Witch for All 1994

Chapter 33 Promising Girl

Jiang Han and Chu Yujun talked about literature again and wanted to leave first. But Du Ningzhuang invited her colleagues to have breakfast, but it was hard to refuse the invitation (she was so hungry), so she agreed.

Just in time to see how Miss Du Ningzhuang’s craftsmanship is! Jiang Han thought with peace of mind.

Although the world has changed a lot, the domestic pursuit of food is still engraved in history and national temperament. Even if it is a nutritious meal, you will also get shredded pickled pork and cut salted eggs.

Du Ningzhuang's accent doesn't sound local, like someone from Suzhou, and her breakfast is different from Nancheng's.

A bowl of salted tofu puffs, a white sugar rice ball made with limited ingredients, and a bowl of noodles with toppings.

The toppings also include the store’s German kielbasa and dried seaweed fish.

Not only did Jiang Han enjoy eating, but other witches also praised her. The only regret is:

This breakfast feels very similar to Miss Du Ningzhuang - exquisite, and you will feel full after eating it.

"I have to say, Miss Du Ningzhuang, you are really a talented chef. This breakfast is the most perfect breakfast I have ever had since I was in Nancheng. If I can't find a girlfriend in the future, it will definitely be because they cook The food is not as delicious as yours." Tang Wen expressed her heartfelt praise with a sincere expression.

Just start licking it... Jiang Han wiped his mouth with a napkin and echoed: "Do you need a girlfriend?"

Perhaps Jiang Han and Tang Wen's posture and manner of begging for feeding were too disgusting. Miss Chu Yujun gave a formal demonstration. She clasped her hands together and worshiped Du Ningzhuang devoutly:

"Another bowl of noodles, please, dear sister."

Miss Chu, stop licking it, it's dirty... Jiang Han didn't have another bowl, mainly because she felt that she was already a little full, and she probably wouldn't be able to eat another bowl.

"That's fine if you like it." Du Ningzhuang returned to the kitchen and made another bowl of noodles for Chu Yujun.

After finishing breakfast, Jiang Han stood up, leaned against the wall casually, put his hands on his abdomen and watched TV.

It is not advisable to sit for a long time after a meal. Wait and see if you want to take a walk to eliminate food... But after eating a full meal, I feel sleepy very easily, and the sleepiness needs to be used. Jiang Han felt that his eyelids were a little heavy, but he hummed happily. It was human nature to want to sleep after eating, and nature cannot be changed.

Tang Wen once again said some words of praise, while the little girl Chen Ligu said something more interesting:

"Miss Du Ningzhuang, don't you consider opening a breakfast shop?"

"Breakfast shop?" Du Ningzhuang shook her head slightly while speaking.

Chen Ligu continued:

"It was said on TV that Nancheng is going to establish a special zone. Recently, the number of witches coming to Nancheng has increased ninefold year-on-year. My neighbor, a witch wife, has been complaining about not being able to buy breakfast every day recently. I think other people are the same, It might be very popular if we open a breakfast shop.”

The duck prophet of spring river water... Chen Ligu's performance reminded Jiang Han of this poem.

Business opportunities always appear in life, and some people are keenly aware of them. Therefore, Chen Ligu's idea is feasible. Opening a breakfast shop in Nancheng, which has been very busy recently, is a promising idea.

For a witch, a breakfast shop is considered a 'late night snack shop', and late night snack shops are also very profitable.

Du Ningzhuang shook her head again: "This is just a hobby. I don't like turning my hobby into work... Moreover, it is very time-consuming and I don't even have enough time for research."

Jiang Han nodded secretly. The witch's leisure time is really not enough. Working, attending classes, and researching can be said to be very tiring. Fortunately, the witch is not in danger of going bald...

She changed the subject and asked:

"Then what research are you doing recently, variations of spells?"

Spells are very complex and mysterious. Even the simplest magician's hand can support a large number of witches who study it every year. They are constantly innovating and bringing out new ones. I heard that a certain great witch is developing a legendary magician's hand. Spells...

Du Ningzhuang said: "It's not about magic, it's about technology."

Several other witches also looked interested.

Generally speaking, witch research generally refers to three types.

Spell development mainly focuses on studying and researching on spells.

The research and development of props, the work of alchemists and pharmacists, including the study of plant cultivation, etc. Jiang Han's substitute teacher Cen Jing is a witch who is interested in the development of props.

Technical research, the work of inventors, the hobbies of geniuses and fools - the scary thing is that geniuses may not necessarily succeed, and fools may not fail...

It can be said that Du Ningzhuang's research requires a bit of luck to produce results.

"Can you talk to us?" Jiang Han asked.

Du Ningzhuang nodded to her, sat down, and introduced to them:

"What I'm studying is a convenient way to move around."

Is it more convenient than a broom? Could it be some black technology like the sky train... Jiang Han listened and guessed.

It seemed a bit complicated. Du Ningzhuang thought for a while and then slowly said under the encouraging eyes of the witches:

"My teacher and I have been researching fast travel over the past period of time and comparing the fastest ways to move."

"Imagine, if we can divide a piece of folded space and connect it to two different nodes, then we may be able to span tens of thousands of miles in one second, even from the earth to the moon. Moreover, That doesn’t require a few big witches to serve as batteries.”

Any door? Jiang Han felt that this concept was a bit like a random door, but the magic random door did not have such a convenient effect.

"But space is not so easy to control." Du Ningzhuang said about the second plan she and her teacher came up with, "So we set our target on the River of Time. We guessed that as long as we blow a hole in the River of Time, According to the principle of non-separation of time and space, we can expand an additional space we want to use!"

...God blasted the river of time.

...Isn't this too simple and crude? Because we can't dig a tunnel, so we try to use nuclear bombs?

After Jiang Han was shocked, he thought about it carefully and found that it actually made some sense...

First of all, wanting to create an ultra-long-distance portal is inseparable from time and space.

Then, to make a stable passage that exists in the folded space, it is the simplest and most direct way to explode the river of time and use the power of time to 'dig' out this invisible passage.

The power of time is extremely powerful, as the most famous legendary spell, 'Time Standstill', has already illustrated this.

And time standing still is a 'relative time standing still', which also shows that time can be used.

The birth of folded space and the problem of 'time difference' within it also illustrates that folded space is an 'island' developed by time, so why not dig an island out of the river of time?

After summarizing, Jiang Han was surprised to find:

God, it really works!

The problem is, how to reveal the time river and how to explode the time river without losing control...

and the biggest question in all research.

"Theoretically it is feasible. We all know that the time river exists, and there is a river whose source is it in every folded space, but my financial situation does not support doing more research." Du Ningzhuang regretted Said this, the lack of money for research projects is the biggest problem.

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