Witch for All 1994

Chapter 326 Witch 3: Crazy Refining

The mission of exploration had to be interrupted.

But I have returned with a full load.

The dragon discovered by Jiang Han and two sponsors was officially named by Angelite:

[Apterosaurs. Magmatic species. Terrestrial ore-eaters. Linhejiangwang]

This scientific name is a no-brainer, so witches who study biology are in luck.

Especially for foreign witches, it takes a lot of effort to memorize the term "Linhejiangwang" at the end of the scientific name! Qin Shunying did not get the naming rights, but she was not discouraged. It seemed that she understood that she was not very popular in the academic circle.

After recording the haunts of this wingless magma land dragon and the tribe, they rode the tracked carriage, carrying the harvested materials, happily returned to the entrance, and quickly entered and exited the space on the 'entrance island' He sold the dragon materials and exchanged them for money.

However, Jiang Han saved about 22,000 yuan worth of dragon horns, and this part was deducted from her dividends.

They divided the wealth in the store manager's room in the Witch's House, and Lin Qiang also left the dragon's tail, and she made up for the shortfall in her own money.

Qin Shunying looked at the dragon horns preserved by Jiang Han and was a little curious:

"Why do you want to save the dragon horn? To make an amulet?"

Although the question is like this.

But Jiang Han understood the other party’s subtext:

You are so short of money, why don't you change it into money?

The wingless magma land dragon's horns are huge and full of powerful power. According to Jiang Han's observation, they should be able to replace several rarer materials.

However, this aspect involves the knowledge of witches, which is a part that needs to be kept secret.

After Jiang Han hummed, he replied cautiously:

"In addition to making the amulet, I also need to study its properties. I am an alchemist after all."

In the eyes of ordinary witches, alchemists do have a more fanatical enthusiasm for inquiry than scholars. In other words, as long as scholars are talented enough, they will consider the two disciplines of alchemy and runes.

Qin Shunying nodded clearly:

"That's it, it's okay. Remember to come to work tomorrow and we will explore again the day after tomorrow. By the way, Lin Qiang, you have no objections, right?"

Next to her, Miss Lin Qiang, who looked like Lin Daiyu, leaned weakly against the wall, coughed, thought for a moment and said:

"No, I just happened to go to the Ghost Castle tomorrow. Today's situation made me realize that I am afraid that ordinary servants may not be able to build camps and mines on Xueman. I originally wanted to borrow some fish from the Sea Shepherd Human servants came here, but I think even the deep-sea murlocs would be strangled by those groups of giant deer."

"It's very dangerous, but the opportunity is great. I think we can build a giant deer breeding farm there. As long as they don't carry carcasses, the value of the meat will further increase. Of course, this will require the help of servants... Ah, yes That's right." Qin Shunying knocked on the table with her pipe.

The wall filled with decorations in the store manager's room turned over, revealing neat spell books.

"Dang Dang~" Qin Shunying held the pipe in her mouth, muttered and lit it.

The strong aroma of tea floats in the air - as a race that loves pipes, witches always have

What a bad taste... Jiang Han felt the fluctuations in the space. This shows that Qin Shunying's setting of flipping the wall is not a "spell book on the opposite side of the decorative wall" on the physical level. If a thief comes in, maybe it will It was discovered that there were explosives behind the wall.

The witch likes explosions and huge images.

Qin Shunying is obviously a standard witch.

Her wine-red eyes were filled with a kind of random, intoxicated, chaotic, yet orderly and rational emotions. After a whole day of adventure, she said without feeling tired:

"I have collected many spell books. This is my inventory of fifth-level spells. Although it is not as good as many powerful witches, in terms of surprise and specialness, my babies are worse than their inventory. Charge Sonic Boom The spell is a very special spell, and in my memory, only witches like Lin Zhaojun can collect it."

"It belongs to the evocation system, but at the same time it has the characteristics of the conjuration system and a little bit of the prophecy system. The principle is to create a sonic boom that instantly stimulates the enemy's perception system and internal organs. Therefore, it is not considered a sound system spell. , even monsters without hearing systems will be harmed by this spell. It has high lethality, high penetrating ability, and almost perfect killing radius. When charged with the magic power of a level 5 spell, it can kill creatures 200 meters away. After level 7, you can hit enemies 25 kilometers away."

The range of 25 kilometers... Even the Siren's Song, which I have the largest range now, can't control it... The stronger the witch's spell, the more terrifying it is against creatures below their level... Jiang Han took a breath quietly , the best distance for fighting between witches of the same level is 200 to 500 meters. Being closer than this range means that you are risking your life, and being farther than this range means that you are cheating.

"There is no perfect spell." Jiang Han looked at Lin Qiang and saw the witch who opened the Everlasting Eye for herself making a 'smart' gesture.

Qin Shunying took down a gray book from the magic wall and said at the same time:

"Yes, its shortcomings are not only complicated, but also the fact that it consumes 3 times the magic power of a normal level 5 spell, and the magic power injected is 2.5 times higher than a normal charging spell. Even if it is It has great potential for research and development, and there will also be a level 7 derivative version in the future. Lin Zhaojun has never added it to his spell pool. Lin Zhaojun is not a witch who relies on magic power to win."

"For example, Miss Ke, Miss An, and Miss Ah, the top three magical monsters, look down on this kind of magic and feel that it is not worth their efforts to learn. Miss An's spell pool has something called Creating an Unreasonable World [ Legend/Prophecy, Enchantment, Change, Conjuration] is a four-school legendary spell that consumes 17 times more magic power than stopping time. Monster witches like them, whose magic power is dozens of times higher than other witches, will choose to consume With bigger and more terrifying spells, you will definitely be a witch on this path in the future.”

She paused and smiled:

"But now, you have to use the charged sonic boom that they look down on to accumulate capital for the future. Miss Han, with your talent, you can learn it in about 1 to 2 days. I suggest you start as soon as possible.

She handed the spell book to Jiang Han.

Lin Qiang added:

"You should be in the developmental stage of learning spells now. You can learn everything very quickly, including specialties, etc. Mutated witches always have some outstanding points. The mystery of the witch's mutation has always been unsolved for us. , Fortunately, our race has always evolved benignly, and evolution of the fittest is almost impossible to happen to us."

"Well, I also need to sort out my equipment and make some lost potions." Jiang Han's fox-transformation potion urgently needs to be replenished.

Although drinking medicine to fight monsters sounds stupid, without this bottle of medicine, Jiang Han and the wingless magma land dragon would have to hold a TvT, an urban battle.

I'm afraid it will take forever to decide the winner.

——Jiang Han doesn’t want to rely on his bladder to win, or because of his bladder!

After she said goodbye, she walked downstairs and borrowed the staff room to take a shower.

During this period, she met Du Ningzhuang, who also borrowed the lounge to take a bath.

Miss Du also seemed to be related, so she went to Gaia today. She was also dressed in military uniform and looked quite embarrassed. After the two shared their experiences, they relaxedly put on their daily clothes and went home.

Arrive at home and have dinner.

She opened her personal space and entered the laboratory and greenhouse. In the lounge, she saw the beautiful Cen Jing leisurely handling a multi-leaf plant.

So Jiang Han and her took some materials stored in the greenhouse and went to the alchemy laboratory to make a fox-chemical potion.

Bai'an Horse Mushroom, Fox Ear, Elf Kofi Leaves, Sterling Silver, Basil Orange, Huaibei Lemon, Dragon Horn Powder... Jiang Han silently counted the materials he needed to use, and the techniques and records of how to process the materials popped up in his mind. Then he opened the disinfection and sterilization barrier and took out Claire's material-free knife - the Flame Demon Egg Knife, which was more effective. Jiang Han naturally picked up the hair from a newborn witch's eggshell, tsk tsk.

She handles the material in a leisurely and elegant manner, knowing what she is doing and having a plan in mind.

One of the characteristics of Sharon Curie's alchemy is that after it is formed, it is particularly effective and qualitative in processing materials and carrying out planned plans.

Jiang Han prepared the materials very quickly, and at the same time opened a sterile transparent small box next to it. He felt a little distressed and divided 2,000 yuan of the cash he got today into it.

The two thousand yuan in cash disappeared in an instant, and Jiang Han immediately felt a sense of joy and relaxation in his soul.

——Don’t think this is some kind of ceremony.

This is the payment of patent fees.

There is a spell called the patent spell attached to this box, which will automatically identify the use of patents around it and charge for it. For example, if you need to pay a patent fee of 500 yuan and put 501 yuan in it, it will only take away 500 yuan. piece.

The patented spell was invented by Sharon Curie and is the most vicious spell.

Simply put, its effect is:

"Patents are subject to royalties. If you don't use this method to pay cash or transfer money, then it will collect royalties in its own way."

By the way, Patent Curse is a level 9 universal spell. It can create 600 million in patent fees for pure patent spells every year, but this money has nothing to do with Sharon Curie. As the inventor, she only It has the right to name and use, and this 'patent' belongs to Angelite.

——Sharon Curie often has tears in her eyes when she talks about how she sold this patent to Angelite for 1.6 million yuan.

——Agatha Langdon, one of the top three great witches, always slaps her thigh and almost sheds tears when she talks about how she dislikes Sharon Curie’s price of 1.5 million yuan for this spell.

——Every time Angelette talks about this matter, she tells the story that Sharon Curie felt embarrassed to sell her for 1.6 million and asked if she wanted to lower it to 1.5 million.

This spell is full of laughter and tears.

Angelite needs to pay a patent fee of 2,000 yuan for each bottle of fox-chemical medicine. If the cost is included, the price is roughly 9,000 to 10,000 yuan per bottle. It can be regarded as an expensive medicine for civilians.

Another pitfall of this potion is that if the magic power is not enough, using the fox transformation potion can only turn into a three-tailed fox, not the true fox demon overlord nine-tailed fox.

Therefore, the sales volume is not very good.

It is mostly used by witches who are rich and have special hobbies.

Although it is not advisable to spend so much money to satisfy a hobby, it has to be said that there is still a market in this area.

Jiang Han quickly refined two bottles of the fox-chemical potion, and paid another 2,000 yuan in patent fees. Tears of distress almost came to her eyes.

Take another look at your work schedule.

Hey, tomorrow is Angelette's roll call, the roll call fee is 1,500 yuan.

My heart became more and more sad and bitter.

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