Witch for All 1994

Chapter 323 Ghost Service

"Is this a letter?"

Jiang Han took it tentatively and saw Dinisha nodded.

The ghost witch said in a calm voice:

"no doubt."

"It's so rare, you almost never contacted me." Jiang Han took the letter and turned it over.

The exquisite coat of arms, the envelope with the Rune of the Declaration of Marne and the gorgeous Italian round font.

The coat of arms is a picture of two animals fighting, a lion and a stag.

"Ghost Castle, an association composed of ghost witches." Seeing that there was no danger, Qin Shunying stood next to Jiang Han, playing the role of an encyclopedia, "They are xenophobic, boycott non-ghost witches, boycott..."

Lin Qiang hit Qin Shunying on the head with her staff and roared:

"Ignorant and ignorant!"

She coughed and said:

"Ghost Castle is an association composed of undead witches. Because undead witches cannot enjoy pension benefits, one of the purposes of their formation is to provide 'investment advice' and provide a 'management team'. There is also a security system for rent. The boycott you mentioned is because the business of your Witch House actually conflicts with theirs. It is normal for them not to want to see you."

She also glared at Qin Shunying with the typical teacher look that looks down on a student, and said weakly:

"Also, they are an association of undead witches, not ghosts, not just ghosts."

Large-scale investment in self-help organizations, united by the inability to obtain pensions... Jiang Han raised his head.

"Absolutely correct." Dinisha held up a black lace parasol, her dark green eyes dull.

She turned sideways and looked into the interior of Xueman Island, as if she was sizing up something.

Jiang Han couldn't guess what the other party was thinking, so he opened the envelope and took out the beautifully textured letter paper while the two elder sisters behind him were bickering with each other.

This is an invitation letter that says, 'Because of your distinguished status, we have decided to invite you to the Ghost Castle to participate in our product promotion meeting and special goods market exclusive to VIPs.' However, there is no mark at the end of the letter. Time and place.

Jiang Han pretended to understand completely, and casually mentioned:


Dinisha turned back, pursed her lips and spoke in a whisper-like voice:

"The potential is extraordinary, the achievements are possible, and the future is promising."

"It's like a stock with investment potential." Jiang Han received the treatment he deserved.

Next to her, Qin Shunying looked at Dinisa cautiously, hiding behind Jiang Han, and said in a slightly reserved tone, showing off:

"Dear comrade, you may be a step too late. She already has an inseparable relationship with the Witch's House."

Dinisha's dark green eyes were dull, but she could tell she didn't care about this:

"It's just an invitation."

It's really just an invitation.

…Jiang Han put away the invitation letter and said ‘hmm’ again, unable to pretend to understand at this moment and said:

“I didn’t write down the invitation time or how to get there.”

Dinisha played with her long hair and looked at Jiang Han with dull eyes. For a moment, a short and elegant smile bloomed and then disappeared. She said in a voice slightly higher than a whisper:

"You can come with me or bring someone over at any time."

She looked at Qin Shunying and Lin Qiang:

"I have heard of her, and with her, excellent administrators and scholars, are the people we would consider sharing the secret of immortality."

"Forgive me, I'm not ready to become a lich." Lin Qiang waved her hands quickly.

Qin Shunying made a disgusted expression:

"Me neither. Becoming an artificial undead witch is definitely not a good thing. If you have a way to become a ghost witch, I can consider it. Oh, Miss Ghost Store Manager, this sounds reasonable, but the lich... No, no, no need."

After a long silence, Dinisha put away her umbrella, stretched out her hand wrapped in black lace stockings, pointed her index finger at Jiang Han, and whispered:

"I do, if she wants to be the Ghost Witch. But you, I guess it's not worth it."

Qin Shunying showed a shocked expression.

It seems that the ghost witch also holds a grudge... Jiang Han pursed her lips to hold back a smile. She thought about it seriously and asked:

"Ghost Witch refers to your current form?"

Dinisha nodded imaginatively:

"I have no heart. Every ghost witch, whether born or artificial, will have her heart burned to ashes and buried in a ghost treasure chest. When she dies, she will be resurrected from the treasure chest after a period of weakness. If you are interested, We can use the same treasure chest.”

Heart stickers.

...Jiang Han shook his head, but did not reject it completely. He said with a little leeway:

"Haha, but I have no such plan for the time being. What services can your company provide that the Witch's House cannot provide?"

She glanced at Qin Shunying next to her and said frankly:

"If it is the same service as Witch House, there is no need to tell me, because within the same service range, I will definitely choose Witch House. I am a nostalgic and loyal user."

Regarding this declaration, Qin Shunying had a look of satisfaction on her face.

"This is a beautiful moral character. Even if it is a little slow in this society, it is still beautiful. If we don't have moral character, we are beasts with no bottom line, chaotic and evil monsters." Dinisha said while taking a cup from the hem of her skirt. There is a gray-brown manual that looks a bit old.

After she opened it, she glanced at it and said slowly:

"As far as we know, Miss Jiang Han, you don't seem to have any servants yet. We can recommend cheap and beautiful ghoul workers, ghost maids, wolf maids and Frankenstein handymen, as well as some who are willing to engage in service industry and management. Karma’s undead witch butler, undead witch butler.”

The racial and class views of witches are vividly reflected. Even among the undead, only witches and witches are worthy of becoming the butler class.

Of course, this is not a shameful profession.

Witches pay more attention to internships. If a witch or witch who studies 'Management' and 'Systematics' wants to become a company manager, or a more promising career such as a front-line manager, a group manager, etc., becoming a big The witch's personal butler is also a very good springboard.

It’s called a housekeeper, but it’s actually a ‘professional manager’ or a ‘professional broker’.

The name "butler" in the country was also coined because some unsteady-minded Toletian witches advocated the decadent aristocratic title of the little Jolbea class. As for why the orthodox heirs of Marne also use the name "butler", this question is not loyalty!

Managing the territory is not the kind of lord writing:

‘The lord had an idea and took care of all the development of the territory by himself. ’

It's like managing a company. Management may seem simple to some people, but these people probably don't even understand the difference between 'decision-making' and 'strategy'. Let Jiang Han think about how to develop Xueman. It is probably simple and crude:

【Demarcate a piece of land! 】

【Let the family settle in! 】

【Dig a hole! 】

【Make a house! 】

Basically, apart from these, she doesn’t know what else she can do. At this time, the role of professional managers comes into play. They will make appropriate suggestions, appropriate development strategies, how to encourage servants’ enthusiasm for work, and avoid the temptation of witch patrons. Some hot-headed behaviors (such as shooting servants who don't work hard, high-pressure rule was recognized as a less effective method of control after the 18th century, but many witches still like to use it.).

"What are the management fees?" Qin Shunying asked Jiang Han.

With the store manager here, Jiang Han was not afraid of being fooled.

Dinisha said with rich business experience:

"We adopt a salary and profit sharing system. We will draw up a hiring list for the construction of this island, coordinate with you, and ultimately decide which witches or witches to hire, and which servants to purchase to maintain this area."

After pausing for them to digest the information, she continued:

"But in the early stage, before the island has generated enough income, we can do it in the form of investment, that is, we provide the living needs of the servants and the salaries of the employees, including management fees. When this island After the island generates income, we want a 25% dividend, of course, after tax."

Strictly speaking, this is an investment management hire.

...Jiang Han didn't know much about the situation in the witch world, so he looked to Qin Shunying for help.

Miss Qin Shunying coughed and said:

"Your asking price is too high. If it is this price, we can add 5% to hire the Ultimate Witch as a manager to help us handle the things you are dealing with, and it will be safer and more attractive. Moreover, the services of the Undead Witch are not worth it. So expensive.”

She put the emphasis on 'not worth it'.

What a stingy woman... Jiang Han shook his head quietly, showed a sweet smile and said:

"Anjie told me that I can come to her if I need anything."

She didn't say it, but that didn't stop Jiang Han from saying so!

But obviously, Dinisha is also experienced:

"We can discuss the price in detail later."

"We also provide the services of an exploration team. For such a large island, it would be very troublesome to draw a map without an exploration team. The Ghost Witch is a natural explorer. We can explore whether it is underground or on the surface, and Even in the air and sea, we can create a map without being invaded and with a strong sense of direction."

The service provided by Dinisha was more perfect and complete than Jiang Han imagined.

Needless to say, map making is difficult even for the legendary witch to make a suitable map.

Folding space is not a dead magic plane without magic power. The environment inside it is changeable, and strange magic nodes will create a lot of special scenes.

For example, environments like Silent Hill can also be found in folded spaces. There are also passages where you will get lost if you walk in, and pea vines that suddenly grow on the ground that can lead to another world... These kinds of strange events are very troublesome even for Angelette to explore herself - in fact, in the end, the witch... She's not that stupid. In addition to exploring by herself, she will also summon a large number of exploration teams to speed up work efficiency.

At the same time, Ghost Witch also provides services such as building camps, terrain modification, and mining tunnels.

The versatile management company even provided the design of an entire winery, which was an eye-opener for Jiang Han.

Dinisha even asked Jiang Han whether he needed to build a royal palace or a noble mansion to live in. There were no illegal buildings in the folding space. With their engineering capabilities, a company could build wonders in another world.

However, charging is indeed an issue.

Jiang Han and Qin Shunying looked at each other and said:

"...I will contact you in the next few days. Thank you, Dinisha."

"My pleasure, miss." Dinisha nodded and touched her side with her parasol. The blue sea spring gushes out and she disappears into it, leaving only a few sea flowers floating in the air.

Jiang Han suddenly felt something.

She seemed to notice traces of the ghost witch, and a sea-blue trace appeared in her eyes.

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