Witch for All 1994

Chapter 299 Guest appearance as the core of Team Weather

The sun has sunk beneath the sky, and the moonlight has risen.

When the food supply is lost, as long as she has magic power, the witch's ability to resist hunger will be significantly improved.

After 10 hours of warm bathing, although the witches felt a little tired, the improvement they received made them energetic. An increase of 2,000 points of magic power, even for many great witches, is an increase of one-tenth to one-twentieth. When converted into numerical values, this is an increase of 5% to 10%.

The scene reflected in Yongjie's eyes became clearer and clearer. The world Jiang Han saw contained a large amount of air currents and a mist of magical power that ordinary witches could not distinguish.

The mist evaporates from the air and flows in the direction of the wind, taking away the mist and moisture, leaving behind something dry.

The entire sky island seemed to be shrouded in endless beautiful mist, but even the weak moonlight could clearly penetrate the transparent smoke in Jiang Han's eyes.

I can control the rain.

After being strengthened by the magic power in the crystal cave, the eternal knot eyes gave birth to spell-like abilities, which are similar to a racial talent of warlocks. Just like the Dragon Turtle Witch is born with the ability to use tsunami, Jiang Han can also use it as an instinct. of controlling rainwater.

The birth of this kind of magic depends on the method of strengthening.

The best spell-like abilities that this crystal cave can provide are naturally the time system and the ability to manipulate space, but the probability is too low, and the siren is inherently insensitive to the passage of time, just like the dragon turtle witch, and Most dragon witches are also not good at time-related abilities.

The spell-like ability awakened by Jiang Han is to control rain, a special prophecy level 7 spell whose scientific name is [Omniscient Rain].

Its consumption is huge, far more than ordinary level 7 spells, and may even have the consumption of legendary spells. However, under such a terrible consumption, the effect of omniscient rain is also extremely terrifying and strange. Although Jiang Han is not a prophecy expert, Jing may be good at prophecy, but the application of this instinct-like spell has been imprinted in Yongjie's eyes.

First, by consuming a huge amount of magic power to change the weather, the weather of the entire sky and area is controlled, and turned into several different types of rain according to the user's choice, but each type of rain can sense the enemy's movements and status. Equivalent to a large-scale omniscient eye ability, Jiang Han guessed that this was the origin of the 'omniscient' in [Omniscient Rain].

Second, the types of rainwater are divided into:

[Sun Rain] - It can heal friends and yourself, and at the same time increase the temperature of the rain. Skilled use can turn creatures similar to water elements summoned by the witch into boiling water elements, and continuously improve the user of the rain. The rain shield has various physical abilities and accumulated defense. It is a rain shield that emphasizes facing the enemy head-on. Jiang Han estimates that after using it, he will transform into a "front-facing girl" and be able to defeat the pyrotechnics of a witch of Li Lisi's level. The kind that gives a counterattack.

[Misty Rain] - Continuously taking away the enemy's body temperature and constantly turning the air into cold weather. Witch spells with cold attributes can penetrate cold resistance, and will continue to accumulate offensive rain thorns and powerful regeneration abilities.

And the final form [Sun Rainstorm], this form consumes more terrifying magic power, but it will form violent rainstorms and hurricanes under the sun, which will continuously deprive the enemy of resistance and physical energy and restore them to oneself. At the same time, in the Sun Rainstorm form, Jiang Han can completely use water attribute spells as fire spells. He can create pure rain with a temperature that can burn rocks at any time, and all physical abilities and spell resistance will increase by an objective value.

Third, the omniscient rain will create puddles, and the user's spell can be copied from the puddles by consuming five times the magic power. For example, Jiang Han activated the omniscient rain for several minutes, and when she released the ghost ship, It can consume 25 times the magic power of the Phantom Ship and summon 6 Ship Riders at the same time!

"A witch with about 5000 to 6000 magic power can use Omniscient Rain for 1 minute... It is still in the fog and rain form. The consumption of sun rain and sun rainstorm form is more terrible. However, the more magic power a witch has, the mana regeneration and mana upper limit increase. The higher the efficiency, maybe a witch with 10,000 magic power can last for almost 3 minutes."

"This spell must have magic power to last for a long time to be powerful. Hey, I feel like my luck is working. This ability is a perfect combination of offense and defense for me!"

"I seem to be able to control the enemy by singing first, then turn on the sunstorm, and use two shields at the same time. Otherwise, I will be dispelled by spells such as dispel magic. But are all spell-like abilities so terrifying? Cen Jing One of the spell-like abilities to summon the undead is quite buggy...and it feels like the spell-like abilities consume more mana than normal spells. The advantage is that they can be used quickly."

But summoning rain, rain can also add positive status to teammates. Am I a sunny child? As the core of Team Rainy Day, a Master Ball is too much to live in... Jiang Han shook her head after receiving the spell-like message. After sorting out the information, she walked out of the crystal cave and jumped into the cold pool.

The splash caused dissatisfaction from Miss Chen Ligu next to her. The other party patted Jiang Han on the head, then smiled and ruffled her hair.

Phew... It's cold, so comfortable... Although Jiang Han likes warm water, the fact that he didn't peel after soaking in warm water for 10 hours can only be said to be a characteristic of a creature like a witch. It would be best if she could soak in cold water for a while, but she lazily cast a floating spell on herself and floated in the pool with the current.

Jiang Miao grabbed her, pulled her next to Clarken who was chatting with Jiang Zhenling about management, and asked with a smile:

"What spell-like ability did you get?"

More than 2,000 magic powers are definitely a lot for Jiang Miao. She is one of those witches who 'may reach 20,000'. Coupled with these 2,000 and her good magic growth potential, she will be one of the witches in the Jiang Han family. The second great witch.

——Maybe Jiang Han and Jiang Miao will see each other right in the future, and as soon as the family starts to stir things up, they will immediately fall in love with each other, and the cousins ​​will fall in love.

She also has a bit of siren blood, her eyes are so blue and a bit ice-colored, she looks quite like a siren.

Jiang Han murmured for a moment, feeling that if the other person stopped growing taller from now on, then she might just obey immediately. But this little cousin is only 14 or 15 years old. According to the physical development of the witch, she is still three or four years old. Some witches are still growing even when they are twenty years old. Jiang Han knows that there is no hope for her, because she measures herself every morning when she gets up. For several months, she has not grown even 1 millimeter...

Good cousin, you must not be 20 centimeters taller, otherwise our cousin relationship will be completely ruined... Jiang Han secretly muttered, if the smiling Jiang Miao listens to this, I'm afraid it won't be Ye Heifeng. Gao took a file and shaved her another five centimeters.

Jiang Han looked worried and said:

"A spell to summon rain."

"Didn't you get a magic-like spell like Time Stop?" After Kraken finished speaking, he shook his head and said to himself, "That is indeed very rare and generally difficult to get... The magic-like spell you got is that Summon rain? [Weather Rain]? Or [Purifying Rain]?"

Weather Rain is a level 4 spell, and Purifying Rain is also a level 4 spell. It seems that Kraken has some knowledge of this place of adventure.

Jiang Han was a little embarrassed to say that what he got was a level 7 rare spell, but he thought that he was indeed a lucky player, so he thought for a while and said honestly:

"It's [The Rain of Omniscient]."

Kraken was silent for a moment, sighed and said:

"The spell-like thing in my eyes is a healing fireball. From that day on, I ended my plan to be a spell-like witch."

The Everlasting Eye is combined with the healing fireball. No wonder Jiang Han has rarely seen Kraken use his spell-like abilities. It's too inconsistent.

what is this? Freeze someone, throw a healing fireball at them, not only thaw them but also fill them with milk... Oh, maybe Dorothy will like this spell-like ability, after all, she is a spiral medicine drinker and an expert in taunting. However, Dorothy's luck was similar to that of Ah Lin, and she failed to obtain the top witch certificate.

Jiang Han scratched his hair and exposed his snow-white neck. After catching his attention, he blushed slightly and said:

"I love its sun-rain pattern."

When a person observes another person's body, he or she tends to be very tolerant of that person.

Kraken was stunned for about a few tenths of a second, then he looked away with good concealment, and his smile reappeared, even a little kind - considering her age, it is probably possible for her to be Jiang Han's grandmother at her age, so Although this kind gaze glanced irregularly, it was still kind.

She glanced at Jiang Miao, probably thinking that the cousins ​​Jiang Han and Jiang Miao were really talented, her smile became more loving, and she casually made some popular science:

"Omniscient Rain is a very powerful level 7 rare spell, but its casting time is too long and does not meet the needs of witch duelists. Therefore, you will rarely see this spell used in duels and competitions, but in actual combat, this spell The most famous user of this spell is Agatha, one of the great witches. Lilith also likes to use it. Lilith can transform into a dragon and make it rain, which will basically make even Anjie give in."

"But Jiang Han's spell-like ability is instantaneous. It may only be a 20% improvement for actual combat, but for competitions and duels, it's very powerful."

Her smile disappeared, she pursed her lips, and repeated:


Jiang Zhenling looked at her sister from the side, her eyes moved downward, and she repeated herself unconsciously:


No need to repeat it, right? Jiang Han glared at his sister and looked at Kraken:

"Then you chose to strengthen your luck?"

"No, I chose magic." Kraken said matter-of-factly.

Jiang Han was stunned, and his voice became louder unconsciously:

"Huh? Didn't you say that if you had to choose, you would definitely choose luck?"

"Yes, that's what I said." Kraken made a gesture and explained, "Look, if you choose luck, you won't lose 100% of the time, right? With luck, as long as you choose it, you will definitely not lose. .”

"Yes." Jiang Han replied quickly.

Although witches are not sure of its role in luck, it is recognized that this attribute exists, because some witches are indeed very lucky. For example, a weak witch with 400 magic power started to encounter adventures at the age of 16, and by the time she was 26 She turned into a powerful witch with 24,000 magic powers at the age of 18. This kind of thing that appears in newspapers can make many witches envious. Only lucky witches can do it.

If Jiang Zhenling, Chen Ligu, and Jiang Miao didn't all need these 2,000 points of magic power, wouldn't they be able to choose the lucky one instantly? If you can feel it.

After receiving the answer, Kraken spread his hands:

"But does it have magic-like happiness? Definitely not. Let me choose between luck and happiness, and I choose happiness."

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