coming back, she moved to the couch, resting her chin on her palms and smiling softly:

"It's rare to see this kind of spell curve. In my era, we hardly used spells below level 7 in duels."

"Crazy Oulu, what can I say? You were too crazy back then." Jiang Han smiled sweetly and sat next to her.

In fact, both of them felt that it was a bit awkward to watch each other in the VIP room, so they just squeezed in to watch together. Fortunately, both of them were petite witches - Irene may not be, but she looks petite. of.

Frankly speaking, Irene is indeed soft now, but maybe she can grow into a big sister in the future... Jiang Han focused on the screen, quickly adjusted it twice, and cut the screen.

Lin Zhaojun and Du Lingxuan moved back 200 meters apart, and the 12-member referee team confirmed their position and status, confirming that there was no direct cheating to activate the spell before the game.

All the referees flew outside the Eight-Fen Island and each put on protective clothing. Then the chief referee flew to the top of the Eight-Fen Island and dropped a fireball between the two of them.

The moment the fireball hit the ground, maybe half a second? Maybe at 0.1 seconds? Or in a shorter period of time, the light of magic flashed around Lin Zhaojun.

First, five rounds of power ammunition of different colors flew out at extremely fast speeds. Although the level was not high, it was enough to kill a witch.

Yu Sitong’s passionate explanation also exploded instantly:

"Lin Zhaojun! Lin Zhaojun got the upper hand, and she attacked unscrupulously, just like last year when she shocked the world with a 97% initiative rate. How could a witch react so horribly?"

Dorothy also expressed real admiration:

"Ludwig, Dean, Lyman...it's not surprising that these families, which produce monsters with neural reflexes and spellcasting speed, occupy the top five positions on the starter list, but Lin Zhaojun is not a mutant witch in this regard, with a career of 86 The data of % initiative rate is very scary.”

The witch's explanation does not read the names of spells, but only mentions key spells, past information, and techniques and tactics.

Clear and informative.

Du Lingxuan, who lost the initiative, had no choice but to hand over the enchantment on the robe first.

But at the same time, Lin Zhaojun's terrifying suppressive power was immediately revealed. The moment Du Lingxuan handed over a magic shield of about level 7, a shield-breaking technique directly lifted the magic shield.

The commentator Yu Sitong also shouted directly:

"It's too bad to be forced to explain the enchantment at the beginning...ah! Danger, random teleportation! Du Lingxuan dealt with it quite well and was not killed instantly!"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Zhaojun's root technique directly hit the position where Du Lingxuan was randomly teleported. This teleportation technique was directly reversed. Du Lingxuan was teleported back to the original place, and was hit by a force field bullet without a shield. He was violently injured on the spot. He died and woke up gasping for breath from the resurrection stone next to the deputy referee team.

In the first game, she was directly taken away by a fast break. This instant kill speed is the top 1 strength of the Witch.

After the first game, the dueling witches need to take a break, take a breath, and think about how to deal with the tactics that they were unable to cope with just now.

Jiang Han heard a soft sound of surprise from Eileen beside him.

She turned her head and saw a soft smile on Irene's face:

"It's very exciting. I didn't expect how to solve this situation. It was too fast... If it was a head-on confrontation like this, I might have to rely on items to solve it."

After the start of the second game, Du Lingxuan was still suppressed as the first mover. Then, under Lin Zhaojun's oppressive play style, he was constantly forced to hand over precious life-saving enchantments, and was even beaten to the most shameful position in the Witch Duel: "Only Defend but Not Defeat" Attack', exhaustingly using spells to resist Lin Zhaojun's fast attacks one by one.

In the third minute after the battle, she was accidentally penetrated through the shield due to this fast pace, and her waist and left leg were severely injured.

She only lasted one minute in pain before being sent into the Resurrection Stone again.

As Yu Sitong said:

"Today's Du Lingxuan was completely dominated by Lin Zhaojun in the spell battle. Fortunately, the game was not just a bo3. Fortunately, the game was not only one round. They will meet in the second half of the round. I hope Du Lingxuan can find her own love as soon as possible. The rhythm can no longer be beaten by Lin Zhaojun like this, the top 1 fast break ability is unquestionable!"

I don’t know whether it was a Chinese commentator or an American commentator. Guest Dorothy also agreed:

"There is no doubt that even if you suffer a small loss, you cannot step into the opponent's rhythm. Du Lingxuan's performance today is obviously not good enough, but in my opinion, Lin Zhaojun has obviously returned to his peak period. The casting speed of such a monster is incompatible with The reaction speed and smooth fast break, is this year 1993?"

Jiang Han did not expect that Du Lingxuan would be killed so quickly. I have to say that Lin Zhaojun's fighting style was indeed very exciting.

The top 1 witch didn't even use a shield and started to attack like crazy, just like the offensive pressure of black in a backgammon game, but unfortunately, there is no "forbidden hand" in the witch world.

This kind of breathless oppression is simply a picturesque tactic.

Jiang Han felt like he was going to become Lin Zhaojun's biggest fan after just watching one scene.

In the post-match interview, Lin Zhaojun, who seemed so relaxed that he didn’t even break a sweat, smiled proudly:

"I thought it would be a protracted battle, but I didn't expect the opponent to surrender as quickly as we often tell a joke."

Getting angry after winning is an absolute way to win, because the loser has no way to refute.

After the exciting opening battle, various top witches took turns to enter the battle.

This month is the last month of 1994, which also means that this year's techniques and tactics have entered a "fully mature period". There is no room for tactical research and development. The Witch uses tactics that have matured this year.

But the creativity and tactical abilities of top witches are indeed extremely outstanding.

The old tactic of mixing undead with energy can be played to perfection in the hands of some top witches. Another example is the classic three-combination furry bear, which has been transformed into a treacherous change school tactic in the hands of some witches.

Jiang Han doesn't usually watch games. Even if he does, there aren't so many high-level duels.

Almost every classic.

After the first half of the game, Jiang Han realized that he needed to go to the bathroom.

As soon as she stood up, she saw Irene standing up too, and the two looked at each other and smiled.

"The game was exciting, but the halftime break was a bit lacking. I think we drank too many drinks." Erin said bluntly, while walking out.

Today she was wearing a pair of nice little leather boots and gold and orange pantyhose on her legs.

Jiang Han smiled and nodded, and said as he followed:

"This is the purpose of the bonus, allowing them to exert one hundred and twenty percent of their combat effectiveness."

They walked to the bathroom of the VIP room together. The interior decoration was in a natural style, mixed with a bit of Gothic feel.

After each chose a single room, the two started chatting about the game amidst the sound of water.

I have to say that Jiang Han understood why he often saw girls he was close to going to the bathroom together in high school.

Pressing the flush button, she walked to the sink and poured an interesting flame-like white hand sanitizer on her hands. This hand sanitizer made people feel a little warm and would change color when mixed with water. It is warmer and there is no need to wipe your hands because it will evaporate naturally very quickly.

After she finished all this, the door behind her also opened. Irene walked out of the single room with a long sigh of relief, stood in front of the shampoo table, and like Jiang Han, stood on tiptoes and pressed the hand sanitizer box.

At first, while washing her hands, the witch smiled happily and said to Jiang Han:

"This game made me aware of many of my shortcomings. I may need to take classes again."

She smiled and said in a deliberately aggrieved tone:

"I don't want to go to class."

"In terms of appearance, little sister Eileen? You have to go to school." Jiang Han raised his chin and smiled again after a moment.

Aileen's younger sister looks a bit more immature than Jiang Han. Although her figure is similar, on the whole, Jiang Han looks like a scaled down version of her 1.7-meter-tall figure, while Aileen's height is about 1.5 meters. A smaller version, that is, Irene's figure looks more like a younger one.

The two of them returned to the sofa while chatting, and the second half of the game was also starting.

Compared with the first half of the game, the second half is more bloody.

It's not that the witches in the upper half are not top-notch, but because the names of each group in the lower half are all nine witches that Jiang Han knows best and has the most impressive impression on.

All nine great witches are in the lower half of the group. These groups are divided into the 'super death group' and the 'normal death group'.

There are 4 super-death groups in total - meaning there are 2 great witches among the 4 people.

There is only 1 person in the death group - meaning there is 1 great witch among the 4 people.

The great witch of the Death Group is Angelite.

She was assigned together with Alexandra Cunningham, who was also the top witch in Europe, and Li Lian, who was once the Four Heroes of the City and is now the Yin-Yang Sisters of the Sea Shepherd.

Oh, there is also Miss Ji Haijun in their group, who has been unlucky for eight lifetimes.

Judging from historical results, Ji Haijun may not be able to beat any of these three people...

Jiang Han was very worried about Ji Haijun. He even warmed the VIP sofa for her. He was just waiting for her to come up and take the top spot today when the national team was really stable and only had the "theoretical possibility of qualifying"...

Fixed a bug

After weakening the great dragon's European energy, she still had to tearfully decide the outcome with Ah Lin and compete for the spot.

I have modified the timeline. They are all witches and can live a healthy life.

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