Witch for All 1994

Chapter 309 Accident in spell experiment

Jiang Han and Cen Jing spent the whole afternoon shopping. They bought all the decoration, flooring, furniture, and items used in the greenhouse. They were all high-end goods. The money spent made Jiang Han feel a little sad for Cen Jing.

But on the other hand, this witch seemed to have completely avoided some things. For example, she didn't buy laboratory supplies for Jiang Han.

Because of this, Jiang Han didn't completely feel fear and force himself to spend money.

To put it simply, Cen Jing's handling was very measured, not getting too close, nor making people too defensive, just like a generous best friend.

In the evening, they also had dinner together, and it was Cen Jing who proposed this meal, which made Jiang Han feel better.

no way.

The Witch's Savior Sword.

Sometimes they expect others to pay the bill for them, and sometimes they feel inferior and guilty because others pay the bill too many times. These contradictory feelings can all be attributed to the "Witch's Savior Sword". After all, they have maternal nature and paternal nature. While expecting others to pamper you, you also long for yourself to pamper others.

At 10:25 in the morning, the night watchman came to the audience hall in Baicheng.

No matter how many times Jiang Han has been to the Night Watch White City, he will always be shocked by its magnificent scenery and luxurious yet elegant interiors. As a replica of this palace, it is said that it is more heartwarming than its prototype, the European White City. Sincerely convinced.

The pinnacle of great witches lives here.

As the recognized 'monarch' of witches all over the world lives here, apart from its symbolic meaning, White City, as Angelite's mage tower, has extremely terrifying power radiation no matter where it is in the world.

And this time the monarch proposed an urgent commission, which was a great deal. The commission fee was 20,001 days, and he still asked for two witches at once.

This is also the reason why Jiang Han brought his cousin Jiang Miao here. Zhenling was too smart to cheat her out of the commission fee, but A Miao loved her very much and consciously said to hand over 50% of the commission fee to She - Even so, there is still 10,001 days, which is really the best job.

"What is our commission this time?" Miss Jiang Miao asked in a low voice. She seemed to be shocked by Baicheng, and even her lively appearance became a bit reserved.

After all, she is a girl who is only 14 or 15 years old... Jiang Han ignored the way he was shocked when he came here for the first time, and said with a little pride:

"I don't know, but Anjie and I are friends, just like Miss Ke and I are friends."

The implication is that reward trip.

You must know that at the end of this trip a few days ago, their best friends and little sisters got together to discuss why Kraken, the great witch, was so approachable.

Jiang Han added in his mind, 'Maybe it's because of Ping? ’

The approachable Kraken must be similar to Angelite, right? This formula may have flashed through Jiang Miao's mind, and she finally relaxed a little, and her smile became lively again:

"Then she didn't tell you about any commission?"

Jiang Han recalled the text messages the other party sent to him. Most of them were about testing earthy love words. There were also several paragraphs in which Jiang Han talked about stomachaches, and there were two girlfriends who talked about it. Anyone who talks about having big breasts is not suitable for Jiang Miao to see.

The topics discussed between best friends really have no scruples...Jiang Han thought that maybe the witch world only had one gender, so he was a little scrupulous about it. If it were a parallel world, it might be even more...cough. She stopped her random thoughts and said:

"I really don't know, but she asked two people to receive the commission."

Regarding Anjie, Kraken said that she was in terrible health recently. She even beat up Lin Zhaojun the day before yesterday, but she was absent last night and let another great witch take her place, Agatha Langdon. Top 3 great witches. It can also be seen from here that the great witches also have their own small groups. Agatha and Josephine are obviously sent by Angelique, while the other great French witch and Li Lisi can be regarded as belonging to the Kraken sect. .

It's just that there is no subordinate relationship between the great witches, it is a relatively close relationship, and they will entrust and entrust the person with the task at the critical moment.

After all, Li Lisi, the last of the great witches, can also beat other great witches very hard after transforming into a dragon. Although with their combat experience and actual combat ability, spending a few seconds to transform into a dragon in front of them is really looking for death. But the advantage of transforming into a dragon is that you can change it in advance and fly over, which also makes Li Lisi 'really have' the intimidation power of a great witch.

She can transform into a dragon in advance and then strike.

After waiting for 5 minutes, a neatly dressed night watchman with gray-blue eyes came out and took the two of them into the throne room.

The scene on the throne in the throne room shocked Jiang Han.

The throne was surrounded by layers of black gauze, and you could only vaguely see a figure sitting inside. In front of the throne was a cage containing a canary, but it was a bit larger. Inside was a gray-haired canine creature that could be described as 'beautiful'.

This fox-like creature has the usual canine characteristics, but the claws on its four legs are glowing blue, its back has gorgeous velvet-like hair and long feather-like hair, and its huge tail is somewhat similar to a nine-tailed fox. , the nine-tufted furry tail makes people want to touch it, and the patterns on its eyes are even more mysterious and primitive.

There are bands on this fox's body that are engraved with a large number of runes.

There is a long table next to it, filled with top-notch unopened canine care supplies. Some of the fox cans even contain thin beef stew that costs 70 yuan a meal. Even the land man and the witch There is no problem eating it and it tastes delicious.

70 yuan for a meal of pet food... better than what I eat... Jiang Han muttered to himself, looked at each other with Jiang Miao, and felt normal after noticing that his cousin had a similar expression.

Sure enough, I'm not the only one who thinks this fox eats better than me!

The night watcher also seemed to feel that something was slightly wrong, but she still bowed to the throne with respect and made another skirt-lifting ceremony:

"My lady, they have been brought here. Is there anything else you need?"

The figure in the black veil coughed, and could vaguely see a wave of his hand:

"Back off."

Her voice was a bit deep, devoid of emotion and a bit appealingly hoarse, which was different from usual.

She added:

"Thank you for your hard work, Miss Carrie."

The night watchman felt nothing was wrong and retreated, but Jiang Han was already wary.

Something is wrong.

Although Angelette is usually very polite, it makes you feel more like 'she is proud of everything', unlike now, where she seems to be a bit gentle.

The door to the throne room gradually closed.

The sunlight shines in through the floor-to-ceiling glass windows, making people a little dazzling and a little sleepy. After all, this is their sleeping time.

Jiang Han didn't want to come at first, but the money An Jie gave was really too much.

The figure in the black gauze waved his hand, and the curtains on the floor-to-ceiling windows automatically untied and hung down, blocking the sunlight. At the same time, countless fluorescent butterflies exploded in the entire throne room. The water droplets produced by lighting, those water droplets are fake. When they drip on the ground and objects, they turn into exploding powder, slowly fall to the ground, and are finally recovered by some kind of magic.

The fox's cage was also melted. After the graceful creature jumped out, it rolled back and jumped to the throne, opening the black veil.

The figure sitting behind the black veil is undoubtedly Angelite.

The final witch looked at the air with gentle eyes that Jiang Han didn't recognize, and the most eye-catching thing was...

"Eh? Anjie, why do you have fox ears?"

A pair of huge gray fur fox ears appeared on Angelite's head. The great witch was wearing a white and blue skirt. Her slender legs were covered with white and slightly reflective stockings. One foot was on the ground, and the other leg was on the ground. Then she stepped on the throne very irregularly. She supported her knee with one hand and leaned her head on it, while her other hand gently touched the knee of the other leg.

And nine huge fox tails were moving restlessly.

She grinned, revealing her sharp white fangs:

"With a small mistake, I tried to touch racialization as a pure human witch, and the result was much more interesting than I imagined."

Anjie seemed to be suffering from ADHD. When she spoke, she raised one hand and did several Tai Chi push-hand movements. Only then did Jiang Han find that her nails had also grown longer, and they were also glowing with a faint blue color:

"I entrust you to take care of my tails for a little while. Just for this day, hold them while I study. I don't know why my tail starts to move when I think about it now..."

Her nine furry tails and the fox's tail did a series of gaudy rapper-meets-fist-bumps.

Her face turned red for a while and then disappeared quickly. She said in an extremely cold voice that Jiang Han had never heard before:

"…and you are never allowed to speak out about what happened today."

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