Witch for All 1994

Chapter 38 Guests

Jiang Xuan went home on her day off, cooked dinner for the two sisters, and then yawned and sat on the sofa watching TV.

In Jiang Han's view, Comrade Zhenling still showed some respect to the old comrade and obediently handed over the remote control.

The petite Jiang Xuan grabbed the remote control and pressed it with both hands to change the channel.

It was a tournament called the Witch C League. While watching it, I said:

"Zhen Suzu, are there any new stars in the C-League recently?"

"A man named Chen Xinyi fought four days in a row, winning twenty-four and twenty-three." Jiang Zhenling said vaguely while lying on her stomach.

The game of Witch Gladiator can be understood as the only sport with a strict process.

Today's braised pork is good... Jiang Han also gave a silent compliment.

Although I don’t know why I put the meat in a crucible and then cooked it over high heat for ten minutes, it turned into braised pork, but that doesn’t stop it from melting in your mouth.

"What about Teacher Yu Sitong?" Jiang Xuan asked again.

The image of the beautiful commentator appeared in Jiang Han's mind.

My sister had quickly finished the first bowl of rice and automatically served it with a snap of her fingers. She breathed a sigh of relief and said:

"Teacher Yu gave it to me for free on the first day. His preference for Steel Guardian was taken away by Mao Zi's powerful three-shot combo."

"Strong three consecutive shots?" Jiang Han asked.

"Powerful fireball, powerful vodka spray, powerful flame shroud, three consecutive furry bears. If you don't activate the resistance spell or fire elemental defense, you will die if you eat them." Jiang Zhenling replied.

I feel irritable when I hear it...

Jiang Han nodded. It was said in the Great Witch's course, 'Strength is good, magic wear is beautiful, strong power combined with magic wear is good and beautiful.'

Those of us who play plasticity are not as dirty as those who play transformation and illusion. We just pay attention to killing the opponent in one wave, or else being killed by the opponent...

She also took a few mouthfuls of food. After finishing her meal, she sat back on the sofa.

Afterwards, Jiang Zhenling also finished eating, sat back on the sofa, and easily held Jiang Han in her arms, hugging her like a doll, which made Jiang Xuan look at her strangely:

"How good are you two sisters now?"

"It's okay." "It's okay."

They watched the game together late into the night. Jiang Han looked at the time and walked upstairs, took the bag of the cheongsam uniform, changed into the witch robe, and walked out of the room.

Zhenling waved to her:

"Going to work?"

"Yeah." Jiang Han nodded and suddenly remembered something.

Cen Jing sent her home yesterday, but she forgot her broom at the market management office...

If you stay overnight, you have to pay a "parking fee" of 5 yuan.

This is already very expensive. You can buy 12 foreign witch eggs... Jiang Han felt a little heartbroken and said to his sister with a flattering smile on his face:

"Can you take me to the Witch Market?"

"...Huh? Okay." My sister nodded, sat up, and walked to the entrance with her in casual clothes without changing her clothes and took out a broom, "Are you working at the Witch Market too?"

"Yes." Jiang Han made up her mind to say less and make fewer mistakes, but in order to avoid her sister's curiosity, she quickly changed her mind: "Yesterday, tutor Cen sent me home and forgot to pick up the broom for me."

I would rather have my sister continue teasing about laying eggs than let her know that I am selling alcohol in a bar! Jiang Han made up his mind to do this.

Although she was verbally teased by her sister a few more times on the way, thank God her attention was not on her work.

At around 11:30, Jiang Han arrived at the Witch Market. After getting off the broom, he thanked Jiang Zhenling and walked to the flight platform management office on the sixth floor with his clothing bag. He paid yesterday's parking fee before heading to the Witch's House. .

Jiang Han pushed open the door of the tavern and felt a suitable cool breeze. All the candles in the tavern were replaced by candles made of ice cubes. They were burning but emitting an ambiguous light mist, which was like turning on the humidifier and turning it on again. It feels like air conditioning.

Qin Shunying, who was wearing a gorgeous robe and a gorgeous witch hat, was chatting with a lady at the bar. When she saw Jiang Han, she smiled and waved.

"Good evening, Miss Qin." Jiang Han greeted politely.

Qin Shunying first said hello to her, then made a wait gesture, coaxed the customer away with sweet words, and then smiled at Jiang Han:

"I heard, you are going to form an association, right?"

...How long did it take for the secret to be leaked? Besides smiling, what other expression could Jiang Han have on her face?

"Yes, our association is called Wings. It's a place for everyone to do leisure activities together."

"I know, you want to create a very profitable magic, right?" Qin Shunying asked.

...Is it okay if I try to force everyone to reveal all the secrets? Jiang Han showed a sincere smile again:

"Yes, it is Miss Du Ningzhuang's magic project, and we only made a small contribution."

"Hahaha, I can give you some sponsorship fees in my own name. I am very optimistic about you." Qin Shunying made it clear that she wanted to invest, and said: "But I didn't expect that your magic power is so high. Although my ability to dig out talents is not weak, I didn’t expect that the ones I dug out would be so powerful. Hahaha, you can call me Qin Bole from now on!”

...I held NM in my mouth, even the magic power was leaked? Jiang Han continued to smile, chatted with Qin Shunying for a few words, walked into the lounge, and ran to the dressing room.

She skillfully took off her robe, put on a cheongsam, and then randomly selected a pair from the disposable pantyhose box and put it on herself.

Jiang Han put on his socks while reading the message on the box.

[Sisters, have you registered your association? ——by-TW]

[Good sister, after registering, I also exchanged your underwear photos for the first sponsorship, 5,000 yuan. ——CYJ]

【ah? what? What? ——TW]

[QWQ is so powerful. ——DNZ]

[If you want to use the art of seduction, Miss Jiang is more suitable. ——CLG]

[Good sister, your spell is very profitable, and I think you will be able to attract sponsorship or funding soon. ——CYJ]

[What are the sisters talking about? What am I doing? No, why should I say no? ——CY]

[Miss Chai, your woman is ours. The four of us did this and that to her. ——CLG]

[You have a way to make money, OvO, please Achu, OwO, is our magic power a bit high? ——DNZ]

[No, what did you do? ——CY]

[We did what you did to Miss Tang, sister. ——CLG]

【Language trap! ——CY]

...What a shame, it turned out that the secret was leaked here.

...Also, the reason why we received sponsorship is because all our members have high magic power. It’s simply because others think we have a future, right? How do you say that Tang Wen's photos are used in exchange for sponsorship... No, maybe it's a good thing to say it this way. They are all good things.

... Du Ningzhuang, this boring coquettish person, was 15 years ahead of the emoji culture.

...Sister Chai, we did something unforgivable to Sister Tang. We tricked her into playing with us.

Jiang Han thought for a moment, picked up the note and pen and left a message:

【Achu NB! ——JH】

After finishing writing, Jiang Han, wearing work clothes, walked out of the dressing room and walked to the bar.

"Am I still a waiter today?" Jiang Han asked.

Qin Shunying shook his head and said calmly:

"Sunday is a rest day. Although there are guests, most of them are not here to watch the game. It is not as popular as yesterday. You don't need to be a waiter."

"Then I'll go to the bar?" Although the tip was a little small, Jiang Han really liked the location and work at the bar.

Qin Shunying shook her head again, motioned to the second floor of the bar with her chin, and motioned Jiang Han to look over.

The Witch's House is a one-story building, but that doesn't mean it doesn't have a second floor.

The second floor is more like a quiet tea room, full of bookcases, not like a tavern. Since you need to pay 300 to use the wine room on the second floor, few witches will book the small wine room on the second floor.

There is a figure on the inward platform on the second floor.

Because there are only three wine rooms, they are all semi-open structures to the inside, a bit like the box design of a stadium. The one facing the inside faces the stage on the first floor. Since it is condescending, there is also a thin layer of magic mist. The people inside the wine room cannot be seen clearly from the building or outside.

"Your guest." Qin Shunying said:

"You should give it a try and see if you can sell her two ordinary bottles of wine."

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