Witch for All 1994

Chapter 276 The heroine is still ‘crazy’ at the top

Squirrel Club Lobby, Registration Office.

After receiving the work entrustment certificate for the musical [The Ballad of the Sirens, Cecilia], the registration was carried out. Log this work record into the Squirrel Club's computer and it will be automatically uploaded to a server and then also be uploaded to the server. Print it out in your district and store it in the warehouse to confirm the insurance, and finally return the stamped entrustment certificate to Jiang Han.

Looking at the seal above, Jiang Han sighed with emotion:

"The work efficiency is so high."

"Isn't this the standard speed?" Qiao Rou took a can of energy drink next to her and drank a lot, and said a little relaxedly, "But you actually came here to accept the commission. This is a bit unexpected for me. I thought You go directly to work in the literary and art department of the city hall...I mean, if you have the idea of ​​developing in this area."

No, it’s just that if I don’t accept the request from the Squirrel Committee, the books they lent me will be confiscated... Jiang Han naturally couldn’t say this in front of the staff of the Squirrel Committee, so he could only use another way of saying it:

"It's just that I've been trying it a little bit lately."

"Oh, that's it." Qiao Rou smiled knowingly.

Today, the witch is wearing a costume that imitates the British police uniform. She looks very cool. She also has a baton that is also part of the costume under her arm.

Theater troupes are generally not short of money. In other words, the worries of parallel world theater troupes basically do not exist in this world, and the worries of this world theater troupe are also difficult for musical theater troupes in parallel worlds to understand.

For example, the supporting actor could not be found 3 days before the show started, or even the lead actor suddenly touched someone, and he was in space...

The advantage of the Witch Troupe is that the cost of the props is very, very low. Those costumes that are not made of witch materials are cheap and only cost about 20 yuan. You can buy a high-quality set that can be worn daily. Costumes. But when it comes to witch materials, they are particularly expensive. For example, the casual skirt Jiang Han wears costs thousands, which is what she wears to meet people.

That's still doll modification, and the price is quite cheap.

It may be a bit funny to say it, but the casual skirt Jiang Han is wearing is not bulletproof...Thick clothes made of non-witch materials can even be bulletproof. If it wasn't enchanted, I wouldn't know which kind of clothes would be better at resisting hits, but it definitely looked good-looking as it was made of witch material.

The difference is probably that the witch material is 4K-level clear, while ordinary clothing is only 720P, and the delicate and smooth feeling is completely different!

If a thin dress like Jiang Han's is made of ordinary materials, it will probably not have any fluctuations at all when worn on Kraken, but if it is replaced by the witch material, the softness and close-fitting lightness, as long as it is not real It's a whole steel plate, but you can still see the undulations, so Kraken is really a whole steel plate.

Jiang Han glanced at Qiao Rou's costume and found a sense of disharmony, so he glanced down and as expected saw long boots, probably with thick soles:

"Do you also have a role in the crew?"

"Yes." Although Qiao Rou is small and has a soft personality, she still has a very standard idea of ​​a witch. She said in a slightly worried tone: "Fortunately, she is just a sidekick and has about 10 to 20 seconds of appearance time. , sometimes I really admire you, you are so happy to be photographed."

Like vampires, witches don't like to be photographed in public.

The former is about dying in the light, and the latter is about a sensitive psychology of being victimized.

Because she is a witch! There are so many things that the witch can do to the photos. If they are not coded, they might secretly make a doll and put it at home, licking it day and night. Only those with strong spirits can ignore this... Although, Jiang Han felt that this was a victim mentality. Why would a person lick a doll if nothing happened?

A doll costs 800 to 900. With that kind of money, you can go to the little witch club where you can't afford to wear clothes and show off two or three times.

Wait, is this a Soviet joke?

Jiang Han reacted and asked Qiao Rou pretending to be curious:

"Hey, why? Isn't it a beautiful and happy thing to show yourself to others on stage and in photos?"

She twisted her body and made a very provocative skirt-lifting gesture, slightly exposing her white left shoulder.

She knows the performance of her clothes very well, and now she can completely rely on her body movements to expose her shoulders if she wants to, expose her shoulders if she wants to, and make others vaguely see what she wants others to see vaguely. Even if you want to take it off immediately, you can do such a level of technical action that you can do it.

Qiao Rou looked away, thought for a moment and said:

"When photos are taken, won't they do all kinds of weird things? When I think about my photos being treated like that, it should be..."

"But how did you know that you would be treated like that?" Jiang Han seized the opportunity and interrupted slowly, "And how did you know that the photo would be treated like that?"

Miss Qiao Rou turned her head and stared at Jiang Han. Her expression was like a frightened cat suddenly realizing 'what did I do?' and she fell into a strange kind of contemplation and reflection:


Soviet jokes never go out of style... Jiang Han shook his body left and right, with a smile that could not be beaten.

"Ah, by the way, Miss Jiang Han, are you going to meet the heroine of the crew today? She is a sea monster like you." Qiao Rou abruptly stopped the topic.

If you continue to bully her, it would be too much... Although it will definitely be fun, it might make her angry... Jiang Han chose the latter between 'enjoying it once and for all' and 'recurring for a long time' and followed the other party's advice. Continue talking about the topic:

"Okay, is she on the set today?"

Speaking of the heroine, Qiao Rou sighed a little:

"No, not here, but she's nearby. I'll take you to see her."

"Oh, okay." Jiang Han nodded, although the word 'see' was a bit weird, as if he had a premonition of going to the zoo to see animals.

On the fifteenth floor of the Squirrel Committee, there was an empty room that looked like a ballet studio.

Hanging from the ceiling are wall clocks that look like cave rocks. Countless clocks and pocket watches are scattered on the ground. The sound of the clicking gears is not noisy, but is like dripping in a water hole. The feeling of the continuous sound of water.

There is a high-backed chair in the center of the room. Its backrest plate reaches the ceiling. The structure is made of black iron color and it is unclear whether it is wood, stone or iron. The seat and back cushions are red.

Sitting on the chair was a tall woman with her head lowered.

Her hands were tied with a delicate ribbon tied with a bow.

The feet have delicate ribbon-style restraints.

She was wearing an elegant black dress, with a ruby ​​pendant hanging from her white neck.

"...Is this the heroine?" Jiang Han was silent for a moment and looked at Qiao Rou.

"It's her..." Qiao Rou was silent for a while before answering.

The whispers of the two of them were so inconspicuous in this room with constant ticking and soft sound of water, but the woman seemed to hear them all at once.

Raising her lowered head, she has a pair of stunningly beautiful eyes.

Only then did Jiang Han see her appearance.

The first impression is:

This woman is an incredibly weird combination of handsomeness and beauty.

She seems to have a terrifying charm that makes people fall in love with her unconditionally at a glance. Her facial features are surprisingly delicate and exquisite, her eyes are big but have an unruly masculine feel, and her high eyebrows are supposed to be cold and masculine but have the charm of a girl.

Almost instantly, Jiang Han felt her heartbeat speeding up, but she didn't feel shy. Instead, she felt like 'this is how it should be'.

If your heart does not beat in the face of such beauty, then this person must have a heart of stone.

If your heart does not beat in the face of this kind of charm, then you must be a heartless beast.

Jiang Han's everlasting eyes met this woman's everlasting eyes, as if they were fatally attracted.

The ice-colored eyes have caused many controversies since ancient times.

That is - how did the definition of ice color come into being?

Colorless can be ice color, blue can be ice color, even the dark sea bottom can be ice color, and white snow can also be ice color.

The ice color of Yongjie's eyes is crystal clear, with a very light blue as the base, containing a little cherry color, a little dark color and a little bright color, but it is still light blue in general.

But the siren in front of Jiang Han's eyes was a kind of crystal-clear ice that was almost cherry-colored, extremely tempting and alluring.

"Hello, Davalish." Her voice was like the sound of nature. She bit her left lip lightly with her teeth, and a slightly crazy smile appeared on the right side. "Please forgive me, I can't stand up, the doctor said I'd better get some more rest here. Oh, I forgot to introduce myself."

Her voice is clear and beautiful, with the tension and fatal attraction of the deep sea, and a bit of tired hoarseness:

"My name is Meiying, like a scar, a cross, a burden, like a strong wind that capsizes a boat... What about you, Davarisi?"

Jiang Han woke up with a start, shook his head, and looked at Qiao Rou beside him.

This woman is so terrifying, she can make people look at her without realizing it... She is prettier than Cen Jing, even prettier than Cen Jing... This is the first time Jiang Han has seen her, and she can be said to be 'pretty'. A woman who is a level above Cen Jing.

"My name is Jiang Han, and I will play a small role in the crew, a two- to three-minute role." After Jiang Han finished speaking, he took a deep breath and suddenly smelled a very fragrant aroma.

The beautiful Mei Ying, who could be punished for her beauty, raised her hands and placed them on Jiang Han's neck.


Why can this woman touch my neck? Jiang Han's eyes widened in surprise, and Qiao Rou's eyes widened as well. Suddenly, the two of them looked back with awareness.

They were already some distance away from the door, and unknowingly they had arrived in front of Mei Ying, and Jiang Han was almost close to her.


Meiying let go of her hand and leaned back. Even her flat mouth movements were so beautiful and charming:

“My name will live long after death, and when women desire something, they will seek me from the depths of their hearts.”

This cursed beauty, and Meiying's madness, are exactly why she needs a psychiatrist and this room.

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