Witch for All 1994

Chapter 366 Xuenan Lake Sky Island

After enjoying a sumptuous lunch, Elen, who had silver hair and golden eyes, put on her coat and cloak with the help of the waiter.

She had paid in advance.

Jiang Han came back from the bathroom with a slight blush on her face. She was not good at drinking and had tried her best to pay attention, but she still drank two more drinks.

A little fluttering, she blinked her eyes and showed a bright smile. Under the strange gaze of the waiter witch, she gently placed her hand in Elen's outstretched palm.

Holding her hand, she walked out of the restaurant under the leadership of Elaine, and a Griffin car was already parked at the door.

Classical style, the Coachman Witch with Victorian style clothing.

It seems to be a car called ‘Aria Griffin Racing’? It's not cheap, and it almost never travels long distances... Jiang Han recognized it.

The coachman jumped out of the griffin carriage and lowered the wooden stairs hidden under the carriage.

Elen nodded politely to the coachman witch, then turned her head, with a mature smile on her delicate little face. She said softly in a clean and crisp little girl's voice:

"It's a temporary vehicle. If you don't mind, can we share a car?"

A temporary addition... Jiang Han's face was still a little rosy and she felt a little dizzy. She took a breath and nodded:

"Absolutely not."

Ailian got the answer, boarded the Griffin car, held Jiang Han's hand and brought her into the car, and then quickly let go of her hand.

The car has a comfortable and high-style interior, thick carpets, two soft-looking sofas, and a small coffee table.

Jiang Han stepped on the carpet, carefully watching his hands and feet to avoid accidentally touching anything expensive.

She sat back on the sofa and breathed a sigh of relief.

"Miss Ailian, is this your first time in China?" The air was a bit cold, so she rubbed her hands.

"I've been here before, a long time ago. I sold a group of servants here. If my memory serves me right, they were servants composed of demons." Ailian took a cup of warm coffee from the side and handed it to Jiang Han. .

The devil's servant army... I can't find anything to add to it now... And from my age, you don't seem to have ever had a devil's servant army... Jiang Han thought to himself.

She smiled cutely at the witch who looked five or six years younger than herself. The customer was God.

Even if this little girl named Elaine said that she had beaten Kraken, Angelite, and Agatha, she could act like she completely believed it!

Although I feel a little sorry for the Great Witch Top 3, the customer is God, so it’s okay to just say something nice.

"Are you coming to Nancheng?" Jiang Han took a sip of the coffee. It tasted pretty good. It was a little stronger and more bitter than what Pricia brewed. It tasted very adult.

"No." Elian stepped back, holding her face with one hand, her golden pupils shining with wisdom and maturity.

Noticing Jiang Han looking over, she smiled and added loudly:

"But it doesn't matter when I have been here, nor does it matter where I have been. Life is always wandering. What is important is that I am here now, looking for a sheltered bay and accumulating experience for my future life."

Very confident... Jiang Han turned his gaze away, curled his hair, and said 'hmm'.

Xuenan Lake Villa Area, entrance.

Jiang Han put his hand in Elian's palm and let the other person gently drag him out of the griffin car.

Ailian saw that she looked a little cold, so she knotted her cloak and put it on for her.

Although she is very petite, this witch still completed this set of actions smoothly.

Very polite and well-educated... Jiang Han sighed inwardly, and quickly expressed his gratitude to this very classical girl, using a more classical way:

"Thank you, Miss Ellen."

Ailian, who was only wearing a cyan high-waisted petal tweed jacket and coat, looked a bit tall from the back, with her waist straight.

When she grows up, she might become a big sister-type witch...Jiang Han is a little envious, and a little bit too young to be hit in the strike zone.

It’s not as obvious a knock as Agatha and Qin Shunying.

It's a kind of faint 'hit' like expectation.

She came up and introduced in a very professional tone:

"This is the latest villa area built. It uses a very sophisticated stacked wind-blocking design. Even in the semi-open parking lot, you will not feel very strong wind pressure, and you can completely take off and land naturally. The inner stacking design we adopted is also very natural and atmospheric, which is very suitable for high-level witches.”

Faced with this kind of little witch who regards herself as an adult witch, it is best to obey the other person's wishes... Jiang Han is also quite talented at coaxing children. Claire is often made to cry by Zhenlin at home. On the contrary , as long as he is in Jiang Han's arms, he will smile happily.

And the little witch from the flower boy team also likes Jiang Han very much...

Well, I'm not sure what they like about them, but they really like them.

...Jiang Han wasn't sure whether his aura towards the little witch would be useful to a very mature little witch like Ailian, but he still worked hard to explain the information he had memorized.

Witches' motivations for renting and buying a house are generally that the former will 'live in the city center' and the latter will 'consider a comfortable residence'. Therefore, generally apartment buildings in the city center and small townhouses with gardens are rented out. There are more and less are sold because they are expensive.

Xuenan Lake Sky Island is a rare whirlpool-shaped sky island. It is composed of several sky island groups with rifts in the middle. There is a huge and beautiful resort lake in the center of the sky island. In addition, the sky island has special features. The high temperature makes this resort lake almost a hot spring lake. The evaporating water vapor makes the entire lower half shrouded in water mist. Above, the river connecting the folded space lake that is always raining is in the sky of Xuenan Lake. The island created phenomena such as waterfalls and empty lakes.

It is not as beautiful as a sky island located between cities, but more like a resort center far away from the city, or a mobile sky island made with such great efforts as the Night Watcher Sky Island that has such beautiful scenery.

In a sense, Night Watch Sky Island will become an 'amusement park' and will be very successful in selling tickets, not only because of her master's fame, but also because of her own beauty.

Think about it, a 3A-level national scenic area is cut off from a park-sized area and placed in the city center, surrounded by various convenient shopping communities.

Nature and modernity, leisure and convenience, living in seclusion in the city, yet harmonious with the bustling city.

Such a life...

So the developer doesn't have to worry about no one selling, and the official sale should be after January, because there are still some landscapes that have not been completed, and the witch has many holidays in December.

When Jiang Han looked at the Sky Island in Xue Nan Lake, he remembered Angelite's Sky Watcher Sky Island and Kraken's Sky Shepherd Sky Island.

Angelette always had a complaining mentality towards Kraken.

In Jiang Han's view, this may be an essential form of arrogance.

Anjie was born into a noble family, so her Night Watch Sky Island is also so exquisite and tasteful. She spent a lot of money and material resources to collect beautiful landscapes from all over the world.

Although Kraken has a noble status, she was born in an unfortunate family and relied on herself to work hard since she was a child. Therefore, although her Sea Shepherd camp is beautiful, it cannot hide its high-tech architectural style and practical style. .

Putting his thoughts aside, Jiang Han took Ailian into the empty island. What faced him was an exquisite suspension bridge and a huge and shocking waterfall.

Because a spell was cast on the bridge to spread the sound very clearly, Jiang Han didn't have to shout too loud. He only needed a slightly higher volume to convey his words clearly.

It’s such a luxurious residence. I wish I could buy a house here in the future... Jiang Han introduced with a little envy:

"There are glass windows in the waterfall. Inside the windows are great cafes and tea rooms. There is only a management fee of 100 yuan per week. You can use them for free. Of course, you can also bring your own coffee beans and ingredients. We also have witches here. The association's 3-star chef will serve you. At night, there is very beautiful fluorite powder sprinkled in the lake water, and there is also such a scenic platform on the upper level of the waterfall, which can be used freely..."

This is the city center, a luxury villa area in the city center plus a super scenic spot. The lethality of this combination is amazing.

It is sure to kill most witches' wallets with one move.

Normally, after hearing this introduction, a witch would be interested in the scenery and ask if she could go up and have a look. However, Elen turned her face to the side with interest, smiled and said in a puzzled tone. word:


She spoke English. In fact, the English pronunciations of witch and witch are almost exactly the same. In this world, the official English name of witch is Witchgci, which is a word Jiang Han has never heard before time travel, while the witch is Witch, but in time travel The former means 'witch, witch, witch'.

Of course, in addition to domestic and foreign countries, foreigners also use Witchgci to call witches, but a C is added in front to indicate that it is different from witch.

Jiang Han nodded, thought for a while and then introduced:

"The chef level of the Witches Association has undergone strict training..."

She slowed down as she spoke, and she saw Ailian shake her head slightly.

Did I say something wrong? Jiang Han thought a little uneasily, and then her eyes widened, thinking that maybe Ailian didn't know what a witch was?


Some of the witch aristocratic children in Europe really don't know what a witch is and have only heard of the word. After all, they don't regard witches as human beings. Many times, the elder witches in Europe will disdainfully refer to witches as "inferior maids".

——Of course, the servant army is not even as good as an 'inferior maid'. Witches still have some human rights, in Europe. In the eyes of the arrogant European witches, the magic power controlled by witches is at least their undeniable kin (although they feel that witches are born to be their servants).

Jiang Han re-introduced:

"A witch refers to a land person who, after undergoing some special training, takes a specific potion and transforms into a life form similar to a witch."

"Transformation." Elian said nothing politely, but her eyes were full of curiosity.

To be honest, apart from memorizing real estate stuff, Jiang Han is not a professional in selling houses. So when she saw Elian being curious, she simply talked to her about witches while shopping.

For example, the status of witches in the East and Europe, as well as the approximate training process of transformation, and the post-transformation policies were all explained.

It also includes the current domestic development of Gaia, which has led to the relaxation of admission standards for witches in many positions.

Ailian nodded while listening, stroking her face with her hands, and focused on another word Jiang Han said with a little doubt:

"Gaia space? That's..."


I'm a little careless in typing today. I hope you can still see me at 7:25.

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