Witch for All 1994

Chapter 381 Erin Cup

The official start of the Erin Cup was a surprise for many witches.

Most of them have a kind of feeling towards the first witches who returned to the earth, "How could someone be so ignorant?" ’ idea.

This is of course.

December is the best time to date, hug, and even pursue your own good marriage. It is also the time when some beautiful races try to integrate into the witch.

It is the most exciting month in the 12-month hair period of the witch.

And a game will naturally interrupt many arrangements, especially a competition - whether the witches admit that this is a competition or not, the data of the migrant population of 13 million witches that poured in in one day will only be reported lower. For the witch, as long as there is a broom, it is a state of "I can go anywhere".

This has caused the rent in Nancheng to rise to another level again. Many foreign witches even went to some communities to ask if they could rent a house.

It also allows local witches to sell some supplies that they don't like at high prices - even the food that witches are most in need of has become a profitable reward.

In this state where the whole city is making money and the whole country is affected by economic radiation, the newspaper can be said to be changing day by day:

"The Feudal Remnants of Germany Return from the Sun"

"Evil Irene Habsburg Opens Competition in South City"

"The First Witch Announced the Opening of the Competition and Will Last for Tens of Days"

"Friend of the people, sister of the people, Comrade Irene builds camp at Xuenan Lake"

It was as if a French editor had been hired to write the newspaper.

Even Jiang Han made a lot of money, and she built a few rooms in the castle area in the folding space. At that time, she didn't know why Cen Jing kept pulling her to build rooms in the castle every day.

After the repairs were completed, she rented out rooms in the castle to more than a dozen witches who came from far away, making a huge profit!

Under Cen Jing's calculations, he also broke down the "hunting fees", "maid fees", "exploration fees" and other fee schedules that quadrupled the profits.

Although Cen Jing had to be given a 20% share in the end, Jiang Han felt it was very worth it.


She recorded the salary, told Pricia to help her keep an eye on the guests in the folding space, then put on her soft hat, hid the Banshee Scream Rune Stone on her body, and took the gryphon car to Xuena Lake Sky. island.

The main venue for the competition is placed there because of the influence of Irene Habsburg. Almost all the world's first-tier and top brands have opened branches there within one day, and it has also become a prosperous natural trade scenic spot... …Although it sounds weird, it’s actually true.

A special stop at Xuenan Lake—because although this island is located in the city center, it was originally a mansion island. No one expected that a witch would generously buy it and convert it into her own camp.

Looking at the Xue Nan-Junlin Palace, which was almost taking shape, Jiang Han always felt that it was not as majestic as the Vigil-Junlin Palace, but closer to a palace used for sightseeing.

Standing on tiptoes, she straightened the ribbons of her clothes in front of the ubiquitous glass windows. She kept in good condition and found a cafe called the 'Red Griffin'.

This is also a world-famous brand store. It has been endorsed by more than 50 top witches. Since the time of the Sleeping Witch Ovelia, it has been endorsed by 7 great witches from different eras. It is rich in a unique spicy coffee bean. There is no long-lasting bitter taste, but an impactful taste that makes the whole body feel on fire.

Jiang Han walked into the 'Red Griffin Cafe'. As soon as he entered, he saw Lin Zhaojun standing in front of the bar, tasting coffee with Miss Ji Haijun, who was a head taller than her. The coffee was rich but full of special Spanish style. The aroma of beans is overflowing.

"I'm in group C3, haven't I met you?" Ji Haijun smiled and held the coffee with her hands wrapped in body stockings. This elegant witch wore a black off-shoulder skirt and white body stockings, which added a bit of extra dimension out of thin air. Elegantly sexy.

Lin Zhaojun, who is still wearing blue, gray and white colors, is also wearing a short skirt, still wearing unique body stockings and gloves, with a unique staff like a command staff on her waist. Her smile is bright and she does not look like a witch who specializes in duels:

"In our E2 group, we have to compete with Du Lingxuan and Li Lisi for a spot in the main group stage."

There were too many people who signed up, and there were also many top witches, so Irene decided on the cruelest competition system, the preliminaries bo3 group stage - the main draw bo5 group stage - the double-elimination system bo7 knockout stage - the loser group finals, and the finals bo9. Even the drawing of lots was open and non-cheating. I randomly found a little witch to draw lots and selected 4 people for the group stage.

Jiang Han walked over, and the two witches who were discussing the competition system immediately greeted her and pulled her to sit next to them.

With an expectant look on his face, he took out the cards and played while drinking. This could be regarded as a kind of psychological counseling, in Jiang Han's opinion.

The qualifying group stage is very cruel with 4 people qualifying and 2 people qualifying. Some groups even have 4 top witches divided into groups to compete for two places. This cruel competition system of 4 into 2, and then 6 into 2 (winner and loser group), for Nowadays, for witches, it can be regarded as an ancient and cruel competition system, which is a specialty of the Erin era.

This will cause a lot of psychological pressure on the witch. It is normal behavior to decompress before the game, chat with friends and play cards.

If it's not normal, look at how popular the Sky Island Elite's Little Witch Club is next to Xue Nan Lake... Jiang Han glanced at the cards in his hand and said humorously:

"It turns out you just called me to play cards."

"It's not just about playing cards." Lin Zhaojun used his deck advantage to beat up Ji Haijun, which made the latter look depressed and didn't seem to be relieved.

She flipped up her blue-gray curly hair, with a happy smile in her eyes of the same color as her hair, as if she were saying from an elder:

"You are much stronger than before. In terms of magic power, your growth is even more terrifying than I expected."

Ji Haijun next to him chimed in:

"Give me your magic power and I can torture Lin Zhaojun."

"Come here." Lin Zhaojun smiled happily and pushed Ji Haijun.

The witch, who looked about twenty-six or seven, also fell on Jiang Han and made a weak voice:

"Save me, Top 1 is beating someone in the street!"

This voice is full of breath, and it sounds like she is a witch with great lung capacity, but she still needs to learn more about blackmailing people.

Many witches in the cafe also laughed, and some also shouted:

"As expected of Ah Lin, Ji Ren is also picturesque."

There are almost all acquaintances in the store, and witches have no language problem. Almost every top witch has three fixed languages ​​that can be used as spell editors. And the flight speed is fast, and there is no communication barrier in terms of hardware. It is not surprising to have dozens of friends after a game, and it is not surprising to have more than a dozen enemies. The witch is such a creature that likes to shout "legal revenge". And whether they are 'revenge for causing trouble' or 'really revenge', landmen and witches may not be able to tell the difference in their lives.

While Jiang Han smiled, he quickly turned over the cards in a sneaky way, and used his memory to find a set of cards targeting Ah Lin from the selected cards.

The deck they played was similar to Gwent, with everyone having their own backup deck and hand. Generally speaking, if several people play, they will put the card library together, because everyone's card backs are different. The card back used by Jiang Han belongs to Sharon Curie. As a big fan of hers, as soon as Sharon Curie's official card series "Hypothetical Award-winning Alchemy Witch" came out, she gritted her teeth and scraped together some silver to buy a set... …

Suddenly, her hand was touched. She was stunned, turned her head, glanced, and found that Ji Haijun was also touching the cards secretly.

The two witches looked at each other and smiled sweetly at the same time, just like good sisters.

Ah Lin was smiling happily and felt that it was right to call Jiang Han over to play.

Not only is it pleasing to the eye, but this card skill is not as good as her domestic chicken (a chicken with a danger level of 7, which can cosplay Medusa with the petrifying gaze), which is a real relief.

"You two..." Lin Zhaojun felt something was wrong after he failed for the tenth time today.

Why do these two people get into trouble every time they gain an advantage?

And then after the incident ended, his cards were at a disadvantage?

Ah Lin glanced at the two witches who looked aggrieved and innocent.

"Ah, haha... Ah Lin's luck is really bad..." Ji Haijun said innocently.

After another fight, the three of them put away their cards and walked to the training ground at Xuenan Lake.

Irene's wealth is not only seen in bonuses, but also in overall treatment.

The driving range at Xuenan Lake is even more advanced than the one at Muhaizhe Club. It is completely modeled on the driving range from Eileen's era, and many technologies that are not common in modern practice fields have also been applied to it.

This is not because ancient things are better than modern ones, but after these ancient things are renovated and used with precious materials that are not needed in modern times, they will be better than high-tech practice fields.

The bones of ancient legendary dragons were used to create bone bricks, and after being engraved with nanoscale runes, the design and magic flow of the entire training ground were extremely excellent.

Even with the use of legendary spells, this venue cannot be destroyed quickly. At the same time, the stomach bag of a legendary creature called the "Guha Hungry Spirit" was also used to expand it. The practice field of only a few hundred square meters can be closed at any time and expanded into a practice field of hundreds of square kilometers. This is all Something that modern expansion technology cannot do.

Only financial resources can make a driving range useable like this.

"There are quite a lot of people." Lin Zhaojun took the lead and took the two of them to register their names before entering the practice ground.

Unsurprisingly, I saw many top witches performing in it, and some even closed an annex and started a duel battle indicated by the 'training ground mode'.

This huge practice field is composed of many small practice fields, extending downward layer by layer, like a honeycomb structure, accommodating a large number of practice fields.

The cost is naturally terrifying. The fact that it can accommodate so many top witches is terrifying enough.

When Jiang Han was brought here, it was natural that the two players did not want to beat her.

Instead, let her serve as a battery...

Lin Zhaojun and Ji Haijun are not witches with outstanding magic power. At most, they can be regarded as middle-lower level magic power among the top witches. This also causes them to seldom practice all their various tactics during practice. After all, their magic power is insufficient.

But after Jiang Han was with them, the two of them began to use Jiang Han's mana to practice without mercy.

This is not without its benefits for Jiang Han. At least he can appreciate the application of various spells, learn some specialized training methods, etc., and appreciate the trash talk of top witches up close...

Lin Zhaojun, as a player who prefers trash talk, directly started to complain:

"I am the last championship and overall mvp. Little sister, please give me some highlights!"

Ji Haijun, on the other hand, poked at the pain points:

"I am a top witch, are you? Do you have the certificate? Your Excellency, the great witch Lin Zhaojun?"

The two of them directly performed a magic battle. Fortunately, Irene's training ground had a training ground mode, otherwise the two of them would have blown up the place.

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