Witch for All 1994

Chapter 319 Sharon Curie

In the next few days, Jiang Han's life entered a simple cycle:

Get up, do work, study A2-level test questions, take care of Claire, practice the procedures in the laboratory, and sleep.

A cycle that is fulfilling and filled with the uneasiness of student days.

On November 25, at six o'clock in the afternoon, Jiang Han arrived at the examination room more than half an hour early.

It is located on a beautiful island with a large number of Victorian-style streets and shops.

The A2 exam is divided into many categories. Its duration is that exams are held throughout the year, which is similar to professional exams. It is not unified and will not allocate a large exam room similar to the A1 general exam in a certain country. On the contrary, it will be based on each exam. The resources and attention allocated by the country determine the venue and examination time of A2.

For example, in some backward witch countries, if the witches there want to take the less popular A2 exams such as alchemy and practical runes, they need to go to other countries that have such exams.

The most popular majors in the country are:

A2 mantra research,

A2 magic potion plant,

A2 International General Laws and Regulations

A2-C Adventure Rules and Guidelines

A2 Security and Witch Industrial Research

A2 major deepens management and diplomacy

——These are the most popular positions where after you obtain the certificate, you won’t have to worry about finding a job or being laid off.

Similarly, these subjects do not require outstanding talents, just by answering questions.

Therefore, they conduct about 370 college entrance exams in China every year. According to the efficiency of two rounds of exams in one day, there is almost one day every two days where you can register for the exam. Of course, the admission rate is 1% of the hard target, so It is a round of exams. Even if 1,000 candidates get full marks at the same time, 990 candidates will be eliminated and only 10 will be admitted.

Secondly, there are unpopular subjects that require reliance on ‘real skills’:

A2 Alchemy Industry

A2 Practical Runes

A2 General Alchemy Guidelines and Patent Act

A2-C Hebrew and Latin runes

A2-D Nordic mantras and personalized rituals

——These are also the types of subjects where you won’t have to worry about where to work after taking the certificate. But for the witches who get these certificates, this is often the beginning of their lives. Only after passing these can they be considered as real apprentices. Only with these certificates can one be qualified to sign up for subjects such as alchemy courses and rune courses, and can write articles and submit them to academic magazines.

Therefore, although alchemy and runes are very unpopular subjects, they are still very impressive. The waterway along the way is protected by the ranger patrol, and the witch's gryphon car is notified that it cannot pass through this waterway.

Only witches with A2 qualification invitation letters can pass.

A big face thief.

And there is another reason - that is, alchemy, runes, enchantment crafts, etc. are only qualified for rich girls.

Even if you catch an alchemy witch who looks like a beggar on Alchemy Street, her working capital is estimated to be around 100,000, and she is already considered a small rich man in this era. The social structure of witches is already doomed. Even if these witches are poor, they will not be that poor.

Let's put it this way.

The series of majors in alchemy is like the majors in foreign languages ​​and industrial science in 1994. It is a noble major that is difficult to join if you don't have some foundation at home.

Most of the witches who learn these are either talented, extremely wealthy, or have both talents (talents and wealth).

In the lounge in front of the examination room, Jiang Han opened the door and felt the comfortable warmth and light aroma.

Standing or sitting inside were more than a dozen witches who were dressed up to look like people from the small Chouban class. Most of them had good temperaments, good conversational skills, and spoke softly. Even if there were many people talking at the same time, they did not look cluttered. When meeting strangers, When people come in, they say hello very politely. Even the witches who were hanging up the alchemy coefficient tables nearby were called sisters or comrades, and there was no class barrier at all.

They are all well-educated... Jiang Han is a little autistic among a group of alchemy witches who are either rich or noble.

Most of these witches know each other, and they also use high-level professional terms when chatting. In casual chat, they will say, 'I am at my home's squash court...' I am at my home's sky island... 'I am at my home's folding space'. The words are shining with golden light and overflowing with heroism.

...Jiang Han took a sip of watermelon juice and smiled sweetly. Her temperament when not speaking was quite suitable for this scene.

After that comes the interview session.

After entering A2, the interview is generally to let the examiner get familiar with you, and it will not have any decisive effect.

——Only some partial subjects will have interviews, because there are 1,000 people for one exam in popular subjects, and the examiners do not have that much time for interviews.

The order of interviews is in alphabetical order by first name and last name.

The first person to call was a girl named An. She was wearing a goose-yellow dress, contemporary pure white pantyhose and round-toed shoes with butterfly straps. She had a yellow fake peony tied on her head. She had a beautiful face. The writing is a bit bookish, and at first glance I feel that it is heading towards academia.

She smiled politely from everyone, then walked through the door with her head held high and her back straight.

This may be the type of standing and sitting... Jiang Han sighed a little, this may be the sense of the times.

Because alchemy is a side subject, there aren’t many people who can basically get a qualification certificate...


All can be passed.


So there is no sense of competition here. Most people respond with a blessing mentality and congratulate the other party for passing the interview.

Interviews usually last about 10 minutes, and these dozen people lasted almost two hours. No wonder there were refreshments in the lounge.

Jiang Han was called in when he was filming about the 8th or 9th person.

When she reached the door, she put her hand on the door. With a little force, the door opened. Inside was a very comfortable room. The smell of a special sterile perfume was refreshing.

The room inside the house has a clean red carpet, 20 long alchemy tables including equipment are placed randomly, and in the center there is a small room surrounded by exquisite bookcases, where the four examiners are sitting.

Jiang Han walked in and saw Kraken and Li Lisi whispering. Angelette was as elegant as ever, holding her chin with one hand, as if she was meditating. Naturally, her eyes were focused on the last examiner.

This witch has soft blond hair, golden pupils of the same color as her hair, and a palm-sized face that looks a bit young. The misfortune of life and fate makes her young face look quite sad, and her golden pupils always look... It was wet and seemed to have some tears.

Sharon Curie looks like a young child, but she seems to have never been young.

"Ladies." Her voice was a little unconfident and shy. She smiled at Jiang Han. It was so fast that it almost disappeared as soon as she smiled. It was replaced by downturned corners of her mouth and wet eyes, "This is Jiang Han, Miss Jiang Han?"

Li Lisi seemed to have a good relationship with her and said to her:

"Yes, it's her. She told me many times in private that you are her idol... right, Miss Jiang Han."

Angelette made a gesture of holding her heart, and let her calm voice have a slight emotional fluctuation, imitating Jiang Han and saying:

"Yes, Miss Lilith."

Kraken laughed:

"Curie, she is our friend, don't be too restrained."

Sharon Curie nodded, and once again showed a smile that only lasted for half a second. She lowered her head and flipped her hair:

"I am very happy that you can learn the necessary basic and advanced knowledge from my books. This kind of memory link based on the inheritance of witch knowledge makes me very happy."

Her Chinese is very good, with a bit of a southern accent... Jiang Han said sincerely:

"If it weren't for your teaching materials, I might not be interested in alchemy at all, and I wouldn't be standing here taking the A2 alchemy exam. Ms. Curie, I admire you. I have been learning this mysterious subject since I started. The discipline that helps witches conquer death and conquer death, I adore you.”

When I meet my idol, my mouth feels dry.

The draft in my mind has disappeared.

The rationality belonging to the witch is collapsing, and the sensibility that is ready to emerge is fighting against the remaining reason.

The two words ‘idol’ are used very well.

Idol itself is a word with a somewhat religious temperament, or in other words, it was originally a word derived from worship and belief. It symbolizes that one person's love for another person has risen to an 'inhuman' level.

Fortunately, witches do not believe in the existence of gods, and witches are rational. This made Jiang Han clearly realize that when he looked at Sharon Curie, he looked at it with a layer of beautification.

Whether it's the wet eyes, the corners of the mouth bent by sorrow, or the reserved and shy expression.

There is a kind of inner uneasiness that makes people feel at a loss, confused, and fascinated.

My heart was strangled by a wire, and such beauty was embedded in my flesh.

Realizing that she is talented, realizing that she is the heroine of alchemical destiny, recognizing that she is talented, and recognizing that she is a tragic hero who strives hard to achieve nothing.

Fan filter.

Can you understand those fans of mothers who say, ‘Baby x has worked very hard’?

This is a link, a care, and a hope.

——Mom fans stranded 2099

...Jiang Han suppressed his emotions about meeting his idol and described the content of his studies very smoothly. He also talked about the alchemy projects he had been responsible for according to his resume that could not be copied on paper. By the way, three The patent for the sub-solvent actually belonged to Jiang Han, and Kraken registered it for her. Three days after Kraken completed the registration, Angelite tried to register the patent...

Fortunately, An Jie didn't register. This result will give Jiang Han an alchemy coefficient score of 0.3. In this exam, with such experience, there is no doubt that he has a greater chance of passing.

"I received in London from Colecraft the Mihara contact. Vic Manganese Sixth Solvent, an unexpectedly whimsical addition to a large amount of material, at a dangerous junction "Carry out what we collectively call dangerous and harmful operations." Sharon Curie said quickly and gently, slightly shyly, "This method is outside the 12 safe operation methods of the Alchemy Guidelines. I strongly hope that you will not use it again. Our The idea is…”

She paused and said:

"Calmly blending, dangerous and harmful operations obviously cannot be regarded as leisurely. If you want to create the means of rapid decomposition and rapid fusion, you can accomplish it through material neutralization reactions and soft reactions with materials."

Sharon Curie was suddenly silent for a moment, then smiled a little. The corners of her bent mouth raised a little, and she looked at Jiang Han with wet eyes, which made her heart melt.

She said gently and with a little pride:

"But if you do well, the winner should not be blamed. Some people win a battle and lose a battle, we can blame her; but if this person loses 50 battles, but wins She should not be blamed in any case. The winner takes all, the loser... can only wipe away her tears and fight again. Well done, Miss Jiang, you won the battle, and the value of your results is, Maybe it’s more than you think.”

Sharon quickly glanced around and said with a slight hint:

"Sometimes, experiments are like Angelette playing dice carelessly. You don't know what number she will get. So luck is also an important element, but don't rely on it. After all, Sometimes Angelette cheats when playing dice."

"Well, I understand." Jiang Han smiled sweetly.

An Jie, who was shot inexplicably next to her, snorted and glanced at Jiang Han. For a moment, a smile appeared on her expressionless face, and she said meaningfully:

"Lucky Witch."

That's not the best thing about chatting with smart people. You can make the other person guess a lot of things with just one word. Jiang Han glanced at Kraken and Li Lis guiltily. Neither of them paid attention to this sentence.

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